Chapter 62

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"I'm sorry" Belle said after everyone has left. She felt guilty for passing her own problems onto her friends, she shouldn't have been talking with Rye in front of everyone. She was also a little angry that she reacted to his words - she was known as a really calm person, things like this never bothered her enough to start an argument. "If you want to, you can go with them. It's completely fine"

"To be honest, I didn't want to go anyways" Jack said, turning on his laptop to put his favourite series up. Brook just nodded his head, emphasising he wanted to chill at home too. "However, I advise you not to start those conversations with Rye, especially when everyone's listening" Jack added.

"True, I'm sorry" Belle answered. "I'm usually calm. I don't know... he just really annoyed me" she said, knowing the fault was on both sides. Brooklyn just listened to their conversation, but seemed a little out of the real world.

"Talk to him." Jack simply said, seeing Belle's face expression changing within seconds. "I know it's hard, but it's better than this thing you're in now"

"I think you're right" Belle sighed, knowing that no matter how much Rye didn't want to talk about it, they had to. Even if it's just to say they want to keep it in a formal way: no friendship, no relationship. Anything, just to know where they both stand. "Thanks Jack" she smiled.

The next couple of seconds passed in a complete silence as Jack was putting 'Friends' up. "Do you want to watch it with us? Brook will join soon." He asked the girl.

Belle just thought about his proposition, but she knew her answer straight away - she wasn't in a mood to do any work, especially now. "Move up Jackie boy" she laughed.


The next day started very nervously for a tall, brown haired boy. Yesterday, he came back from the Trampoline Arena which boosted up his mood a little, however he knew that the worst was in front of him. It was currently 4PM and Rye was sure that if he wanted to speak with Belle today, he had to get it done now.

The girl was also thinking about talking with Rye, but she decided she'll ask to join him on his run in the evening. In that way, they'll be able to speak in peace and be in public, which eventually will cause them to calm down in case of an any argument. For now, she was sitting in Blair's room, trying to sort out some business work, which she wasn't particularly enjoying.

Rye was observing the girl from the morning therefore he knew exactly where she was. He walked to the door, stopping for a moment. "It's now or never Ryan" he thought. However, before he had a chance to touch the door handle, Mikey's voice shouted his name. Rye was still facing the door, but he could hear his friend running to him quickly. "I wanted to speak to Belle, can we...." the boy started, but stopped his speech immediately, "What happened?" He asked as he turned around. Mikey's eyes were full of shock, his hands were shaking from all the emotions - he looked scared; genuinely scared, and Rye knew this meant nothing good.

"Brook" Mikey answered apprehensively, not being able to speak full sentences. His voice cracked a little from a mix of shock and pain. Rye didn't hesitate, but left the door and followed Mikey to the bathroom where apparently Brooklyn was locked.*

As he run to the place, he saw two of his other friends waiting outside. "Brooklyn! Brooklyn, please open the door!" Jack said loudly, but got no response again. Ryan just looked at Andy, who was always the most rational out of all of them. His whole silhouette was full of stress, but he tried to stay calm.

"What's happening?" Rye asked, completely out of mind. He had never seen the boys so worried before. Everything was alright couple of minutes ago, it seemed impossible for a situation to change so dramatically.

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