19; news

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3 weeks later
Zach's P.O.V:

I was more excited then I had ever been, we were going on tour again!! The vibe our whole band was giving off when walking in the house was amazing and made me realise why I loved this industry so much.

"HOW COOL IS IT GOING TO BE!" Corbyn started yelling from across the kitchen putting down the groceries we had just gone and gotten.

"It's going to be actually mint!" Jack screams back as he ruffles through the bags pulling out the food and the junk food, the ratio not the way it should be. The issue with us five together is the fact that we suck at shopping healthy. Jonah would eat a bag of pretzels per day because of the amount of them he bought over fruit. At least Corbyn was a good cook and made sure at least our dinner was semi okay and kept us going. I tried extremely hard to cook but it was just never my thing.

"Do you remember that time I nearly burnt down the kitchen making pasta?"

"I WAS JUST THINKING OF THAT" Jonah rolls over the bench just to give me a fist bump before rolling back to help unpack the shopping.

"I'm so excited for tour but tonight!!! We haven't seen Libby in a week! She's literally a sixth member with the amount she's around" I nod smiling at the thought of the girl who had stolen my heart with her gorgeous ocean eyes and hair that was so soft and tickled you face when laying on her shoulder. Jack had been nagging me about asking her out for so long but I couldn't do it. I know she'd say no and I didn't want to ruin the friendship we'd created.

"She said she's going to bring a Disney movie so we are in for it" Jonah huffs probably worried of Ab's choice. Tonight would be the first "sleepover" we had all had with her and from the texts this morning she was eleven times more thrilled about coming then we were. My heart skipped a beat, wait... what happens when we are on tour?! I sat down sadly on an island bench stool my hands holding up my face from flopping to the bench. How would I be able to go for 2 months without seeing her or hearing her laugh or hanging out. I sighed making the boys look at me.

"Zach, what's wrong?"

" I just realised that I- I mean we won't see Ab- and- or Mabel for more the 2 months." I saw the smiles fall off all their faces as the truth sunk in. We all loved them both way too much more then any other friend we'd have including Logan, which was quite outstanding to think about.

"NOOOOOOOO I CANT NOT SEE MABELL" Daniel put his head against the cupboard as we all stared, oh hell Daniel was head over heels for her.

"Oh and Abigail hehehe" we all burst out laughing, Corbyn and Jonah sticking their fingers into his side making him squirm while cooing.

"Wait why can't they come!?" Jack was now standing on top of the bench nearly hitting his head on the roof, his hair grazing the ceiling.


"Mabel has school..." I see Daniels head drop as he continues putting away cereal and chip packets.

"Noooooo the iconic duo of Ab and Mabs!" Corbyn yells but Jonah coughs his eyes staring straight at me I knew what he was implying so I sent back a bitchy look before laughing. Ab and I, god we could rule the world if we tried. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of Abigail and I being something which caused some strange looks as I walked away, opening my phone to a message

Zachy! Get pumped! I'll
be there in an hour!

Whoop whoop just went
and stocked up on junk food

Thank god, you were
running low when I
was there last

When was that? You
basically live here 😂

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