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THE MARAUDERS WERE LAUGHING AS they descended the stairs from their dormitory to the common room. It wasn't just because it was a Saturday — which was enough for a teenager to be happy. But because it was Sirius' birthday and of course, the Marauders woke him up with their tradition: pouring a bucket of water on the birthday celebrant which, of course, led to the usual rowdy house fight.

          But Sirius' smile spread wider as he saw Freya already waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Freya was wearing a red varsity jacket, dark jeans, and sneakers. She was grinning at Sirius, a small cupcake with a tiny candle on her hands.

          "Ooh, a cupcake," Sirius said playfully as he reached the bottom, standing in front of her. The Marauders all settled behind him and Freya looked at them. The three gave her nods, an indication that they had successfully started the day the way they usually would on Sirius or any of the other's birthday.

         Because that was the plan: go through the day wherein you know that it is Sirius' birthday. Give him his gifts, pamper him with greetings so he'd think that that's it. So he wouldn't expect more since he's already getting presents and happy birthday's. Then they're going to execute the surprise party. It wasn't creative — it was the typical birthday surprise — but throw Sirius a party and he'll talk about it for weeks.

         Freya grinned wider, "Happy birthday, love."

         Sirius grinned as well, "Thank you."

         "Quick, blow and make a wish," Freya squealed lightly, making Sirius chuckle. He did playfully close his eyes for a moment and then blew out the candle. "What did you wish for?"

         "For a beautiful girl to kiss me," he said innocently and then dipped down to kiss Freya, making her smile into the kiss. When he pulled back, he grinned, "Would you look at that, the wish just came true. What a magical cupcake that is, huh?"

          Freya chuckled and then kissed his cheek. "You're a dork."

         "I'm your dork," Sirius added and Freya giggled.

         "Can we please wrap this up?" Remus spoke with an exasperated expression. James, from beside him, mentally noted to thank him later. He was dying from the scene enfolding within his very sight.

         He had agreed to plan Sirius' surprise with Freya. They planned for a day and then told everyone that were involved the next. It wasn't bad at all for his part. At least he got to spend some time with Freya without Sirius around. Though, ironic that they only spent time alone was because of Sirius.

          Nothing special happened. At least, nothing worth writing anymore. The usual intensity they had wasn't present although they were alone in the common room when they planned. It all seemed strictly professional. And Freya was just so passionate to make things perfect for Sirius that it just made James glum.

         All James could think of was: this is for Sirius. I should be focusing as well.

         But it was hard when the girl you loved was a feet away from you, looking spectacular, yet all that came out of her mouth was your best friends name.

         Freya rolled her eyes though amused. She, then, reached for the a small, flat box, in her pocket. It was wrapped in bright yellow paper with a white ribbon. She grinned at Sirius and then handed it to him, "For you."

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