Ch.30 Contract regret

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Now walking through the park, Sabrina could still feel Gothel's hand on her shoulder as they strolled down the sidewalk. Even though she knew she couldn't trust Gothel, Sabrina wasn't focused on the witch due to the pain she was feeling from fighting with Stella.

"I must say Holly-" Gothel spoke "I've always been fascinated by family relationships, how far someone's willing to go for the sake of their family. It's been a while since I last felt that kind of love."

"What?" Sabrina raised an eyebrow.

"Believe it or not, before your mother was born, I once had a daughter, I lost my husband when she was just a toddler so she barely knew him, and she was all I had. But then one day when she was 12, we were ice skating on a frozen lake, but then she suddenly skated onto thin ice, and the next thing I knew, she fell right threw it."

Sabrina gave a small gasp as she stopped.

"I tried to save her-" Gothel continued in sigh "But by the time I got her, it was too late, my baby was gone."

"Oh my God" Sabrina gasped in shock "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be" Gothel muttered "At least you're alive."

"Is this why you call yourself Mother Gothel?"

"Well Mother can mean many things to different people, I attend to their needs, like how a mother would do."

"Even when you know the risks?" Sabrina put in with a small frown.

"Well that's the point, I don't make the decisions, the people do. But they must know that all magic can come with a price."

Sabrina bit her lip, remembering when she threw away the vessel of the crushed rampion flower that would of made Stella forget about the letter, fearing of what the price it could of been.

"So what are you gonna do about your sister?" Gothel suddenly asked.

"I don't know" she sighed "I still can't believe what I did, I really am a horrible sister. If only there was a way for her to get her dream back, I'd do anything to make it up for her."

"Anything huh?" Gothel sneered "In that case, I may have a solution."

And with that she used her magic to make a contract appear in her hand.

"I might just be able to make Poppy's dream come true" she stated "This contract here says that if you allow me to do so, Poppy will get her dream back."

"What?" Sabrina raised an eyebrow "How can she get her dream back when we're not at Ever After anymore?"

"I didn't say she'll go back to Ever After, she'll be accepted into another beauty school that's nearby. But of course, because I'll be using magic, they're a price, and I need to know, will you be willing to pay it?"

"What price?" she asked with a concerned look.

"It says here that in order to give someone happiness by magic, the person must agree to whatever the magic being declares for that person. So like before, it's your choice, you said you would anything to give Poppy her dream back, so would you do it?"

Sabrina took the contract and examined it, and everything she read pretty much explain what Gothel had told her.

"So if you give Poppy her dream back-" she stated "What's in it for me?"

"Oh I'll give you something to" Gothel sneered "Something you've always wanted, but ever since this curse happened, you feared it would of never come true."

Not knowing what she meant, all Sabrina could think of was it had to do something with her writing.

"So are you in for it?" Gothel asked as she made a quill appear in her hand as he handed it to the girl "Your choice."

Sabrina took one last look at the contract, hoping it would give Stella her happiness while she gets something good in return, she took the quill and signed her name on the contract.

"Excellent" Gothel smirked while making the contract and quill vanish "I was hoping to see how far you'd go."

And with that she used her magic to teleport them both inside a familiar room.

"Uh, where are we?" Sabrina asked.

"See for yourself."

So she went over to the open window and gazed out, only to be shocked when she found herself up high in a tower overlooking all of Storybrooke.

"What the hell?!" she gasped as she turned to the witch "What is this?!"

"The price" Gothel answered "You declared that you would do anything for your sister's happiness, so let it be."

"But I never agreed to do this" Sabrina pointed out.

"Yes you did, you signed the contract, and I said that I would give you something in return, something you've always wanted but didn't think you would get. So now, I'm giving you the chance to live your fairytale."

"What?!" she gasped "But I'm not ready for that! I can't stay up here forever!"

"I'm afraid it's too late Holly, you signed the contract, and I decide what to give you, and I decided to give you this. And don't worry, Poppy will get her dream soon."

Sabrina felt her blood boil while gritting her teeth.

"You know what I regret this" she declared "Where's the contract? I'm crossing my name off."

"You can't do that, once it's signed it signed."

"But I'm not staying up here! You tricked me you witch!"

"I'm sorry Holly, but you got what you wanted. You want your sister's happiness and so she'll get it, but of course, all magic comes with a price."

"How do I get out of here?" Sabrina demanded.

"The only way out is have someone rescue you, but in this part of the woods, there's barely anyone to come here."

"My sister and my friends will look for me" she declared in a scowl.

"But they'll never find you" Gothel sneered "Unless they're really lucky. But until then, go ahead and make yourself at home, cause you may be spending the rest of eternity here."

And with that she disappeared, leaving Sabrina full of hate and anger as she rushed to the window and started to scream out.

"HELP!" she screamed at the top of her lungs "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?! HELP ME!!!!!"

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