Chapter 60

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"Now tell us. We see and we know. What happened?" Amanda asked straight up, not having time for any teasing. Belle and Rye managed to ignore and avoid each other for 4 hours and considering the fact that there were now 8 people in the house, it was a hard job.

Belle knew that she cannot deny that something was going on. Her friends were not blind, Andy and Mikey were probably speaking with Rye right now.

"I don't know what to tell you." She started, trying to find words, "I don't know what happened myself. It's just... something that I didn't expect. Like it made me confused a bit, but on the other side, it made me realise things." She started rumbling, getting nervous.

"I don't understand" Rose whispered, looking at Amanda, however the girl looked lost as well. She have never seen Belle being so unbalanced - the girl always had some logical plans to follow, but in this case, everyone saw her brain was a one huge chaos.

"Did Rye say anything bad to you?" Amanda asked, trying to take a guess of what has happened. Belle clearly didn't want to talk about it, but it was for her own good.

"It's not about what he said. But what he did" Belle whispered mysteriously, leaving the conversation and heading to another room.
At the same time, Andy and Mikey tried to get some information out of their best friend. Andy was similar to Amanda in a way where he didn't hesitate, but asked what happened straight away. "Mate, everyone sees something happened between you and Belle."

"Yhym" Rye agreed, not willing to share anything else. He knew his friends had good intentions, trying to sort out the situation, but it was too soon.

"Rye" Andy sat next to him on a bed, leaving Mikey to sit on the other side. They both knew the boy more than anyone else. Mikey was a childhood friend of his whereas Andy spent the most time with him in a band. "We want to help. Both of you, because trust me, I can see it affected Annabelle as well." He said, seeing Rye breaking a little. The brown haired boy cared about the girl a lot and the boys sneakily wanted to take advantage of that. "What happened?"

"Nothing" the boy sighed, "and I think that's the problem in all of this" he said mysteriously, leaving the room.

"We need to get this out of him" Andy said to Mikey, leaving to get ready to pick up Jack from the airport. The Irish boy was landing in 30 minutes.


After couple of hours, everyone gathered in the boys' room. It was quite hard to find space as now, there were 10 people in a house instead of 8. About an hour ago, Jack and Andy came from the airport, meeting Brooklyn who was coming back from the train station at the same time.

"I need to speak with you all" Blair said, standing near the door, with Sophie by his side. "As you can see, there isn't enough space in here right now. I can't imagine all of us functioning in this flat, even if it's for a week" he stated, scaring Amanda and Rose a little. Will they have to move out somewhere?

"We can manage to fit somehow here" Mikey said, trying to convince his manager to let the girls stay. They only had a week, it wasn't a lot.

"I have a better idea" Blair said. "Actually Belle helped me to think of it, even if she didn't realise that herself" He said, trying to find the girl he was talking about. His eyes automatically spotted Rye, expecting Annabelle to sit somewhere near him; but it wasn't the case today. After a while, he found her on the other side of the room. "Belle suggested the hotel, which could go wrong for your friends, but not for us"

"What do you mean?" Brook asked confused. He barely managed to listen to Blair as his problems were taking most of his mind, his mind too tired to read between the lines.

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