Chapter 49

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"How was cooking with my mother?" Rye asked, after Belle sat down on the bench. She looked at him, shocked at first as she was sure he invited her to just sit with him in silence. The question surprised her, however she was happy as she wasn't really in a mood for silence.

"Amazing. She's such a wonderful woman" Belle replied with honesty in her eyes. Only 4 hours in this house caused the girl to fall in love with the her and Rye's whole family; they were all amazing. "What have you been up to?"

"Helped my brother and dad in the living room, nothing so special. Then I went on twitter to see how roadies are doing" he shrugged his arms as the girl smiled, remembering how connected he was with his fans.

"I've seen your tweet - quite a deep one I have to say" she said, smiling. She didn't have too much time to spend on her socials, however Rye's tweet really intrigued her. "Would you miss love if you couldn't love?" She quoted the question he asked.

"Don't laugh at me, I have some deep moments sometimes" he said calmly as Belle just looked at him, saying she's not making fun of him whatsoever.

"I'm the queen of deep conversations, that's nothing for me" She laughed, happy that both of them shared this weird enjoyment of just talking about random, serious things. For Belle it was amazing, something that caused her to become so much closer with people - know their personality, view points and experience.

"So, my queen of being deep. What do you think about it?" Rye asked, as the girl smiled, her cheeks changing colour, hearing he added 'my' in front of the queen. However her thoughts were broken by the boy who decided to speak first. "Personally, I don't know I can answer that question. World without love wouldn't survive, it's not about missing love. I guess that would be the least important aspect, people just wouldn't function properly." He said, as the girl frowned her eyebrows, thinking about his point.

"To be honest, in my opinion the answer is no" she said, after a while. "That's mainly because for me 'missing' is being annoyed or sad when noticing absence of a person. If that person was absent all the time then you can't miss them, because you haven't felt that feeling in a first place." she said, getting an intrigued look from Rye. "That's what I had when I first met you all. Before I couldn't say I miss you because I didn't- I wanted to meet you, yes. But I didn't want to recreate the moment I had because I didn't actually experience it. Now, when I went home for that week, I did miss you all as I already had some memories in my mind" she said, thinking whether she's not taking the question too seriously. However she saw Rye wanted her to continue. "Well, I guess people who cannot love would really want to feel the love, because of what they heard it feels like. But 'missing' for me is not the right verb to use." She finished. "But, you're right - world without love wouldn't exist. Even if reproduction can still happen without love, people's mind would be so fixed on themselves, they would become crazy and start killing eachother."

"Wow, I never thought about it in that way" Rye replied, boring his eyes at Belle. "But that makes so much sense" he said, as the girl nodded.

"Do you know another sad thing?" He said after a minute as Belle looked up at him curiously. "That some people can love but they refuse to do it. They marry people for money, fame or because it's easy"

"True. I never understood that" Belle said slowly. "What's the point in life if you have to spend with someone who you don't even truly love? That's ridiculous." She added as she shivered a little, the jumper not being able to keep her warm in this time of the year. "Do you know what I'm scared of?" She added, as the boy looked at her and nodded, showing he's listening. "That I'll not know if what I feel is true love."

Rye didn't reply for a while, taking off his hoodie and placing it the girl's shoulders seeing she was cold. Belle just smiled softly, cuddling to him more so they were both warmer. "Yeah, this is terrifying." Rye answered previous question as the girl placed her head his chest. "But apparently true love always feels different. You can compare it with how you felt with others and if it's special, you know it's real" he said.

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