Chapter 67

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As the sun raised above the sky, the black haired boy slowly opened his eyes, hearing loud voices from outside the room. Today was his day of sharing Blair's room with Rose and he wanted to make the best out of it as Blair was coming back soon. It also meant that he would have to say final goodbyes to his beautiful girlfriend and even a thought of it made him cry. He got too attached to Rose to let her go.

"Are they arguing again?" He heard a small whisper from a left side of the bed. The reason why they both woken up was because Rye and Belle decided to argue again, for the 10th time in those 2 days. It was honestly amazing how even though they seemed to hate each other, they couldn't resist talking to each other, even if that meant shouting and being rude.

"I'm trying to understand their situation, but it gets on my nerves. Arguing won't solve anything, can I have at least one day that I can spend with my girlfriend in peace?" Mikey ranted, feeling Rose hugging to him tightly.

"I know honey." the girl said softly, "How about we'll go for a walk around the park? It's early so no one should be able to see us." She suggested. Mikey, happy with the idea of leaving the flat for at least an hour, got up to get dressed. The argument from the other room didn't seem to finish, furthermore it seemed to get worse. Mikey had no motivation to go there, but he knew him and Rose should inform everyone where they're going just in case.

At the same time, Rye and Belle were sitting on the other sides of the room. They were both silent, but it was just a calm before the storm. No-one else spoke, not wanting to break the golden minutes of peace. Mikey and Rose came to the room unnoticed. Rye wasn't even bothered to raise his eyes from the book he tried to read to see who came in. Belle was the same, typing on her laptop, but with such strength that it was a miracle the keyboard didn't break. They seemed calm, doing their everyday activities, but everyone knew sooner or later something bad will happen. And the thoughts came true as Ryan took his phone out typing something passionately.

"What are you doing now?" Andy asked, not really sure whether he wants to know the answer. His friend had many dumb ideas, especially now.

"I'll message Daphne. I didn't see her in a while." Rye said so calmly, as if it was nothing unusual. All the boys told him to stop, reacting almost synchronically, whilst Rose and Amanda looked at everyone in confusion. Belle tried to act like it didn't bother her, but she knew exactly who Daphne was. Their old fan, who enjoyed hooking up with no feelings attached. The boys had many propositions from her, especially Rye, but none of them ever accepted any, breaking the contact with the girl immediately. But of course now Rye wanted to embarrass and annoy her as much as possible.

"Let him have fun, he seems to like that lifestyle" Belle replied calmly, however inside she was burning. Funny how quickly Rye could find himself a toy friend to play with.

"Guys, don't be like that." Jack started, not understanding the situation. He had no idea what happened between the pair, but he knew much they liked each other. "Everyone saw how close you were"

"I never was and never wanted to be close with her, you miss-understood something" Rye replied in a cold tone, causing everyone to widen their eyes. The silence pierced the air as no-one knew what to say. This weren't just little insults he sometimes threw at the girl before. He made Belle feel like a piece of trash, allowing her to hear everything from the sofa. The girl looked down, feeling tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She never expected him to say it. Despite anything, she thought he had some respect for her, but it didn't seem like he did anymore.

"Oh, weren't you?" She said, her teeth clenched. She wanted to act strong, but she was scared she'll fail. "You made it seem like the situation was different." That's the only thing she could say right now. She was acting weak, showing her emotions, showing how much it hurt her. Her pride and feelings had been demolished - Rye hurt her, he probably didn't even realise how much.

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