Chapter 29

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As the clocked moved its hands onto 2AM, Mikey walked out of the hotel, with Rose by his side. The light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night as luminous stars materialized above their heads. Even though, it was definitely a sleep time for many people, Los Angles seemed to be injected with energy, creating a cosy, emotional atmosphere. Mikey took Rose's hand, slowly walking to the main centre in which they first met. He never had a proper girlfriend so nervousness affected his whole body, but the idea of finishing everything where it all started seemed to be the most appropriate.

"Where are we going?" Rose asked, wondering what Mikey planned this time. Little tap on her crush's nose suggested she needs to wait and find out.

"Okay, you need to close your eyes now" Mikey said as they walked for good 15 minutes. The girl followed his order, while he placed his hands on her arms, making sure she doesn't bump on anything. After what seemed to be hours, they arrived at their destination, which was soon revealed to Rose.

She opened her eyes as a quick 'wow' left her mouth unintentionally. She was standing on a strong, murmured bridge, surrounded by the dark sky covered in light which radiated from every star. The moon was shining beautifully, reflecting its rays in a cold river. The girl looked at Mikey, amazed by his romantic nature. He, not wanting to break the moment just pointed his finger on a busy town, only couple of metres away from them.

"That's the place we first met, remember?" He asked, pointing at area where they first sang 'Can't help falling in love'. He didn't want to reveal his love for this girl in a hotel; he wanted to make something special, even though couple of hours ago he was sure he won't see her again. By the look of Rose's brightened eyes and big, beautiful smile he could see his plan worked. As a clocked moved its hands to half past 2, ticking loudly for couple of seconds, Mikey walked beside Rose to then look deeply in her eyes.

"I know it may not the best time. The surprise was quick and spontaneous as I was sure I won't see you again" he said, with a sad smile. "When you told me you're leaving, I spent most of the next hours regretting things I haven't told you. But I'm happy you made this cheeky plan as it proved how important you are to me." He stopped, clearing his mind, ready to reveal his feelings. "I know I met you only 4 days ago, but I realised my love for you is exactly the same as this surprise- quick and spontaneous, however strong as hell" he laughed nervously. "I fell in love with you quickly after I sang those words for you when we first met. I'm aware that in couple of hours we'll be miles away from each other, but.. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" he said, happy he could finally say it.

"Oh Mikey.." the girl started as drops of happy tears collapsed on her dark dress. "You're the best thing that could ever happen to me and I don't care it's only 4 days, it could be 4 hours and my reply would still be the same" she said with a huge smile on her face. "I fell in love with you too and I would love to be your girlfriend" she said, finally hugging the boy, to then kiss him passionately.

It's all they needed right now. Their touch and the fact it's not over...
As the moon slowly hided its rays, getting ready for the sun to come, a silhouette of a tall, brown haired girl walked through the streets of sleepy Los Angeles. She was followed by 3 young boys, who seemed to be unusually hyped, talking excitingly about the night.

"I cannot believe you told him the wrong address" Annabelle said, facing Rye as goosebumps appeared on her skin - this morning was definitely quite chill.

The boy seeing Belle's body, took off his jacket and placed it on her arms, giving her some warmth. "I did it on purpose, I wanted to spend more time with my girlfriend" he whispered to her ear, giving her a cheeky smile. After their trampoline conversation, atmosphere came back to normal, leaving the group with couple of more hours of fun. They mostly spent it on dancing floor, where Belle was bombarded by three boys, wanting to dance with every single one of them.

"You have... 10 more minutes - after that you're single again" Belle replied, showing her tongue. It was the first time she was coming back home at nearly 6 AM but it was all worth it - she had such a good time.

"Oh, 10 minutes is exactly the right amount of time to do one more thing" Rye replied really quietly. Belle, waited for him to explain it further, not really understanding what he means.

"Rye!" she screamed suddenly, realising what he was talking about. However, after seconds of being disturbed, she started laughing, finding the situation funny.

"See, you're already getting ready" the boy smirked, hearing how she screamed his name.

"Shut up Beaumont, go and release your sexual frustration somewhere else" Belle replied clearly, quickly finishing the awkward topic. However, those games boosted her mood up even more, leaving her with a huge smile that stuck to her face for quite a long time. "Speaking of going, where the heck have you been Jack?" Belle asked, realising that boy came to them at like 5 AM, meaning he spent more than 4 hours somewhere else.

"I've met couple of people near the bar" he said mysteriously. However, this reply didn't satisfy his friends therefore he had to explain everything. "I was sitting next to a group of girls and one of them - Maya was really cute so I spent some time with her" he said so suddenly, making Belle freeze.

"NO WAY!" she said so loudly, decreasing Jack's confidence, acting almost as if it was impossible to meet a girl in his case. "Oh,no!" She quickly said, realising her mistake. "I didn't mean it in that way" she said, blushing a little. "It's just.. all of you are suddenly falling in love" she said, realising how true it was. "Wow, Blair's going to kill me" she said to herself, making everyone laugh.

"Don't worry, she knows I leave the USA today, it was nothing more than just some fun" he replied, to then feel shots coming from Annabelle's eyes.

"Now Duff, make sure it was fun from both sides and you're not just using this poor girl." She said coldly, hoping her friend is not an idiot and he won't break this girl's heart. However, quick 'Oh no, she knows' from Jack, followed by a quick story where he and Rachel were just flirting and dancing, calmed Belle down.

"So yeah.. I must admit we kissed and I have her number but I'm 100% sure Belle, she treated it exactly like I did" he finished the story as they entered the hotel. It was very unusual for him to have a one-night girl to kiss with, but Belle didn't comment it, sure he knows what he's doing.

"Well, Jack's hard then, isn't he?" Brooklyn added at the end, laughing. This cleared the air and made everything giggle as phrase 'Jack's hard' was used very often with all Roadtrip's bants.

They all entered the hotel quietly, hoping neither Blair nor Ginger woke up yet. Belle told them about little party where she would invite Amanda, but none of them knew about Rose and the club trip which could mess some things up a little. Blair definitely wouldn't be happy seeing boys coming back home at 6AM when they have flight in 6 hours.

Finally, what seemed like ages, they entered the apartment, talking about where they'll all sleep. "Andy and Mikey took two rooms meaning we're left with only 2" Jack said, remembering that Annabelle and Rye had their own rooms whereas Jack and Brooklyn shared with Andy and Mikey.

"Then it's two per room, who's sharing with me?" Annabelle asked, not bothered she will have to sleep with one boy in one bed - she was too sleepy to care, plus she did it before anyway. Brooke and Jack looked at Rye straight away, non verbally choosing him. The boy didn't have anything against it so everything was sorted. Boys went to their room straight away, whereas Belle headed to bathroom first to take off her makeup and get ready to sleep.

After what seemed like 15 minutes, she heard a quick bump on the door, almost as if someone was trying to open it. Scared, however motivated to find out who it is, she went out of the bathroom.

The silhouette of that person pierced her to the ground; she definitely wasn't prepared to see them here right now.

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