Chapter 78

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"Guys please don't keep us waiting for any longer" Andy moaned as he slowly sat on the sofa in the living room. Everyone was currently gathered together waiting for Annabelle and Rye to tell them what was happening.

Last night they both came back really late. Mikey could see Belle's red eyes, guessing she was crying. But he couldn't tell whether those were happy or sad tears. His two friends were so amazing at hiding their feelings that all they said was that they'll speak about it tomorrow.

It now was the time for this conversation and the boys couldn't feel more nervous. Technically, it wasn't even their life, but Rye and Belle were their best friends and they knew their choice would affect them in many ways too - they didn't want to see 'Relle' unhappy.

"We have some news; pretty bad ones, but not as much when you think about it from different perspective" Belle started, getting a loud 'oh no'  from Andy. It truly melted her heart how involved and caring her best friend was. She waited a little, creating the dramatic pause to then say cheerfully. "You'll have to stick with me for the next couple of months. If Blair agrees, I'm staying here"

"YESSSS" boys screamed at once, jumping around. They quickly run to the girl, hugging her one by one. Belle will continue to work with them. That meant her and Rye had to be on better terms, at least good enough to be friends.

"What about you two though?" Jack asked apprehensively. He was scared it would create some more arguments, like it did for the past 4 weeks. However, from the smile that he got from them both he realised they're not offended.

"Well, it's better than it was before - we're not going to jump into eachother throats all the time." Belle started, soon being followed by Rye who couldn't stop himself, but say: "Or we may do. But in completely different, non violent way" he laughed, getting an amused look from Belle who shook her head, losing faith in her boyfriend.

"I'm confusion" Mikey said, looking around for someone to explain him everything. Other boys looked surprised as well, only Andy was thinking about something intensively. "No way" the blond haired boy said suddenly, his head piercing up while his eyes brightened. His smile only widened when he saw Belle's and Rye's reaction to his words. "Getting into eachother throats is a disgusting way of saying kissing passionately"

"That's true" Rye laughed, getting excited looks from everyone in the room. "Me and Belle are officially together."

"NO WAY" "YES" "DUCKING FINALLY" Those and some other non understandable words came out of boys' mouths, too happy to talk with sense. The next 10 minutes were just spent on laughs and talks about current situation, everyone being happy that things worked out that way.

"As we're on that subject and all together, there's something I need to tell you guys too" Jack randomly said, getting curious and surprised looks from everyone in the room. Only Belle smiled lightly, sort of knowing what the Irish boy will talk about.

"I'm not single anymore as well." He started. "I mean, I still am, but hopefully I won't be soon" he added so quickly and so unexpectedly that all the boys did was to look at him stupidly. It took them good couple of seconds to understand his words - since when Jack managed to meet and fall in love with a girl? They haven't seen him going out anywhere. "Some of you may know her already. Sort of know." He continued mysteriously, getting more surprised looks. Now, even Belle was intrigued.

"Remember our LA party?" He asked, looking at Belle, Brooke and Rye. They all just nodded their heads in agreement. "I told you about a girl I spent most of the night with. It was meant to be only fun, but we exchanged numbers and eventually started talking again"

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