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Couple of months passed by, causing the sun to rise above the sky, changing temperatures to a very hot ones. Even though England was usually rainy and windy, today the weather hit above 30 degrees, automatically making everyone tired.

"Let's go to the beach" Brooklyn suggested, sitting with Emily in one of the couches in the living room. Their old flat was replaced by bigger, beautiful apartment with 4 rooms. All the boys finally had a room for each other, placing their clothes in their cupboards, that they dreamt about for so long. The biggest room was shared between Rye, Belle and Harvey, however the second boy was out of the country for most of the time so you could say a pair had a place for eachother. Second room was taken by Brook, third was for Mikey, who currently shared it with Rose. The girl came to UK for international swap, doing a work experience in one of the business companies. When Mikey received those news, he burst out crying, not believing he'll have a chance to spend 6 months with his girlfriend - or maybe more if the company will like her and ask her to stay.

"My future will be in UK, I knew that since I was 14" Rose told her boyfriend, while she laid with him on their bed. And that's what kept the boy strong. He knew she wouldn't say it if she didn't mean it, she loved England and she wanted to live there in the future. Hopefully, live there with him.

The only two boys who couldn't yet experience the happiness of spending time with their girlfriends were Jack and Andy. The brown haired boy could meet up with Maya only once; on one of her spontaneous trips to Europe and he definitely took the chance that was given to him as best as he could. He asked her out and she agreed straight away. Their happiness didn't last long though, because after 2 days she had to fly back, being thousands of miles away from him again.

"Don't get depressed Jack, we'll see them soon" Andy said, seeing that his brown haired friend was lost in a daydream. His face looked serious, almost sad and Andy knew exactly what he was thinking about. The blond boy missed Amanda so much; out of all the boys, he was the one who didn't see his girlfriend for the longest time.

He told Jack they'll see them soon and he really hoped he was right. It's just... months were passing by and seeing all his friends happily in love was depressing him. Now, it was his turn to be sad.

"You know Maya Fovvs, she'll somehow drag Amanda out of USA and they'll both come." Jack replied, remembering how crazy his girlfriend was. She told him they'll see eachother soon and he had no doubts they will. That girl could be on a plane to UK right now and honestly, he wouldn't even be surprised. "I believe in her, they'll come here soon"

"Hopefully Jack, hopefully" Andy smiled lightly, glad that he's not alone in this situation. Jack made him feel better within minutes and he was so thankful.

'RYAN' a loud scream broke boys' thoughts as they both looked up at the front door. Belle was currently hanging on Rye's shoulders as the boy was holding her body tightly in the air. The girl's hair was a mess, she looked tired, but she had a huge smile on her face anyways. "I hate you" she laughed, when a brown haired boy carefully let her down so she could stand on her own feet.

"You love me" Rye answered cheekily, completely not bothered by what his girlfriend said. She enjoyed her time with him, her smile told him that already. "It's true, I do" Belle said, Rye's eyes automatically lightening up. No matter how many times he heard it from her, those two words still made his heart melt.

"Good, because I love you too" he said with a little smile, staring at his girlfriend. He meant every single word. He completely adored her. His feelings haven't changed the slightest in those couple of months, everyday was exactly like the day when they first got together - same passion, same strong love, same happiness. Thinking about it all, Rye couldn't stop himself so he placed a little kiss on Belle's forehead, wrapping his arm around her protectively.

However, that didn't seem enough for the girl as after a second, she pushed him down, placing a kiss on his lips. An electric shock, paired with butterflies in her stomach attacked her again, but now she was used to it. This beautiful feeling happened every time she kissed Rye - her body always reacted the same, even though they were together for half of the year already.

'Ugh, get a room' Andy said in a jokey mood, looking at Belle and Rye. However, the truth was that he was incredibly happy for them. For the last couple of months he observed the pair and they seemed truly in love with eachother. Little kisses, cuddles, going out for runs, spontaneous dates - there wasn't a day when Andy didn't hear their laughs. Yes, they were fighting with eachother, but that never lasted more than couple of hours. The blond boy was truly shocked how well they had to hide their feelings before, considering how happy they were with eachother now.

"Jealous?" Belle laughed, however she stepped away from Rye a little bit. She didn't like to be centre of attention and right now, all eyes were on her.

"Not going to lie, I am" Andy said with a sad smile. He was jealous. Not of Rye - he didn't have any romantic feelings for Belle. He was jealous of their happiness, their carefree relationship. They were always with eachother, being able to cuddle and kiss anytime they want. The most him and Amanda could do was talk on Facetime and fall asleep with their phones next to their heads, pretending it was real. But it wasn't real. And that was breaking his heart.

"Not for long then" Belle said with such a childlike optimism, that everyone in the room just stared at her curiously. She ignored the looks though, getting ready to clean up the apartment, at least a little. Everyone followed her moves, helping her to sort out the mess.

"We're expecting guests today, my friends will come to visit me and stay for a day or two" the girl said after about an hour, as everyone finished with tidying up their places. "When are they supposed to come?" She heard Brook asking. She smiled from ear to ear, "in about 10 minutes" she laughed, hopping from one place to another.

Ryan gave her a weird look, getting an idea of what may be happening. And if his thoughts were right, he would forever and always admire the girl for her care for others. And he was sure, he wouldn't be the only one.

His thoughts were broken down by a knock on the door. People behind them didn't wait for an invite, they just opened them, almost as if they knew Roadtrip never closes their door in daytime. Soon after that, a silhouette of Maya appeared in the view and Rye just smiled to himself, guessing what Belle planned correctly. She was an actual legend.

After a while everyone could observe the reunion of Jaya, Emily holding onto Brooklyn, trying not to cry. It was the first time the girl saw someone so surprised, but so happy and so in love. Jack stopped what he was doing immediately, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend, not believing his luck. An hour ago, he was literally thinking how he wouldn't be surprised if Maya was flying to UK and she actually was.

"Amanda didn't come?" Andy broke the silence after a minute, hoping that he was wrong in his thoughts.

"I'm sorry" Maya said with a sad smile, nearly causing the blond boy to cry. It was always him. He was always the one who had least opportunities to meet with his girlfriend. "But that idiot left her bag in the car, she'll be here in couple of seconds" Maya finished the sentence cheekily as Andy's head snapped up so quickly, he nearly broke his neck.

And the girl was right, because after 5 seconds of her finishing her sentence, Amanda's scream got everyone's attention at the door. She didn't realise though, nor care, she just run to her boyfriend jumping on him, almost making him wiggle. Everyone was happy now.

"Girls are staying here for 6 months. I managed to get them quite a good apprenticeship so they can continue their education here for now" Belle said with a cheeky smile, watching two boys lightening up within seconds, almost jumping from the happiness.

"You're incredible" Belle heard a quiet whisper in her ear, as her boyfriend wrapped his hands around her from the back. She leaned closer to him, watching 4 other pairs doing the same thing.

Everyone was finally happy.

This is it. I still can't believe it but my first ever story is officially finished. 73K+ views, 3.3K votes and nearly 500 comments - I definitely didn't expect those numbers. Thank you for every view, every vote, every comment. You all gave me so much motivation to keep writing, I wouldn't do it if not you.

This story is over, but I already have some drafts for new ones, so follow me to stay tuned for those.

Lots of love xxx

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