Chapter 35: Happy Birthday Baekhyun~

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"Ah?!-- I mean.. blood related?" She asked.

"No. I adopted him. Because I saw him outside my house under the heavy cold rain and he told me that he don't know his parents or his home. So please. I trust you not to tell anyone, okay? It might affect how people look at him and how they will look at me." I said.

"It's alright, Ms. Park. You can trust me!" she gave a thumbs up.

"Oh! Look at the time! I'm going to be late!" I exclaimed.

"SaeRyun-ah! I'm going. Be a good boy okay?" I said.

He ran up to me and gave me a hug and a shower of kisses again. He nodded and smiled before I turned around to leave. I ran to the car and quickly went inside. As we drive to the school, I keep thinking of SaeRyun. The real reason why I said I'm going to be late, is because I sense something unsual presence in that school.

I just hope that whoever is that or whoever they are, the wouldn't do anything to SaeRyun or to anyone in that school. It's going to be a pain on the butt if that happen. Due to my worriness, I didn't realize that we already arrived. I got out of the car and thanked the driver.

I walked to the classroom casually. Students are once again scattered around me a I entered the campus. I put a smile on my face and gave them a wave while I make my way out of the crowd. I keep walking while they tail behind me. This is getting annoying. I'm not saying that my fans are annoying. It's just, the way they greet me every morning is just too much. They can say "Hi" or "Hello" to me anytime, anywhere! But greeting me all at once is just too much. They can greet me "Good Morning" or "How are you?" or "See you later" or something like that. 

I'm not popular as EXO. But how come their fans in this school are so responsible and calm? Well, sometimes they kinda get abit of..high and crazy. And how did I become this popular? I'm not an idol, nor and actress or a model. I'm the daughter and the heir of Park Industry. I don't do advertising or modeling or even go on interviews and appear on tv or radio. But having alot of people to support you is really nice. Really nice. 

"Han-Han!~" Baekhyun called from distance. I tried to wave back but the more I move, the more I get squished.

"Oppa~ Help me~"  

"Why don't we help her out? She just called me." Luhan said.

"Called you?" asked Kai.

"Telepathy." Luhan simply replied.

"Let her through~!" Sehun said as he made his way to me. The students gave way as Sehun dragged me out of the crowd while holding my wrist.

He finally let go. I fixed my uniform and went to find Baekhyun. I went to their usual hangout which is in the school's garden. No one really goes there except the boys and few students. I found him lying on the grass with his earphones on. I walked slowly and sat down next to him.

Baekhyun opened his eyes and was shocked when he saw me leaning close to him. Don't think of anything, I was just leaning. I smiled at him and took out a medium size box from my bag and handed it to him.

"Happy birthday, Baekhyun." I said.

He took it from my hands and started unwrapping it. His eyes widened as he opened it. "This...." he mumbled.

"You like it? I really dug onto my old things trying to find that photo and that toy. It's really special to me." I smiled.

Baekhyun's eyes started watering as I quickly wipe it. "I didn't know you still have this. And yes. I like it-- no I mean I love it. And really thank you!" He hugged me. I hugged him back aswell.

"Should we throw you a party? This will be my first time celebrating your birthday after being seperated from you." I laughed

"For me...this is enough. But...celebrating it with everyone would be much better." Baekhyun smiled.

"I'm glad. Now let's go to class! And finish the work so the teachers would let us go home early!" I exclaimed and dragged Baekhyun out of the garden to the classroom.

But when we came in out class, the boys shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" as we opened the door. There's no class until 10am, it's only 8 and we have plenty of time. We started eating the cake that d.O baked this morning secretly. One by one, the boys gave Baekhyun a birthday present.

Two hours have passed. The bell rang as we just finished cleaning the classroom. We all went to our first classes. None of the teachers or students knew that we had a party in the school. We're so secretive, aren't we?

As I walked out of the girls' bathroom, a guy in black coat with black hat stood in the hall ways, leaning on the wall with his hands on his pocket. I sensed something unusual on him. He stood properly and removed his hat. My eyes rounded in shock. It was..................... 

To be continue...


Hello again!

Happy Birthday to our Eyeliner-Kkaebsong-Copying Machine King, Byun Baekhyun! 
It's Diva Baek's day. Did you wish him happy birthday? 

Baekhyun, you always make the fans happy besides Chanyeol. We love you so MUCH! and more blessings and success to come. Always be healthy because tomorrow is the start of your Overdose comback music shows! Saranghae~

7th May 2014, 12:00 KST. EXO Overdose mini album will finally be released. Please anticipate and be excited! 




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