Chapter 15

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The sound of loud steps pierced the air as Annabelle entered the shopping mall. She walked in unusually slowly, almost robotically, as if her brain was struggling to tell each foot to take the next step. Her eyes travelled from shop to shop, amazed by the surroundings. It was definitely the biggest and the nicest mall she have ever been in. She looked around as she heard a voice coming from behind.

"Annabelle? OH MY GOSH, IT'S REALLY YOU" Amanda screamed, running quickly to her friend. Her blond baby hair flew in the air as she approached to jump on Annabelle, hugging her tightly. Her smilie widened as the realisation of the situation finally processed in her mind. Over all those years, they kept contact with each other, but the idea of finally meeting still seemed unbelievable.

"Amanda, oh my gosh" Annabelle stopped, not knowing what to say. Her friend has changed so much and even though she was about 10 cm shorter than her, she could definitely be a model. Her long, curly hair were put up in a messy bun, highlighting her light green eyes which now were lightened with excitement. "I'm so happy I can see you"

"Let's go and find some cafeteria before shopping, we have lots of gossips to share" Amanda laughed, taking Annabelle to her favourite coffee place.
"Oh my gosh, I used to love that" Amanda laughed, sipping on her tea. They have been gossiping for the past hour, not believing how many topics they had to talk about. Amanda could stay there and talk with her best friend forever, but the curiousness of her trial provoked her to change the topic. "But tell me something about this boyband. After you messaged me, I searched them on internet, but I want details."

"Oh, they're awesome in both singing and personality, I have the best time ever. Remember how I told you about how boring my life seemed to me?" She asked seeing Amanda nodding. "Thank to them, I feel everything is more fun now. Yesterday, me and Rye - "Wait, the tall, brown one?" Amanda cut, making sure she's thinking of the right person.
"Yes, yes him" Annabelle smiled, explained her yesterday's situation, as well as all the funny things they did as a group or with Rye alone.

"Hmm, so you and Ryan are a thing then?" Amanda asked excited, hoping she is right in her suggestions. She knew Annabelle never had a proper boyfriend before as she used to be so unromantic and scared of rejection that she pushed every single boy away when things were starting to get serious. It was really non understandable considering how gorgeous and nice she was, but Annabelle was so stubborn, nothing could change the way she thinks. Now, as she heard the stories about Rye she knew that he became someone important in Belle's life no matter how hard she tried to hide it; she just hoped he felt the same towards her.

"Oh no, no. He's just a friend. Nothing more" Annabelle stated straight away, knowing what her friend is thinking of.

"Oh come on Belle. You cannot tell me he is not the most good looking out of all of them" Amanda pushed her friend, wanting some details. She lied as for her Ryan wasn't the one who first caught her eye, but the girl didn't have to know that.

"It doesn't matter Amanda. We're only working together, plus you know I'm not allowed... - "Oh but Blake cannot control that!" Amanda cut her friend again.

"Blair, Amanda, it's Blair. And yes, of course he can. Plus let's be real, it's Rye Beaumont. Even if I would like him, he would never look at me in that way" she said as her low esteem started to show off again. She was a typical thinker - her brain was the main organ that controlled her life, not giving any opportunities for heart to say its words. If something didn't feel right for her mind, she didn't do it no matter how hard she had to hide her feelings.

"Oh no my darling, don't even say that. I cannot believe you're still as insecure as you were before. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND YOU DEFINITELY CAN HAVE RY..- "Shh Amanda, they have American fans" Annabelle whispered in panic, knowing that if one of the roadies would hear their conversation, she would be laughed by the whole internet.

"This doesn't change the fact you're super hot and you need to believe in it. " Amanda stated, trying to persuade her friend to have some confidence. After she said that, she froze for a moment to then slap her forehead in shock, almost as if she remembered something important. "Ok my god, I know you for 13 years and I forgot your 'I'm not good enough' blah blah blah actually means you fancy him" she said, smirking to her friend.

"Oh my God Amanda. Okay, I do find him good looking and he is nice but I DON'T FANCY HIM" Annabelle said, opening up in front of her friend. The truth was that she wasn't sure what she feels towards the boy. They had such a good time and she loved him as much as she loved the rest of them, but from the beginning she treated it as a friend level only. Yes, Rye was probably her favourite when it came to singing, personality and appearance but after the conversation with Blair she didn't even consider him as her potential boyfriend, knowing it wouldn't work. Maybe that's why she was so comfortable around him - she knew there was no hard feelings, meaning she didn't need to stress about potential love and getting scared whether one wrong move would cause him to think she's in love with him - they acted like friends, nothing more. Plus, as she said before already, Ryan needed someone to fit his boyband image, preferably some famous, pretty fashion girl; not her.

"Okay, okay. If you don't want to say, then don't say it, but I know my stuff" Amanda woken her friend up from daydreaming. "Anyways, what are you plans for rest of the days? Chilling by the pool with your hottie?" She laughed seeing the dirty look her friend gave her.

"Hmm... yes, I'll definitely spend some time by the pool ALONE, so I guess I need to buy... something, like.." - "It's called swimming suit darling. Bikini if we have to be exact" her friend said cheekily, cutting her speech again.

"But.. I was thinking about something more covering" Annabelle said quietly, lacking confidence to speak about her insecurities. She was aware that her body looks normal and in general circumstances she wouldn't have a problem with wearing a bikini, but the fact that she would be the only girl with 5 boys made her uncomfortable. As she saw her friend looking at her almost as if she was going crazy, she decided to explain herself, "Oh, you know. They eat healthy, train at the gym everyday and probably see lots of perfect shaped girls during their tours and everything. I just feel weird to walk around them half naked, plus I'm their trial manager and I shouldn't... - "You're joking me right now" Amanda cut, looking at Annabelle seriously. "You are definitely not trying to suggest you are not fit." She said, loosing belief in Annabelle's brain cells. "Oh no my darling, you're definitely buying a bikini tonight and we'll choose one that will make Rye's jaw drop." She finished, smiling evilly and quickly taking Annabelle's hand to start their shopping.

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