Ch.1 Narrating

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Hey guys, book 12 of 'Once Upon a Time: Ever After High' is finally here. And after reading what it's about, you'll see that I wont announce the main antagonist of this story just yet, and you'll see why later in this book. Basically, this story is just going to be about the residents of Storybrooke and their owns stories, which will later lead to a big surprise at the very end. So I hope you all enjoy :)

(Flashback) In a far away place, a place between the World of Stories and the Forth Wall, there was a mysterious land only a few know about. It's known as the Land of Narrators, or the Narration World, a world where all the narrators live to tell the stories of the world to the readers. And among the land lived a school called Narrator High, a school for young Narrators in Training to prepare for their Narrating future.

And one of the students named Brooke Page was one of the firsts to leave the school as soon as it was time to go home. Since the school wasn't that far from her home, she decided to walk as she strolled down the street with her messenger bag swaying by her side. Although, being the daughters of the Narrators who narrate the stories down at Ever After High, they were not narrating at this point, due to them about to be introduced in a bit.

The person who is narrating this story at the moment you can call Tina (who is also the author of this book series but wont be mentioned, at least not right now). Whenever Brooke's parents are taking their break, Tina (wont say I) will narrate. And just like Madeline Hatter, she's able to hear every Narrator, let's just hope she'll stick to the story.

Hey, isn't it cool that I'm also narrating this story? At least that's what I think I'm doing. It kinda reminds me of when I used to do this in my old stories when I was young. (I'm embarrassed of those stories now) Anyway, let's continue.

It's very rare for a Narrator to be narrated, but ever since Brooke became the first Narrator to be narrated, every Narrator now see her as an iconic symbol of Narration and bravery. Ever since her heroic act to save 2 princesses and 2 monsters along with the Evil Queen, everyone in her town kept taking about it for weeks. But now that those weeks have passed, everything went back to the way it was, just like a normal day in the Land of Narrators.

So once Brooke had made it home, she stepped inside where after dropping her bag on the couch of her living room, she made her way into the kitchen for a snack when her parents entered.

"Hi Brookey" her mother greeted with a smile "How was school?"

"Good" she replied without eye contact as she headed into the living room with a plate of apple slices.

But just as she grabbed her bag and was about to head up the stairs, her parents suddenly spoke causing her to stop.

"Brooke are you feeling okay?" her mother questioned.

"Um, yeah" Brooke replied while raising an eyebrow "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because usually after school you would talk about your day" her father stated "Even if nothing interesting happened."

"Well everything's fine, I just need to go study."

But knowing their daughter, the two Narrators knew something was on her mind and that she was trying to keep to herself. Once inside her larger than average bedroom, Brooke set her messenger bag on her bed as her face logo key chain dangled from the strap on the side of the bed. After sitting at her large marbled desk, she turned on her laptop and logged into the Mirror Net while pulling out a travel size notebook as she flipped to a page that contained written questions.

But just as she started to think while tapping the end of her quill to her chin, there was a knock at her door as her parents stepped in.

"Brooke" her father began to say "Do you have time to talk?"

"Um, sure" she shrugged while turning her rolling chair to face them.

"So we noticed you've been acting as if something's on your mind" her mother explained "And we think it has to do with, well, you know."

Brooke gave a sigh while turning to her small notebook.

"Ever since that happened a lot of thoughts and questions have been on my mind" she confessed "And they're driving me nuts.

"Well where are they?" her father asked.

"I don't think you'll know, I mean you two weren't there when it first happened. And I don't think Chief Chronicler will allow you to know."

"Well why don't you ask her? I mean you did narrate the whole story by yourself, well along with our help of course. But you managed to make it all the way, I'm sure she'll be able to tell you now."

She sighed while thinking about it "Maybe I'll ask her later."

"Alright" her mother smiled "We just wanted to make sure you were okay. We'll leave you to study."

After they left, Brooke turned back to her notebook and read over the questions she wrote, and one particular she couldn't take her eyes off.

Will she come back?

In Storybrooke Maine, as soon as she had finished talking to the oracle Destiny, Brooke Page laid on her bed with her back against the headboard and her storybook held in front of her as she read through the pages of the stories about her friends. But no matter how many times she's read it, it just couldn't take her mind off of what Destiny had warned her about, if they don't find all of the items to break the curse by the time the Sand Clock runs out, that would mean the apocalypse would strike, and Lydia will gain her power.

She checked the time- 1:27 am. She wasn't tired, she was too worried to be. Sooner or later, time will run out, and the stories and everyone, maybe including herself will all vanish from existence.

What do you guys think so far?

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