A SUPER LATE 50 HEART SPECIAL: How it could have started

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The song for this chapter is: His theme

*Somewhere, in another timeline*

Sans yawned as he, and Papyrus followed Frisk through the UNDERGROUND, heading for the RUINS. Monsters had been freed months ago, yet Frisk insisted someone had been left behind and they needed to go get them. Sans had a feeling he knew who it was and he didn't like it, but hey, he wouldn't have to live with the little pain in the ass so it was whatever. Frisk tottled ahead of the brothers, a plant pot in hand, but paused when they reached the area their little 'friend' was usually in. "What's up, kiddo?" Sans asked, walking up behind them. Frisk lookd up at him and pointed. "Someone else is here."

Sans blinked and peered through the archway.

A small group of humans, about three of them, were in the room, one crouching down in front of Flowey the flower, smiling softly. Huh, she looked familiar-

"....Why are you here, (Y/N)?"

Sans grew tense.


Why WERE they here? He hadn't seen the brat since she massacred every monster in the UNDERGROUND, Papyrus and Sans included. She didn't look much like her former self. In fact, (Y/N) looked...happy now.

"Why are you here?" Flowey repeated. His tone was soft and confusion was clear in his voice. (Y/N) Was crouched in front of him, her long black hair pulled back in a ponytail, putting her smiling face in full view. (Y/N) laughed a little, booping the flower on the face gently. "I'm here to see you, duh. I figured you would be left down here, so...I've come to take you home with me." "....What?" Flowey was even more confused now. Sans wasn't. One demon for another, he guessed. Still, Flowey couldn't understand, so he asked, "Why? Why would you want to take me with you? Everything that happened, all the pain you and the others went through...it was my fault." ".....Sans once asked me if I believed a people could change." Sans' sockets widened slightly in surprise. Papyrus joined him, watching the scene with a bit more confidence then Sans had. Well, (Y/N) certainly had the short skeletons attention now. "...If anybody could be a good person if they just tried. Back then, I hadn't answered him. I thought I was a lost cause, that no matter how hard I tried I could never be a good person. I was wrong." (Y/N) pulled a small gardening shovel from their backpack and began to dig Flowey up from the ground. The soulless flower began to panic at first, but (Y/N) was very careful as she moved him into her own pot an stood. "Papyrus was right, Flowey. I could do a little better, even if I didn't think so. And I believe you can too, Asriel. You are my brother, no matter what. And I'm not going to leave you down here all by yourself. So...let's go home."

Sans wasn't sure how to feel about this. Part of hm was angry that she had the nerve to say stuff like that.

So, if he was angry...why was he crying.


It's super duper late but THANK YOU FOR THE 50 HEARTS!

Really everyone, it means a lot. I am so glad to know I can make people happy with my silly writings. I have always liked to write, but I never even joked about making it a career until now. Thank you.

So, this. This is was the original prologue to the series. I never used it, but I still liked it enough to keep it saved. I felt it gave a bit of a better look into the reader-chan character at the time. Now clearly that's not the case anymore, this version had already grown to accept and move on from what happened when they were a child, while the current reader-chan needed a push from Sans and her friends to do so.

I hope you all liked it. For fun, try posting how YOU think the story would have gone from here. The murders were still a thing.

A second chance (A Human!SansxReader fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ