Chapter 39

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The sounds of screams and shouts of children from the neighbours house pierced the air, but Belle didn't seem to hear it. Her eyes were widely open, shocked at the image in front of her. Wide, black limousine was standing in their parking area, almost as if it wasn't anything abnormal.

"How on earth..." she said, looking at all the boys with risen eyebrows. However after a second, she jumped lightly as an idea came to her mind. "Brook didn't throw up!" she said, not even bothered to ask a question. The memory from her 'brother's' birthday party was still clear, as she never saw anyone eating 15 slices of pizza at once. The ending bet was that if he won't throw up, they'll have a one day limousine rent for free. "Nicely planned" she said, after everyone agreed. The boy must have thought about it at the party, making sure Belle doesn't know anything about the limousine.

The girl slowly came near, motivated by all the boys who were even more excited than she was. Everyone stood near the door for a second, observing ridiculously expensive car with better details. "Ladies first" Mikey said, opening door for Belle who thanked and came inside. They had a long drive through busy streets of London.
The next 2 hours have passed on laughs, photos and stupid challenges. Belle had an incredible time, being able to have a little party in such a luxurious car, surrounded by good food and drinks. The view of live London and awesome background music gave an awesome atmosphere, making everything even more special. The boys were incredible at keeping her entertained all the time - now she was passionately talking with Mikey about the best type of M&Ms.

Rye at the same time zoned out of the real world, getting lost in his thoughts. His eyes were directed straight at Belle, who not realising anything, was still talking with Mikey. Her waist was turned sideways, causing her legs to move further, lengthening her figure. As much as the picture of her on last day of Los Angeles was still in Rye's head, now she looked absolutely beautiful. The memory of today's midday when he saw her for the first time appeared in his head. It was definitely the most shocking moment in those couple of months, Belle was never the type of girl to dress up with fake eyelashes and high heels. But Loren did a wonderful job, highlighting her best qualities, making her look amazing.

"Stop staring at her like that, you look like a psycho fan now" Andy's voice woken him up from his thoughts. His head moved sideways, finally getting eyes off Belle that he was looking at for the last 10 minutes.

"I'm so hungry" he said, ignoring Andy's speech. Brooklyn, who seemed to be really involved in a conversation, suddenly reacted, making everyone laugh.

"What? I'm starving too." He said, causing everyone to stop near the restaurant and order some pizzas and fries - it was their cheat day anyway.
"So what are we doing next?" Jack asked curiously as he finished eating the last slice of his pizza. Everyone had eaten their meals already, feeling satisfied as never.

"Bowling?" Andy suggested as his Margarita was placed nicely in his stomach. Everyone, apart from Brooklyn who still had a little trauma, ordered pizza, leaving Brook alone with his humongous burger.

"I'm definitely in, I need some movement after those meals" Belle laughed, remembering how about 10 minutes ago, boys sang her happy birthday for the 4th time this day, causing the whole restaurant to join as well. And because she was a birthday girl, she got an additional little cake for free - that she obviously ate.

Therefore, after about half an hour they arrived at the new destination, putting their bowling shoes on. Belle was super excited, she loved bowling with all her heart and even though boys probably did it by accident, it was the best place they could go to.

"So what's the prize?" Brooklyn asked before they got on with their first game. Belle just looked at him curiously, wondering what he's on about. "Everytime we do some competition type of games, winner gets some reward" he tried to explain but was soon cut by Rye "who's usually me by the way"  he laughed, being hugely immodest about his capabilities.

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