"What's wrong with Hagrid?"

Start from the beginning

Hagrid sat down at the table Harry knew so well. "Dinner? Was jus' about tah make it."

"No thanks, I ate earlier, I'll make tea though," Harry said, standing up and going to the cupboards.

"Thanks, 'Arry." Hagrid sniffled, once Harry handed him a mug.

Harry nodded. "Not a problem. What's wrong? Minerva said you wouldn't answer her."

Hagrid sobbed. "I was in the Forest earlier--" He cut himself off with another flood of tears.

"How come?"

"F-Fang likes to go out sometimes, an' an', oh HARRY!"

"What? Is Fang okay?"

This seemed to make Hagrid cry harder.

Harry patted his back.

They sat in silence until Hagrid calmed himself. "Help me-help me dig a grave for 'I'm."

"Of course. Now?"

Hagrid nodded. "I know you probably want ter use magic-"

"What?" Harry asked, having been busy looking for shovels. "Oh, I figured we'd do it by hand."

Hagrid smiled. "Yeah, yeah. He liked ter dig, Fang. But those bloody spiders, since Aragog died, they've been ruthless!"

Harry nodded, beginning a hole.

''Ripped poor Fang apart. By time I got there-"

Harry did not need the details.

When they had finished, Hagrid dropped Fang in it, and they covered him inn silence.

Hagrid started crying, and Harry rubbed his arm. "Want me to say something?" Harry offered.

Hagrid nodded.

Harry smiled sadly when he spoke. "Okay, so, Fang. Hey buddy, I hope you're happy, wherever you are. I remember the first time I met you. You jumped on top of Ron, and licked us both. Then in second year, we took you into the Forest with Ron and I, you were so scared, you barely looked at us for a week. You've always been here, something normal in our crazy lives, and I speak for Ron and Hermione, when I tell you we will really miss you Fang."

"Tha' was beautiful 'Arry! Thank you." Hagrid cried.

Harry shrugged. "No problem. Want me to leav you alone now?"

Hagrid shook his head. "Nah, yer fine. I'll walk you up tah the castle."

"Thanks. Say Hagrid? Any tips for teaching?"

Hagrid laughed. "Jus' be yourself with the kids. They'll love or hate yeh. No inbetween. Do yer best, teach 'em lots, and reach out to 'em, show yeh care. Tha's all yeh've gotta do. They'll love yeh anyway. How couldn't they?"

Harry blushed. "Thanks."

"Don' mention it."

"Come help me unpack?" Harry asked once they'd reached the doors.

Hagrid shrugged. "A;right."

Harry showed him to the Gryffindor Head's quarters. "The password's Nargles," he told Hagrid. "Just in case you ever need me." He explained.

"Where'd yeh get the paintin'? Looks awfully personalized."

"Luna painted it, the crown, books, and lightning is for Ron, Hermione, and I. Then Gryffindor colors, and a quote from my Dad. I like it."

"Luna's talented." Hagrid said, admiring the paining.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, stepping through the hole.


They had finished unpacking, and Hagrid said he was tired. "Alright, good night Hagrid."

"Night Harry, good luck tomorrow."



Harry dressed himself for bed, in pajamas that were too small, because he didn't want to bother with enlarging them. He had just finished putting some cream on his burning chest he'd gotten from Andy, when he heard a knock. Forgetting to put his shirt on, he went to the door.

It was Minerva. "Oh, hey Minerva, I figured you'd have gone to bed."

She shook her head with a laugh. "Oh, no. Too much work. I came by to ask how Hagrid was, how your chest was. I see you've just put on the creams?"

Harry looked down. "Er, yeah. Forgot to put on a shirt. Sorry. Would you like to come in?"

She stepped through the hole.

"You're meeting with your aunt tomorrow." She clarified.

Harry nodded. 'Yeah, we're meeting at Grimmauld."

"I will need your help with preparations. School starts soon. Can you be back by two o'clock?"

''Yeah, definitely." Harry promised.

Minerva sighed with relief. "Thanks Harry, the other professors are busy. I can take a look at those lesson plans if you'd like?"

Harry handed her a mug of coffee, and then walked over to a desk. "That, would be great."

When he came back, he laid a folder down on his mahogany coffee table. "So," he started. "I was thinking for the first lesson with everyone, we could get to know each other, the rules, ask each other questions about ourselves, as well as what we know. What do you think about that?"

"Well," She nodded, "I agree it's a good plan. They'll all want to ask questions, you'll need to get to know them too. What kind of--"

So, that night they stayed up until one AM planning and talking, before they crawled into their separate beds, falling asleep.

That night, Harry had no trouble falling asleep, but he had no idea what the next year would bring...

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