David smiled. He would've never guessed Regina would choose that name.

"I can't wait for her to try on all the cute little clothes we got her," Ruby grinned, though once she saw Robin's exhausted face she rethought her words. "Once everything gets settled, that is."

"And once Regina gets back on her feet," he added, just as Caroline closed her eyes again, clenching her fingers together to make a tiny fist.

She was seven pounds, three ounces. He loved every part of her, from her itty bitty toes all the way up to her button nose.

Feeling a slap to his back, Robin snapped out of his thoughts to see Killian giving him a hearty smile.

"Look at you, daddy of the year." He remarked, "you've certainly had a long day. Want me to grab you a coffee?"

Robin nodded, knowing he would probably pass out in a matter of minutes.

Roland felt a happy lift to his heart when he looked at his new little sister, so innocent and small it was hard to believe she was finally here. Henry felt the exact same way- it was hard to tear his eyes off her. They both had a little sister now.

The fairy had wanted to give the baby some space, since everyone else had been awaiting her arrival for months it seemed. She felt extremely guilty for not knowing Regina was even pregnant until now, though there was nothing she could do about that. There was a huge sense of pride growing within her; seeing that baby lying there so peacefully made her remember meeting Regina for the first time and telling her that she needed love in her life. Then she denied it. And then she finally accepted it. That baby was the product of true love- the love they had.

She liked to believe it was all because of her, but Regina pulled her own weight to start the relationship. There was a time when Tinkerbell believed Regina had failed, that she didn't want to the happiness in her life. Obviously she was wrong.

Killian set himself to work on trying to get the coffee machine to work in the pathetic excuse for a food court the hospital had to offer. It was more like a room with a few chairs, some overripe bananas, a microwave, and a coffee machine that made strange sounds. Emma had always made him coffee in the mornings, so his knowledge was based on watching her place the cup in the slot and add in the cream packets- none of that was easy to do with a hook for a hand.

Once he was almost sure he got it done correctly, he turned around to catch the sight of Emma, who's face was still pale, a traumatized look reflecting in her eyes.

"I've been looking for you Swan," he started, his words making her jump like a skittish cat.

Her face softened when she saw who it was. "Oh hey," she muttered, before noticing the cup in his hand. "You got me coffee?"

Trying to wipe the surprised look off his face, Killian reluctantly surrendered the cup over to her. Robin could wait a little bit longer.

"Aye, I've been worried about you," he said, which wasn't a lie. He knew she probably wasn't feeling well due to the alcohol she consumed the previous night; watching a baby being born right before her eyes couldn't have helped.

"Today's just been a horrible day," Emma said, taking a long sip of the coffee before stepping forward to wrap her arms around her boyfriend. "I'm just glad it's over. Good job on the coffee by the way."

The pirate beamed as she said this, the smile soon vanishing when he saw Snow and Charming coming towards them.

"Parents- six o'clock," he muttered, causing her to quickly step back from him.

"Emma! You're okay!" Snow exclaimed, throwing her arms around her daughter.

"Yeah, I'm fine," the blonde reassured, feeling strangled by her grip.

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