Ch.28 Crashing down

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(Flashback) After accepting Gothel's offering, Holly began her way back to Ever After while staring at the letter and crushed rampion flower in both hands. Ever since what Gothel told her, she felt like her mind was going to explode with this decision on whether or not she was going to make Poppy forget about the letter.

She still didn't know if she should trust Gothel, after all she was a witch, and witches can be unpredictable sometimes. And just like she said, there's a chance that Headmaster Grimm may find out the truth about their switched at birth dilemma and force Poppy to become the next Rapunzel. But on the other hand she'll be a bad sister for not letting Poppy go to her dream school.

But after a moment of hard thinking, she soon came to a conclusion. Even if it killed her, she couldn't risk using the rampion on Poppy, fearing of what it might really do if Gothel was lying. And if she wasn't lying, she felt that Poppy didn't deserve to forget about the letter. And even if Grimm did manage to find out about them, she would just have to find a way to convince him to change his mind, no matter what it took.

So when the items still in her hands, Holly marched her way to a trash bin and tossed the vessel in. She then turned to the letter, fearing that Poppy may find it if she keeps holding onto it, she crumbled up the paper and tossed it into the trash. A piece of heart broke while doing so, but at the same time she hoped Poppy wouldn't notice.

And besides, at least that means Poppy could stay. But now all Holly had to do was forget the whole thing ever happened and move on with her life while at the same time make sure Poppy doesn't find out and if possible, find a different beauty school that's closer or find another and better time the academy can offer that's not during the school year.

"Holly!" she suddenly heard as she turned to see Blondie Lockes, daughter of Goldilocks heading her way "Hey do you have time to talk?"

"Um-" Holly replied while trying not to sound guilty as she gave a small smile "Yeah sure. Is it for your blog?"

"Indeed" Blondie smiled while pulling out a notepad "I just wanna know if you've come up with a new idea for a story you're going to write?"

"Oh" Holly responded as bit surprised, almost forgetting that she was still looking for a new story idea but go so caught up in the letter "Well um..."

She began to think of what to say, and that's when she decided to tell her the next best thing.

"As a fatter of fact I have" she declared "I'm thinking about a drama about 2 best friends, and one of them is dreaming about leaving the state to follow her dream, which means she'll have to leave her best friend behind."

Even just talking about it was making her feel more guilty, but she had to continue.

"Anyway-" she added "The other girl finds out that her best friend got accepted into her dream academy, and not wanting her best friend to leave her, she hides the evidence and her friend never finds out. And uh... yeah that's all I got so far."

"Wow" Blondie smiled amused "Sounds interesting, I can't wait to read it. When are you planning on writing it?"

"Probably not today, I'll find a time to do so."

"Well when you do I'll be waiting to get scoops on the first chapter" Blondie grinned while putting her notepad away "Thank you for your time."

As she went away, Holly gave a sigh in relief that she didn't spill anything. But now she was going to have to write a story based of her dilemma, and it may just spill the beans if Poppy reads it.

At a table outside the 'Wonder diner', Stella snacked on a muffin while replying to a text on her phone just as Sabrina went up to her.

"Hey sis" she greeted while a smile as she took a seat in front of her "Who are you texting?"

"Kendell" Stella replied with her mouth full "We're going out tonight just so you know."

"How's it going with you too?"

Kendell Smith, also known as Sparrow Hood, son of Robin Hood had been dating Stella for a while. And even though she didn't have a boyfriend, Sabrina felt happy that her sister was able to get one.

"It's going great actually" Stella replied in a smile "You know that he wrote me a song?"

"Really?" Sabrina questioned in a smile.

"Yeah, I read the lyrics and it's pretty good, although I don't know if I'll hear it with music."

"Well that's really sweet of him" Sabrina commented "You're lucky to have him."

Stella gave a small smile just as Sabrina got a text on her phone.

"Oh hey I gotta go" she announced "I have to go meet up with Hailee at her place to work on her blog."

"Alright. And by the way, tell her that that rumor of Kendell stealing that ring he gave me last week is false, I was there when he got the ring."

"Will do" Sabrina assured in a smile as she headed off.

After she gone, Stella went back to eating her muffin, and soon another person took a seat in front of her, and when she looked up, she was faced to faced with Mother Gothel.

"Poppy O'Hair" the witch sneered "It's about time I met the other twin."

"Gothel" Stella growled while swallowing her muffin "What the hell do you want?"

"I suppose your sister told you I was here."

"She did, and now that you're here, goodbye."

"You know I can't exactly leave this town, which means you'll be seeing me around."

"Well as long as you stay the hell away from me" Stella frowned "Then we wont have a problem."

"Actually-" Gothel smirked "There's already a problem, involving your sister."

The sound of that caught Stella's attention.

"What do you mean by that?" she demanded.

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

And with that Gothel took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to the girl. Wondering what it was, Stella took the paper and unfolded it, and after seeing what it was, she felt her whole world come crashing down.

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