Chapter Forty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"They haven't, I haven't" He murmured.

"Has it ever happened before?"

"Not once when I came here"

Tootles said he hasn't had one either. Not once. And he's been here for decades. Decades without a bad dream. "Any idea why now?" She questioned.

James didn't answer, he seemed to be thinking, "I may have a thought" he got up, went into the cave but came back a moment later with a torch. He was leaving.

"Where are you going?" Mara stood up.

He turned his head, "His place" he said quietly then went on.

Mara wanted to see Pan, it was odd of him that he hasn't shown up, he would've, would he? With the Lost Boys waking up in the middle of the night and all of them having nightmares at the same time which never happened. She wondered why, so she went to follow James.

After all the nightmares they all woke up from, the woods seem somehow terrifying as she and James walked. The boy suddenly halted, and was glancing up, "You hear that?"

Mara stood still and listened, for a moment she thought he meant it would be the ghosts of the deceased whispering to them but it wasn't. There was small faint of cries and screams, children crying in the distance, they all sounded far away, and their cries echoed across Neverland. "Who?" She asked.

"Looks like we're not the only ones having nightmares" James muttered sadly.

She realized who, "Natives" she said under her breath. He nodded weakly then both proceeded to Pan's place.

It's been almost half hour since they began walking, "Is it far?"

"We're almost there, just about a few hundred paces ahead, I think"

They kept walking until James stopped in the middle of an open spot, then looked around as if he was looking for something. "What are you looking for?"

He kept looking as he replied, "A butterfly... it's blue and it should be...glowing"

Mara recalled the day he arrived Neverland with Killian Jones, they were looking for the camp, while they were looking, she saw a butterfly and followed it. That's when she first encountered Peter Pan.

"There it is" He found it on the left side within the bushes. The trees around them were very tall and very close to one another, the bushes around them were tall and towering over Mara and James. "Come on"

He went into the bushes and Mara followed. She remembered that's where she went, they kept going ahead, the blue butterfly was fluttering and flying as if it was guiding them both. It didn't stop until it found it's home. On a blue rose.

It was the exact spot where she first saw Pan.

She chuckled softly all of sudden.

James looked at her, "What?"

"Nothing it's just..." she paused for a second, "I've been here before, once"

"When was that?" He continued ahead and she followed, passing by the butterfly and the rose.

"When I arrived, I was with Killian and we were looking for the camp, I came across the butterfly and followed it" she recalled, "that's when I saw Pan"

"You would've come across his place" James stated, "I assumed he attempt to stop you from finding it"

"So you can't find it without following that butterfly?"


"How did he even—?" She stopped, but she sort of knew the answer, "never mind"

Not far ahead they went, they found Pan's own camp site. The area was open, a bonfire that seemed died out not long before, the charcoal were still burning and glowing in red and orange. The place was surrounded by the tallest trees, they were more thicker, standing close to each other looking like they were walls surrounding the place. There was a treehouse, a squared house between the trees and it stood about almost twenty feet high.

"Pan?" James called out as he glanced up at the treehouse.

There was no answer.

"Odd, he usually answers right away"

"Sleeping?" She wondered.

He shrugged, "Maybe"

Mara sighed, she decided to go in.

"Hey, Mara!" James uttered. "We don't ever go in!"

She ignored him, she began climbing up the ladder.

"Mara, don't"

She kept climbing up.

"Dammit" James gave up and decided to follow her.

There was a squared entranceway under the house where she climbed in. In the house, it was almost dark, she heard familiar soft noises, she could barely see as she stood up, she couldn't see what was on the walls or in the treehouse. There were shapes like a table with sheets and parchments, there was a bed. She heard Pan murmuring and muttering and the noises of him tossing and turning.

He's having a nightmare too, she realized.


Didn't think the chapter would be a bit long *L

Stay weird :)

Stay weird :)

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