Chapter 70

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As the clock raised its hands on 7:30PM Andy and Mikey slowly walked into the room where Rye and Belle were chilling in. They had a serious topic they had to mention and now there was an amazing opportunity as no one else was home yet.

"Guys, you could see Blair suspects something already" Mikey started slowly, knowing that nothing from it all can get to their main manager. The 2 boys were simply scared that if Blair will see how difficulties in a 'relationship' affected Rye's and Belle's work he'll ban girlfriends once again. "Ryan" Mikey tried to get attention of his friend as neither him or Belle replied to his first sentence.

"Can you all get away from me?" The brown haired boy suddenly said, looking annoyed for no particular reason.

"Wait, we haven't said anything. What's up with you?" Andy joined the conversation, quite surprised.

"Because everything resolves around me. I am in the worst position in it all and I have enough" The boy replied moving out of his bed. He honestly had enough of talking about the same thing all over again; the fact he always had it in his mind was already enough.

"What?" Belle suddenly hissed, remaining everyone of her existence. Her tone of voice didn't seem to be particularly calm either so Andy and Mikey signed with annoyance already prepared for another argument.

"What now? Am I not saying the truth?" Rye replied, passing his irritation to the brown haired girl.

"You think you're the one who got affected the worst by it all?" Belle asked genuinely surprised. This threw Ryan off a little, he had no idea what she meant.

"Of course I am. I'm in the middle of this mess." He replied, talking to her almost like to a dumb person. Didn't she realise he's the main part of it all?

"Boys can you leave please, I need to speak with him" Belle said calmly, but inside she was fuming. Mikey and Andy just looked at eachother, but decided to accept the circumstances and just exit the room.

"Do you want to know who's ACTUALLY in the middle of this mess? Me!" She shouted after boys left the room. Usually, she didn't want to show how hard everything was for her, but Ryan moaning about his life annoyed her too much to ignore it.

"Okay, we both are. But don't try to act all hurt because life ain't easy for me too!" The boy replied, causing Belle's body to shiver in irritation. Did he really think that she's acting hurt?

"Are you actually serious?! It's not easy for you? Do I have to remind you that you have all your friends and the whole fandom by your side? You're not the one getting threats on DMs every 5 seconds!" She started loosing control, knowing that in couple of seconds she'll explode. Everyone who knew her was aware that she was calm, until a certain point - point that Ryan definitely broke.

"Well, I didn't kiss..." "Don't you dare finish that sentence. I had a hard time from the beginning" Belle cut Rye's words, getting a non understanding look from him. She honestly had enough. Her whole body tensed up, it was time to tell that boy what really has been happening. "Do you think your fans were happy that a girl your age is your permanent manager now? A girl that has been a fan of you before? Of course not! I've been receiving messages that I'm messed up in a head and all I want is to get close to one of you before I even got selected as your manager. And of course later on, it didn't finish; furthermore, it got a lot worse when we became closer. Do you know how many people told me I'm not good enough for you? And it's not like I didn't know that myself; of course I did. I still do. Because why a talented, famous, handsome Ryan Beaumont - boy with an amazing personality would go out with someone like me?" She said, pointing at herself with so much disgust that Rye has to step back, physically pushed backed by her words.

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