Chapter 27

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When a clock showed 10PM, the sound of Annabelle's feet destroyed the silence in the kitchen. Her eyes moved around the shelves, looking for some snacks and drinks to restock for the party. The laud laughs of her friends pierced the silence, causing her to smile a little. The idea of the party was definitely one of the best decisions she made.

At the same time as Belle was fighting with the bag of crisps, Rye decided to put his little plan into action. He had no idea how to do it yet, but he was so excited he couldn't not share it now. "What's on your mind Rye?" Mikey asked, looking at his friend who definitely fell in his dreams for couple of seconds longer than he should.

"Do you think there's something that could convince Belle to try trampolining?" Rye asked Amanda, smiling cheekily and ignoring Mikey as if he didn't even hear his question. Amanda just laughed, thinking about how stubborn her best friend was.

"Nope. Nothing." She said clearly, seeing the brightness in Rye's eyes disappearing. She couldn't lie, it was sadly adorable, but there was no point of lying to him. "She hates being seen as the weak one; she was always an easy learner, making her good in nearly everything she approached. I guess Trampoline is her only Achilles heel."

"I took bacon crisps this time, hope everyone likes it" Belle suddenly said, coming into the room. "Sugar" she said, realising Mikey was vegetarian. "I'll quickly go and get something for our plant eater" She laughed, leaving room as quickly as she came into it.

"Leave it to me. I'll try to think of something" Rye said after Belle left the room. "So who's playing 'Truth or Dare?" He asked loudly, making sure Belle hears it.

"I'm in" the girl shouted, coming back into the room. She took a bottle of whiskey and passed it to Rye who made a drink for everyone. Not everyone there could legally consume alcohol, but it was only for relaxation purposes; not to get completely wasted.

Everyone sat down, waiting for the first loser of the game. Unfortunately for Brooklyn, he was the unlucky one and decided to choose a dare. "Go to our window, look at the first person who's walking and convince them that you love them- no matter what gender and age they are" Rye quickly said, starting the game in easy but funny way.

Brooklyn did the task and his chosen person was a nice, old lady who seemed so excited that there's still young gentlemen in the world. "She was such a cutie" Brooke commented while sitting down.

The game continued as their drinks got refilled more and more times. Annabelle, who was known as organised and responsible person, decided to end their drinking 'relaxation' after whole bottle of Whiskey finished. "It's juice for now guys" she laughed, feeling too happy than she probably should. At the same time as she said that, the bottle has chosen her and without a single thought she chose dare - they were much funnier than truths.

"Kiss a boy that sits next to you; you choose which one" Jack said while smirking. This simple statement caused everyone to freeze. Their game was fun and embarrassing, but until now, it didn't require any touching and kissing. Belle just looked around, seeing Andy and Rye sitting next to her. The choice was simple; she's definitely not kissing her best friend's crush. She turned around to face Rye, non verbally showing he's the one she'll kiss.

The boy froze as well, waiting for the moment to happen. Drunk alcohol and party atmosphere pushed all his common sense back and he has no doubts he wanted it to happen so badly. Annabelle just leaned closer, placing her hand onto boy's shoulder. She slowly moved her head, feelings Rye's irregular breath centimetres away from her. Everyone's eyes were just boring into the pair as Belle had a mental fight in her head. Suddenly, almost as if her brain finally started working, she moved her head sideways giving Rye a quick kiss on his cheek. "I'm not wasting our first kiss on some stupid dare. That's boring." She whispered to his ear straight after that, causing boys's face to change from disappointment to excitement within seconds.

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