Chapter 38

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Couple of days have passed and Belle decided to ignore the awkward situation with an elderly couple. Ryan didn't mention anything as well, probably making the same decision. She sat down on her bed, getting ready for another trampoline session. She knew Rye will try to get her to do a front flip today, but she was so much calmer about it than before. Also, boys will be joining them too, giving her some confidence.

"I'm coming!" She shouted, hearing Andy getting inpatient. She run out of the flat, heading to Trampoline Area.
"I'm guessing you'll ask me to front flip today" Belle said as she looked at Rye who had exactly the same thing in mind - the girl was confident with basic jumps already so that would be the best option. However, after what she told him couple of days ago, he didn't want to pressure her to do anything. Enjoyment was what he tried to achieve. "I guess I can try, furthering that moment is pointless" she answered the question that wasn't even asked, surprising the boy.

He didn't say anything for a while, coming closer to Belle. "If you're happy to try, then it's fine. But remember if you won't be able to do it or if you decide to quit at the last moment, it's fine - I'm proud of you either way." He said, almost cringing as it was so not like him. But it was true; and he wanted Belle to know it.

The girl closed her eyes for a second, warm feeling attacking her body. "Thank you. You have no idea how much it means" she said quietly. She knew why he said it. She knew it was because of what she told him the other day. And maybe she should have felt like it wasn't a good choice; seeing he's more careful - different with her now. This was what she was always scared about - unnecessary pity and those eyes that would look at her differently. But for some reason, she didn't feel like that at all. She was happy she told Rye about it. He still treated her the same, and this story just helped him motivate her to do even better. She was glad she opened up to him.

"Let me show you the form" Rye woke her up from her daydream, as he jumped, showing the essential arms movements. "Arms go up and down twice, then stay up in the air for the third time"

But that only confused the girl as she got lost in instructions - maybe it was her fear, but she just couldn't understand it. Rye seeing her struggle told her to stand in front of him. He slowly started jumping, moving girl's arms in appropriate times.

"After they stay up, you jump. Don't wait, you need to be as high as possible for it to work" he said, standing away. Belle just breathed heavily, getting mentally prepared for the jump.

"Okay, it's just a flip, I won't kill myself" she whispered quietly, getting a laugh from Brooklyn who stood the nearest. He convinced her she'll be fine, stepping away to give her some space.

Belle started jumping, however fear afflicted her body so her first try was a failure. 'I can do it' she thought, to then jump and flip, landing on her butt. "Yes Belle!" all the boys shouted, proud of her nearly full front flip - she just needed to stand on her feet for it to work. Belle just smiled, touching her arms, almost as if she was checking if she's okay.

"Can I try again?" She asked, getting a shocked look from Rye. Attempt of a front flip was a huge achievement for her, he was sure they'll finish the session after it - now, he couldn't be more proud.

Belle, getting a positive response and couple of more advices, tried again. She managed to stay on her feet for couple of seconds but fell again. This happened 2 more times, but she didn't give up. Now, as she was able to manage the fear of the actual jump, technical improvements didn't seem so scary.

"You can do it!" Mikey shouted as she tried again. She jumped higher, pushing her limits further. She closed her eyes as her body flipped over, her feet landing perfectly on the ground.

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