Chapter 46

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"I heard too many stories about you?" Belle quoted Rye's mum looking at the boy who suddenly blushed a little.

"Well, I needed a motherly advice while choosing your birthday present, she over exaggerated 'stories' part" Rye said to defend himself.

"Your mum is so adorable though, I'm glad she allowed us to come" Belle said, ignoring previous conversation not wanting to embarrass the boy. He was cute when he blushed.

"Does that mean you're going as well?"

"Say no to your mum? Never" Belle laughed, proving she'll be joining them for the last days of December.


The next couple of days have passed so quickly on Belle either doing her school work or planning secret Christmas trip. No one except of her, Ryan, Blair and Rye's mum knew about it yet, however all the tickets and plans were sorted already.

"Guys" Mikey said coming into the room everyone was sitting in and heading to where the girl was sitting, "I think you need to check it out. Especially you, Rye and Belle"

"What's up?" The girl looked up, worried. Ryan joined the pair, leaning near Mikey's phone who was currently looking on their band's Twitter.

"There are so many gossip of you two being together" Mikey said, causing the pair to look at him in shock. However, he was right. Brooklyn's lively* reaction when he saw them hugging, as well as couple of their different photos was enough for roadies to make untruthful suggestions.

"Have you checked your socials Belle?" Ryan asked the girl, who was still paralysed about the situation.

Belle just quietly took her phone, remembering she haven't checked anything apart from e-mails in so long, being too busy planning everything. The boy just moved closer to her as thousands of notifications came up on her Twitter.

"You bi*ch, you better leave Rye alone"
"You're too ugly for any of the boys"
"Thinking you're special for licking Blair's ass?"
"You're just a simple a play toy for Rye, nothing more"

Those and many more similar DMs appeared on her feed. Obviously, hate wasn't the only reaction they both got. There were thousands of cute messages and video edits too that unfortunately didn't boost Belle's mood at all.

Before she had a chance to say anything, Rye took her phone off her, closing the app. "I cannot believe people can be so cruel" he said, throwing himself onto Mikey's bed. "Let me tweet something to clear everything out"

"I've seen many untruthful tweets today. Just to let everyone know, all the boys including me are single. Please, don't spread dishonest information and hate towards others - Rye🐝"

"I think that should solve this problem" he said, after sending the tweet. "Don't worry Belle, we love all the roadies, but some of them are just jealous" he said, giving girl a hug, seeing she's quite overwhelmed by amount of hate on her.

"It's fine, I guess I need to get used to that kind of messages when I'm living with you" she said, getting her confidence back.


As the next couple of days have passed, changing the date to 15th of December, Belle was sitting in the kitchen, doing her school work. She nearly forgot about all the gossips involving her and Rye being together. There were still some videos and photos of them, going around social medias, but Belle decided to ignore it. She did not check her notifications either, knowing there would be too many of them.

She quickly looked at her phone, seeing she got a text message from Amanda. "Oh sugar" she said, realising she must have ignored her friends too, not opening any messages. The clock has shown 8PM which meant 3PM in USA and 9PM in France - she quickly messaged the girls, asking for a FaceTime.

"Where the hell have you been in the past week? I've seen all those videos and photos on social media. What's going on between you and Rye? Why is there so much gossips? Did anything I don't know happened?" Belle has been bombarded by all the questions.

"Wait, let me explain everything" the girl said quietly, describing them everything that has happened over the last couple of days. The girls were listening passionately, not wanting to miss anything.

"One question - what happened between you two in the kitchen when Brooklyn came? I've seen tweets that you were kissing but I don't really believe it" Rose asked, being very curious.

"Oh God, no" Belle replied quickly. "Okay... let me actually tell you everything, I think it's time for it anyway" she started, deciding to mention the trip. Andy, Mikey and Brook have left the house to go for a run, whereas Rye and Jack were just on their laptops, watching some movies.

"I have a surprise. And it's big one." Belle said while smiling, so excited to tell girls about it. "You're coming here for Christmas and New Year's Eve"

"What?!" both girls said, suddenly raising up.

"I spoke with your parents. I ordered plane tickets. I planned the whole trip. I told Blair everything and he agreed!!" Belle rambled, getting excited with every word.

"You're coming on 28th of December until 7th of January. You'll be in Rye's house until New Year's Eve, then we'll all come back to flat." Belle said, proud of her idea.

"I know I said that many times already. But I love you. I truly do. Ryan's so lucky to have someone like you" Amanda said, adding the cheeky assumption at the end, getting a dirty look from Belle.

"Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to talk with Mikey" Rose said as Belle realised she haven't told them the main thing.

"Oh you can't tell them anything. It's a surprise for them both, no one - except of me, Blair, Rye, Rye's mum, your parents and now you, know about it" she said, getting a positive response from girls, who thought of it as an amazing idea.

"Oh so does it mean you'll meet your mother in law soon?" Amanda laughed, seeing Belle's angry face.

"Remember I can still cancel the flight" Belle said warningly, but with a laugh.

And for the next hour, they have not talked about anything else but their surprise for the boys.


After about half an hour, Brook, Andy and Mikey have came back from the run. The last two boys went to take shower and eat straight away, but Brooklyn wasn't in a mood of doing so. He sat in his bed, ignoring teasing from other boys who told him he didn't smell too nice. The only thing he was concerned about was his phone and the message he got not long ago.

He never told anyone about it.
All the boys thought of him as enthusiastic and smiley but he had one serious issue that he thought he solved.
But he didn't.

He was such a family man, that it broke his heart seeing this situation happening again. From when he joined the band, his attachment with whole family loosened up a little, but he tried to keep it tight as much as possible.

When Rye, who unlike Jack could see things written between the lines, asked him if he's okay, he knew he needs to start acting happy again.

He will tell boys about everything soon, he was sure of that. But now, he needed to puzzle this situation in his head first.

* I'm not sure if people understood what I meant so I'll explain just in case. In Brook's lively, the screen was on his face therefore none of the roadies saw Belle or Rye. They made all the assumptions based on Brook's shock, then smirk. That's why everyone thought they were kissing, when in reality they were only hugging.

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