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ALL THROUGHOUT THE WEEK AFTER James and Freya's outburst, things couldn't be more awkward. More discrete glances were exchanged and more distance were made between the two.

        The students have been gossiping, making their own theories about the Gryffindor Golden Couple. Some think they're having problems because of Lily, and some think because of Sirius. Quite a few think the two aren't in the same light when it came to James' pranking. Others even think that James' family didn't accept Freya because she was a half blood. But the grand question was: Were they still together?

        No one wanted that question answered more than James and Freya themselves. Yet, both were stuck with the idea that neither of them wanted to talk to each other. James thinking he had driven Freya away with the hurtful words he didn't mean to say. And Freya thinking she had driven James away with her stupid admitting of her feelings.

        Neither of their friends knew what was even going on by that point — not even Remus nor Froyce nor Lily. Neither James nor Freya decided to disclose their conversation that night. And so, the group of friends were engulfed in a very awkward atmosphere as the original nine of them, plus Frank Longbottom were teamed up for a group Potions project.

        "So, this is the finals project," Remus started, sitting down in between Freya and Peter as he spoke. He let go the huge, blank, binded, parchment book with a thud in the middle of the circle. The group of friends around it flinched. Not only from the sound but from the size of the book — they knew they had a lot to do. "The school year is ending and we have to make a book of all the relevant things we learned in Potions."

        "Which is none," said Sirius, who was sat next to Alice and then smirked aloofly. The pixie haired girl only rolled her eyes at the boy.

        "This is serious, Sirius," Remus pointed. Sirius, Marlene, Mary, and Frank couldn't help but wheeze a bit. Remus ignored them and continued, "We are all the sixth year Gryffindors, the ten of us. It's us versus Slytherin and the other houses."

       "Well, the nine of us," said Mary. "Where is James?"

       "Moony," Sirius started, completely choosing to ignore Mary's question. "We're the house of the brave, not the wise. Let Ravenclaw win. It'll hurt their ego if they don't."

       "And I'll lose a chance if we don't," Remus countered. His face looked determined but the slight distraught didn't go unnoticed by the group.

       "Um, okay, what is going on?" Freya asked, raising an eyebrow at her friend.

       "Shouldn't we ask you the same thing?" Alice shot, smirking at Freya when she glared at her friend. The girl only laughed.

       Freya discretely made eye contact with Sirius. He was already staring at her back. Both had the same question in their eyes — Where was James? The lot has agreed to meet up that night after dinner at the common room to get started and James was already late for half an hour. It wouldn’t be such a big deal — James wasn't always a punctual person — but in the situation where he was not in good terms with Freya nor Sirius, the two couldn't help but think that it's because of them.

       But, as if on cue, the man of the hour arrived. A bunch of chocolate and candies and chips were within his arms as he entered from the portrait. Peter's eyes lit up upon seeing the food. Sirius' eyes, however, lit up when James plopped down next to him. Surprise could be seen in everyone's eyes. Especially Freya's and Sirius' themselves.

        As James got settled, he noticed everyone's eyes on him. "What?"

        "Where did you get those?" Marlene asked.

        "I bribed some elves," he answered coolly. "I know we'd be here for long. So, I bought some things to energize us."

        "That's actually quite," Alice looked unsure what to say. James calm demeanor being a surprise not only to her but to everyone since he has been a complete mess the entire past two weeks. "Thoughtful."

        "The first nice thing you say to me the entire year," said James with a small, amused smile. He picked up a chocolate frog and then handed it to her. "Here."

        Reluctantly, Alice took the chocolate. James then started passing everyone treats. He started with the Marauders. The first being Peter, then Remus, and then Sirius.

        Sirius looked like a deer caught in headlights. His eyes were wide, staring at James as he handed him a sugar wand. James looked at him upon noticing his frozen state and let out a small smile, "Here, Padfoot."

        Sirius looked near in tears and before anyone knew it, he had engulfed James in a hug, nearly making the bespectacled boy fall backwards on the floor. "Prongs!"

        "Alright, jeez, calm down," James said through a small chuckle. He pried the boy off of him. And upon seeing Sirius' welled up eyes, he bursted laughing. "Don't go all emotional on me now, mate."

        "Godric, are you crying, Sirius?" Frank, who probably knew the less out of them of the situation, was just amused seeing Hogwarts' bad boy with red, puffy, eyes.

         The lot started laughing while Sirius only sniffed, "I don't care what you all think. I have my best friend back and I ain't taking your judgement."

         The way Sirius said his statement so sassily through sniffs made the group of friends laugh louder. And, for the first time in weeks, Freya felt like things were starting to go back into place. Why James had a sudden change of heart, she didn't knew. But she was too happy to even question. The fact she was surrounded by her friends the way they always have been was alright for her.

        "Alright, enough film like laughing," James said. "We should get this started and we should do it right."

        "Okay, now I'm having doubts if you even are my James," Sirius said warily, raising his eyebrow at the boy.

        James rolled his eyes. "If we don't beat the Ravenclaws, Dorcas won't agree to a date with Remus on our last Hogsmeade visit. We're doing this for, Moony."

        Everyone's eyes snapped to the sandy haired boy who was now red from both embarrassment and anger towards James. All now had suggestive and mischievous smirks. "Oh, so that's the chance you were talking about," said Sirius.

        "Shut up," said Remus and everyone ended up laughing again. And in the midst of that laughter, Freya had caught James' eye. Both had stopped laughing while the others continued to taunt and joke Remus. They stared at each other for a while, as if savouring the moment. And then Freya smiled at him. A small, genuine smile.

        James smiled back as well. And Freya was so happy about it the she didn't notice the sad and guilty look that James' eyes held that she later on found out why. It was just suffice to say that Freya was too joyous to even question anything that day.


Filler but shit's going down, fam.
I really want to post the next chapter
but I'm going to just chill haha.

a l s o

Dedicated to lumosprongs,
SilverBandana, lounalhy, yannannalays,
Hufflepuff0805, and Charlie-Corn.

These people have literally voted on
every chapter just to get this story going.
They have also left me nice comments
and reviews and they are the best!

Give 'em a follow. 💖

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