Chapter 23

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He kissed her and the whole world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mangled. She ran her fingers down his spine, pulling him closer to her, so there was no space in between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest. They moved away from each other, smiling. There was no words to describe it; it was just beautiful.
But it wouldn't be Roadtrip, if something didn't distract them..

Mikey blinked suddenly as he felt vibrations down his legs. His phone was ringing for quite a while now, but taken by the moment he didn't even realise that. He moved away from his crush, looking at the screen.

Rose just watched his face expression changing. His eyes, before lightened with happiness, now widened staring at the screen, shocked. "Emm. I'm sorry." He started as he realised his mistake and Rose felt her heart breaking into parts. He didn't want it; he didn't feel what she felt and she suddenly wanted to cry. "I have to go, it's a long story, but I have 10 minutes, otherwise I'll get into huge troubles"

"Oh yes, of course. Go." She said sadly, thinking that maybe he needs time to think about the situation and that is just his excuse. She had a little hope, that maybe it was actually something to do with the phone vibrations and he didn't just make it up to get away from her. Her thoughts has been distracted by Mikey who kissed her in the cheek and apologised one more time, assuring he had a great time.
And after a second, he was gone.

At the same time as Michael was sitting with Rose in the cafe, Annabelle was moving her last clothing items to her room in their new apartment. Everyone else was already sitting in the living room, watching TV so she decided to join them as well.

"Hello guys." She said, jumping on the couch next to Rye, taking some popcorn from the bowl he was holding. "What are we watching?"

"Some emo guy, trying to tattoo every part of his body." Rye replied, while Annabelle just squeezed her face in disgust, thinking about the pain. "Kinda reminds me of Mikey" he added, laughing about the number of tattoos his friend has.

"Oh yeah, where is Mikey?" Andy asked, realising he haven't seen him for the whole day. Everyone squirmed, discussing where their friend could be. Annabelle looked away for one second, seeing Jack slowly hiding underneath his phone, almost as if he didn't want to be seen.

"Jack" Annabelle said, knowing that the Irish guy doesn't tell them the whole truth. "You know something, don't you?" she asked, worried. Blair's plane landed about 20 minutes ago, and considering how close the hotel is to the airport, he could be here in about 10 minutes. If he finds out that Mikey did something bad, they'll be in troubles.

"Jack. Now." Rye said, pressuring his friend to speak. Blair was one of the coolest and chilled managers and he couldn't ask for a better one, but he was also harsh when rules weren't followed. Mikey missing his voice trial would definitely annoy him as that was compulsory thing they had to do once a week.

"Okay, okay" Jack replied, knowing that he wouldn't keep it a secret for long anyway. "He went out.. em.. with Rose" he said, as everyone smacked their foreheads with their hands. "But he said he would be back before 4pm, I swear. He should be here any second." He backed himself up, almost like a child not wanting to be shouted at.

"Call him now, knowing our luck Bl... "HELLO EVERYONE" Andy's speech was cut by their friend Harvey who came loudly into the apartment, placing his suitcases on the corridor. "Didn't I say..." Andy whispered quietly.

"Hey Brooke, what's up?" Harvey asked, hugging one of his friends that was the nearest. After a little cuddle with all of the boys, he looked at the girl standing in the corner of the room. "And you must be Annabelle? Nice to meet you" he said, hugging her in the same way as other boys did when they met her. As he moved away from her, the laud sound of their main manager with his girlfriend, travelled into their ears.

"How are you guys?" Blair asked, being in a really happy mood. 'It'll change soon' Annabelle thought in her head, feeling extremely sad. "Where's Mikey?" she heard Blair asking. 'Woah, quicker than I thought' she thought to herself again, completely ignoring Blair who was looking at her.

"He went for a run" Rye replied quickly, seeing Belle being lost in her mind. Blair looked at him, not being sure whether to believe it. He knew all the boys for more than a year now and something didn't feel right. However, he didn't have time to think about it as after a second the door opened and the silhouette of black haired boy appeared in front of their eyes. He was breathing heavily, not being able to catch his breath.

"How was your run?" Belle asked straight away, giving her friend a clue of what lie they told their main manager. Mikey followed easily and Blair seemed to believe them. The situation calmed and everyone came back to their own things.
As the sun raised its colours above the sky, blond haired boy was already fully awake, messaging the girl who was taking over his dreams. He didn't see Amanda for the whole day yesterday as she came back home yesterday's morning. The sound of incoming message woke him up from his wonders.
"I'll come sooner than you think, I promise" his crush said, ending their conversation for now.

At the same time, his black haired friend wasn't asleep either, sitting on the kitchen table trying to contact with Rose, without success. She didn't reply to his messages and if she did the answers were usually short, almost as if she wanted to finish the conversation. Annabelle came to the kitchen in interest for taking water for her early run, but seeing Mikey in this state, caused her to change her running time again.

"Mike? What's up?" She asked quietly, placing her hand on his shoulder, giving him mental support. He definitely looked like someone just took the whole life and energy out of him.

"I like her, why doesn't she like me?" He replied after couple of seconds of silence. Belle nearly cried at the break in his voice; his pain was visible so much.

"Mike. Let's go out and you'll tell me everything, okay?" She asked politely and calmly, remembering Blair wouldn't be happy to hear their conversation. They went out to the local park, walking around. At the beginning Mikey wasn't willing to expose any details but Belle convinced him, she just wanted to help.

"What happened at the end?" Belle asked, seeing Mikey struggling with last part of the story. Her women instinct told her that's a reason of her friend being in this state right now and when Mikey told her about the kiss and the phone call, she knew what was going on.

"She thought you're running away" she said quietly, followed by sudden "what" from Mikey's lips. Sometimes she didn't understand how non understandable boys were, as even though she had no experience in relationships, the reason of this situation was obvious for her. "She was sure you either thought the kiss was too early, considered her only as fun or thought she was easy. And this phone call was just excuse for running away" she explained as the boy's eyes widened as he finally understood the situation.

"Oh no, of course it's not!" I need to talk with her.." he said quickly and Belle advised him to meet with Rose in person, rather than doing it by phone.

"Don't worry, I'll think of another lie to Blair' she said, aware her mate doesn't want any troubles.

"You're a legend. Thank you so much" Mikey replied, hugging her tightly. His mood has changed completely as his fears of her not liking him back disappeared. Now his main plan was to convince her of how he cares about her too.

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