Chapter 34

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After what seemed to be only 5 minutes, Annabelle opened her eyes. The loud screams and laughs travelled to her ear, suddenly increasing her heartbeat. The time flied so quickly, she was now in changing room in Trampoline Area, taking off her shoes. Her hands were so shaky that she felt embarrassed, stressing about something that wasn't scary at all. She looked around, seeing boys excited for their session. Before she entered the trampoline, she caught Rye's arm, stopping him so others wouldn't hear their conversation.

"I'm going there." She said, more to increase her confidence than to inform him. "I'll try my best, but don't be mad at me if it won't work, okay? I don't want this to influence anything"

"Belle" Rye said softly, shocked about her question. He took her arms in his hands, making sure she listens. "I'm not going to be angry or force you to do things you're not confident with doing" he said, seeing her struggle. "You may probably know from our vlogs already" he smiled, remembering she was their huge fan, "but none of the boys could do things like backflips or front-flips at the beginning. It took Mikey 5 Trampoline sessions to even attempt it" he smiled, motivating the girl. She just smiled, happy with his reply.

"C'mon guys, we don't have a whole day" Jack shouted, already doing some jumpy tricks. Belle hopped onto the trampoline, but decided to get some footage for the vlog first, slowly walking and filming the boys. The RT team kept her entertained for the whole time, doing all sorts of crazy activities that were vlog worthy. After Andy slid down the wall like a sloth, naming it his best trampoline trick, she bursted out laughing- she had some much fun.

"I'm going to film Rye while he does his awesome tricks, girls admire that on the vlogs" she laughed, looking for her friend.

"Oh and how do you know that?" Miley smirked to then laugh suddenly, hearing Belle approving she always loved it when she was their fan. Belle just ignored him, walking to Rye and filming his silhouette, without him realising it yet.

"You're ready to start?" He asked as soon as he saw her coming in his direction.

"I mean... I'm alright with walking" she said, wanting to longer that moment for as far as possible. However a look from Rye showed her tryings won't do much anyway.

"Here. Hold me and jump." He said giving her two hands so she can hold them tightly. Belle just looked up, surprised at how slow and nice he was with her - she thought he would just tell her to do a front flip straight away, but he took it slow, making sure she's comfortable with jumping higher first. She wasn't used to starting from complete basics as most people expected her to know them already and this was a nice surprise.

"Rye everyone will look at us" she said as she took his hands, realising how awkward it looks from stranger's point of view. However, a quick 'I don't care, let's do it' from her friend, cleared out the atmosphere, making girl laugh.

She closed her eyes, suddenly feeling extremely insecure about her fears. She slowly started jumping, squeezing Rye's fingers almost as if he was the only way to keep her safe - if she had to be honest, he was. Ryan jumped higher, trying to push her limits further, however he kept on rational level.

"See, you're doing okay!" He shouted as they both were jumping quite high. Belle knew it was only because she was holding his hands. As soon as she'll let go of him, she would be paralysed to get her feet off the ground again.
Rye, almost as if he was reading her mind, stopped jumping and let her go, moving away. "Now, same thing but without me" he said cheerfully, stepping back a bit.

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