↳ 34: MURDER

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"FREYA, WANT TO HELP ME get more food?" was the first normal sentence James had said to Freya since the whole issue started.

         The lot was in the Marauder's room, continuing their Potions project. The Gryffindors complained about their noise not even an hour into them starting their work and although Sirius didn't give a fuck, Remus forced everyone to just work at their dorm instead the common room.

        All eyes went to the two. It was their first direct words since James arrived. Freya was too focused on James to see anyone's reactions. She hadn't had any alone time with James for almost two weeks that she never realized how much she craved him. And she meant that in all emotional and physical. So, she smiled so wide her mouth would've broke, and said, "Sure."

        James stood up and headed out the door first. Freya followed on suit, not even risking James to have time to change his mind. But before she got outside the door, Lily held her hand back, making her halt. Freya turned around to see Lily looking at her with sad and guilty eyes. Her hand was sweaty and slightly shaking as well as she said, "I'm sorry, Frey."

        Freya stared at her confusedly and then chuckled, "Sorry for what, Lils?"

        Lily opened her mouth to answer but no words came out as both heard the voice of James Potter from the stairs. "Come on, Frey!"

        "Well, whatever it is, it's alright," Freya smiled reassuringly at her friend before hurrying to follow James. She was so fast she didn't hear Lily's faint voice say, "It's not."

        James and Freya headed out the common room and onto the direction of the kitchens — to which was hidden behind the painting of the bowl of fruit. Their walk was consisted of the expected awkwardness. What do you say to a guy after you have just admitted your feelings to them? Freya asked herself. How do you apologize to a girl after you've basically told them you hate their guts? James asked himself.

         James tickled the pear on the painting and it swung open, revealing a dimly lit passageway. Freya had never been to the kitchens and the sight of a dark alley didn't make her want to go in. "Um, you go ahead. I'll wait for you here."

         James smirked. "Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark?"

        "No," Freya said truthfully. "Just of the things that come out from it."

        James rolled his eyes. "Well, Freya, the only thing that's going to come out of this darkness is delicious, free, food, so," and very much to Freya's surprise — and delight — James grabbed her hand and intertwined it with his, "Let's go."

        James led the both of them through the hallway. Freya thanked Godric that it was dark or else James might have seen how red she was. Although the fact that her hands were sweating didn't help much. She only then felt how much she longed for his hands — or any part of him for that matter.

        Little did she knew that James didn't notice her hands sweating because his was as well. He was sweating so much that he didn't knew how Freya couldn't notice. He was nervous and he was pretty sure he wasn't even sure if he should tell her.

        Removing both their thoughts, they arrived at the kitchens. Elves immediately ran to serve the two. And while Freya was all shy to say her requests, James demanded like a freaking king.

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