Chapter 57

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This chapter includes swear words and scenes that may be inappropriate to read for people under age of 18. Therefore if you are underage, please do not read it. If you need a PG summary of this chapter, comment below and I'll explain what happened.

Belle walked into Rye's room, looking around. It was similar to hers in terms of size and furniture, but with darker colours, making it look more mysterious, but cosy at the same time. 'Completely like the owner' she thought as she sat down on his bed, taking off her heels. Even though they weren't too high as she was quite tall already, they were definitely uncomfortable.

"What do you want to do?" Rye asked as he sat next to her. Belle looked at him, wanting to reply but Rye's body shivered suddenly; he was still very cold from outside. The girl seeing that, crawled on the bed to get the blanket and wrap it around him tightly. As she tried to cover his whole body, she leaned further, wrapping her hands around the boy from behind.

A feeling of the girl's body pressed against his back was a new experience for Rye, especially when the action came from Belle. However, he couldn't say he didn't enjoy it. Furthermore, it felt as if his body temperature increased rapidly within seconds. "Thanks" was the only reply he could give, scared that if he thinks about it too hard, his body will betray him.

"No problem" Belle smiled, moving away from the boy as she sat down next to him, catching herself staring. He was very fit and she couldn't deny that.
His face was symmetrical; with beautiful light brown eyes that she could easy get lost in, sharp jaw line and defined cheek bones. Big, but straight nose fitting amazingly with the rest of the image. And his dark, brown curls that finished the look perfectly. 'Or almost finished..' the girl thought finding herself looking at his plumy, rose lips. This wasn't the first time her eyes travelled where they shouldn't, but she couldn't stop herself. She bit her lower lip, not realising the boy she was so deeply observing, was looking at her just as intensively.

"Stop doing that" Rye said, his voice raspy. For the last few minutes he just stared at her, feeling his jeans getting tighter with his every thought. He wanted her badly. He knew he shouldn't but he was just a man. And when his eyes moved on the lip she so sexily bit, he had to say something.

"Doing what?" Belle asked, suddenly feeling extremely intimidated by Rye's sight. Did he realise she was staring at him? She automatically bit her lip again, trying to hide the nervousness. Little did she know this was what drove the boy insane.

"You're biting your lip" he said quietly as he leaned over a little. He liked her. He really liked her. And now, she was sitting in his room at night, looking so gorgeous, making him break all his goddamn rules.

The girl gained the confidence as she realised the boy didn't catch her staring. "And what's wrong with that?" She giggled, teasing him a little, playing the seductive game they used to play before. But something felt different now. Something changed and she wasn't sure what it was. She stood up, pouring the drink into a clean glass.

Rye stood up as well, accurately guessing the girl's game. She tried to act innocent, thinking he won't mention the sexual tension that was clearly between them. This would break the rules that they wordlessly made before. But he didn't give a shit about anything now. He wanted her so badly. "Do you know what's wrong with that?" he asked, as the girl shook her head, smirking with confidence. If she doesn't know, he'll tell her. "We're alone, in my room whilst you look extremely sexy, knowing how obsessed I am about you, putting my attention on your lips, driving me crazy" he said, Belle's shock extremely visible.

She looked at him again, continuing her observation. With the low lights of the room, his body seemed even more muscular than ever, his big hands clenched to fists, showing how much he's restraining himself right now. She liked that. She liked the affect she had on him. Her eyes were sliding down, her attention stopping on the deeply defined V line that always made her weak in her knees. And then the bulge in his jeans; the obvious proof of how much he wanted her right now. Thinking about what the boy said, she didn't expect him to be so straight forward with it. But he was and now she knew exactly what she's going to say. "Like this?" She asked innocently as she bit her lip again, trying to be even more seductive. It wasn't her at all, but she couldn't resist but continue this weird game that they both didn't want to finish.

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