↳ 7: NOSE

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FREYA DID NOT EXPECT TO wake up with a bouquet of red roses by her nightstand. But when she did, her heart fluttered. And through her still sleepy state, she somehow thought they were from Sirius.

          "James is the sweetest. You're lucky, Frey." Marlene McKinnon commented as she passed by her bedstand while combing her hair.


         Marlene giggled at how groggy she sounded. "Your boyfriend, duh? Who else would send you roses at 6A.M. in the morning?"

         Certainly not Sirius as I hoped. Freya told herself.

         Still, Freya found herself smiling as she grabbed the bouquet and pulled them to her nose to smell their beautiful scent. She, at first, thought James might have gone overboard with sending the roses — they didn't have to pretend all the time. But when she saw the envious look on Lily's eyes, Freya understood why he sent them — to make Lily Evans jealous. Because that was the plan. Why else would he send her flowers? And who said she wanted to, anyway?

          "Look what kind of man you wasted, Lily." Alice Fortescue commented jokingly to which only made the ginger haired girl roll her eyes playfully.

          "Enough of this, ladies. We need to get ready for the day. We have classes."

          "Oh, Lily Evans, the ever pompous prefect."


FREYA ALMOST SLAPPED JAMES POTTER when he sat down next to her at breakfast and kissed her cheek. It was a good thing she quickly remembered that they were a couple and it was normal for couples to do that.

          "Did you see my gift, love?"

          Freya playfully rolled her eyes. "Well, it was kind of hard to miss it, now isn't it? I mean, it was literally lying next to me."

          James chuckled and pulled her close by her waist. "Stop being sarcastic, you look adorable."

          "Don't I always?" Freya playfully smirked as she, successfully, just answered sarcastically.

          "Ugh, you guys are too cute!" Marlene gushed from in front of the couple.

          "Why, thank you, Marlene." James smiled widely. But not because he enjoyed the compliment. But because he enjoyed the effect of it on the red hair girl that sat next to her.

          Lily's face was turning red and she stared at her plate as of it was going to fade away — as if it needed close attention. And Freya, too, had noticed this. She immediately wanted to stop. She knew she was hurting her best friend — though Lily had never admitted to liking James, Freya knew she did. She just wish she would fess up earlier so it would be less pain for everyone. But knowing Lily, the stubborn girl wouldn't have it.

          "Anyway, the first Quidditch match of the year for Gryffindor is tomorrow. It's us versus Ravenclaw." said James then turned to Freya. "Just wanted to know if you'd watch, babe."

          "Of course, I would. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Freya said with a small smile and then kissed James on the nose.

          James seemed to be caught off guard because his eyes widened at the suddenness. It was the first that Freya had kissed him in their fake relationship — it was always him kissing her cheek, forehead and/or temple. And for some reason, it made the lad grin. "See you, then."

           With one last kiss on the cheek, James stood up and went back to sit with his friends. Leaving a gushing Marlene and Alice, a confused Lily, and a heart thumping Freya.

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