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FREYA ALMOST SCREAMED AS A figure grabbed her arm and dragged her in the second floor broom closet. And as a first instinct, she punched the person straight in the nose.

"Ouch!" a male voice wailed. "What the fuck, Frey!?"

"James!?" Freya exclaimed. "What the fuck!?"

"Why did you punch me!?"

"Well, why did you kidnap me!?"

"I didn't kidnap you, you loon! I just wanted to talk to you!

"By dragging me unknowingly in a broom closet!? You could've just —"

"Shh!" In a second, Freya was wrapped around James' arm with his hand cupping her mouth.

"Wha-ah-he?!" Freya's voice was muffled with James blocking his lips.

"Shut up. I hear McGonagall," James whispered and as Freya stopped struggling, sure enough, both heard the voice of the Head of Gryffindor.

"Argus," they heard McGonagall sigh in frustration, (un)conveniently stopping straight outside the broom closet. "I don't think Sugar Quills are that distracting that they should be prohibited."

"But Minerva, ma'am, they take the students minds off of studying! Do you not agree, so?" the voice of Argue Filch answered and another heavy sigh was heard from McGonagall.

"For the last time, Argus, I do not think that ..."

The voices drifted away and James, when he was assured the two superiors were out of earshot, let go of Freya's mouth.

Freya let go the breath she was holding and had intended to glare at James. But in instead, she found herself blushing at the sight of their close proximity. Reluctantly, Freya placed her hand on James' chest — unwillingly feeling his toned muscles — and pushed him back a bit.

James seemed confused for a moment before realizing the situation and smirking, his eyes glinting in amusement and mischief. "Don't want me so close, eh, Freya?"

Freya blushed harder — and she mentally noted to thank the darkness — and rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

"Better get used to it, babe. I mean, we had basically kissed. We'll be doing more of that soon." James playfully stroked Freya's cheeks as his smirk grew wider. Freya swore her stomach did a back flip like it did in cliché muggle books she grew up with. Not only did her cheeks look heated up but they felt heated up. And she prayed to Artemis that James couldn't feel it.

She tried to keep her cool and feigned her gymnastic stomach feeling as she grabbed James' hand to abruptly stop him. "Nobody is around. We don't have to act all lovey-dovey."

James raised his eyebrow at her and for a moment, Freya thought he had seen past her emotions. But then James chuckled and took a good inch back. "I know — just messing with you, Frey."

Freya rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "So, do enlighten me, James Potter, why had you decided to pull me in a broom closet at a time where I should be merrily enjoying lunch?"

James oh so casually sat on a stack of boxes — as if he'd been in that broom closet for all his life and knew how the room worked — and answered. "Well, I just wanted to check with you if you were okay about the kiss the other day."

Freya raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I just realized we never brought it up." James shrugged. "We've been so caught up in the party and yesterday was rest day and we didn't see each other because —"

"Because you slept for twenty two hours straight?" Freya said with a mocking grin, making James gasp excessively.

"Twenty one and a half! Darn, Frey, don't paint me as a couch potato." James mockingly feigned hurt, making the brunette in front of her laugh. James laughed along with her and when both died down, James continued. "But seriously, though, you're okay with the kiss?"

Freya contemplated. Was she okay with the kiss? She didn't exactly swoon over it but she did admit she liked it. And she didn't feel uncomfortable — if not, it actually felt meant to be but Freya wouldn't admit to being sappy. She shrugged and said, "Hey, it's part of the act, right?"

"So," James smirked and stood up. He took a step closer to Freya and unnecessarily leaned down to her height. "You're okay with me kissing the living daylights out of you?"

Freya rolled her eyes. "Don't increase your ego, Potter. You make it as of you're the only person I've locked my lips with."

James raised an eyebrow, still smirking. "I thought I was."

"Hell, no," Freya interjected. "Fabian Prewett was my first kiss back in fourth year."

"I did not know that." James commented. "Huh, guess you learn something new everyday."

Freya rolled her eyes, again. "Idiot. You literally know me and Sirius were fuck buddies. How can you even think that I haven't kissed anyone before?"

"I'll take that." James shrugged, amusement laced in his eyes. "So, anyway, since you're very okay with me kissing you." James stepped forward and there was almost no space between the two — there was barely enough space in the broom closet as it is.

"What do you mean?" Freya's heart was thumping so loudly she was surprised James couldn't hear it in such an enclosed space. Was she feeling nervous? Yep, I'm just feeling uncomfortable with the closeness, that's all.

"Because I have an idea." said James, eyes twinkling. "And it has a 50% chance of getting us into detention but I feel like its worth it."

And when James had an idea, it always succeeded. But it wasn't always a good one.

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