Chapter twenty nine: The fight

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The song for this chapter is: How to save a life

Oh, crap.

At first you were worried Emilie meant that you weren't alone physically, that someone else, living, was in the locker room with you. However, you relaxed when you saw her pointing at an empty corner. Sans looked mildly surprised, having not noticed who ever it was. You reached out and grasped Emilie's hand. There, much to your surprise, was a tall boy with messy brown hair and glasses. Jasper. He looked a little disoriented at first, but then his eyes landed on you, and it felt like the room was spinning. That hadn't happened before. You used your free hand to clutch your head, wincing. You still didn't feel all to great from when your SOUL, well...shattered. When the world finally seemed to stand still, you found yourself in the old locker room. It wasn't burnt, but in it's original condition, sort of dirty, the air musty. At the very start of that day. That fight. Oh boy. You paled, seeing everyone there. Dawn, Morgan, Anna, Jasper, Brittany, Kent, Out of the corner of your eye you saw Sans, watching confused. You did not want him to see this. "Come on, Cherry bomb!" Morgan stood there, his arms crossed. "It's not like we did anything super bad! We just gave those bullies a taste of their own medicine." "You and Jasper changed peoples grades in the school system!" Past you jabbed a finger into his chest. You didn't look drastically different, though your hair was shorter then and you wore your glasses. "That could seriously mess up their future! It could wreck any potential scholarships, get them in trouble at home-" Kent waved your complaints off dramatically. That's how he went through his life, being dramatic. "Who cares, those jerks don't deserve any sort of future with how they treat us!" "They..they took your writing and flushed it down the toilet, Cherry.." Dawn said, biting her nails, a bad habit she had had since she was twelve. Past you scowled. "And? That sucks, and yes, I am mad about it, but I'm not going to stoop to their level! And I'm not going to let you guys do the same. You know better than to do this!" You really did not want to see this. You had half a mind to let go of Emilie's hand, but...Jasper was showing you this for a reason. You had to tough it out. For him. For everyone. Even for Kent. The guy may have been an asshole, but even he didn't deserve to be murdered. "Oh, come off it, Cherry." Brittany spoke up, adjusting the corset she wore over her white dress shirt. "It's not like they'll ever find out it was us, if that's what you're worried about. Big brother and I covered everyone's tracks just fine." Past you shook her head, clenching her fists. "That's not what I'm mad about, and you aren't listening!" "We ARE Listening, Cherry Bomb." Kent said sternly. Dead or not, you wanted to deck him in the face. Especially knowing what he was about to say and do. "Look, I understand. You were forced to hurt those people, those monsters, and you want to be a good person. I respect that, babe, but-" "Do NOT call me babe." Your old self snapped.

"And no, you DON'T understand, or you wouldn't be doing this!" "(Y/N), you're either with us or against us." Kent crossed his arms. "It's time we stop letting these idiots bully us like that-" "So what, you decided to be come the bullies?" God, this was so awkward to watch. Sans looked confused and his eyes flickered between you, and the version of you from two years ago. "(Y/N)..what is going on?" He whispered, scared that these figures from the past would hear him. You sighed, rubbing your temple with your free hand. The temple with the scar. "It's..just a memory. A fight from two years ago." When was this going to stop? So awful and embarrassing. Still, your past self continued to yell. "Because that's all you're being, bullies! I know what they do to us isn't okay, but this isn't okay either! It makes you look weak, like you can't make yourselves feel better unless you hurt them back-" Your past self was interrupted when Kent slapped her across the face, hard. Just watching it made your cheek sting. Your old friends gasped, and so did Emilie. Sans was merely staring, wide eyed as your past self staggered back, slipped, and smacked her head against the bench, cutting it pretty badly. This would leave a scar. Something to remind you of this stupid fight. Dawn went to run to you but Kent stopped her. "(Y/N) has told us where she stands on the matter. She doesn't support us, so she's no longer one of us. Anyone who wants to leave with her can, but be aware that you'll be our next targets."

After that was said, nobody came to your aid.

Your past self pushed herself off the ground, touching the blood that was streaming from the cut on her temple. God you remembered how much that thing hurt like a bitch.

"Leave, (Y/N). You aren't welcome here."

".....I never should have become friends with you. Any of you. You say you're victims but you're no different than them. Just bullies wearing DIY clothes instead of name brand."

Once your past self stumbled out of the locker room, the world began to spin again. Oh dear. This was all a bit much.

You felt your legs give out beneath you and you let go of Emilie's hands, allowing yourself to sink to the ground. You panted hard, clutching your chest. Maybe leaving the hospital was a bad idea, but oh well, too late for that now. Emilie, Natasha and Nathan gathered around you, trying to make sure you were okay. However, they moved when Sans stood, walking over. Since you were sitting, you were about his eye level now. He reached out and tilted your head to the side, moving your hair so he could see the thin scar across your temple. "He hit you, (Y/N)." Sans spoke in a hushed tone. "H e h i t y o u."

A second chance (A Human!SansxReader fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora