Chapter seven: A moment of calm

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The song for this chapter is: Kids will be skeletons

You sat on a bench outside the principals office, Emilie, Natasha, Grillby and Papyrus with you. Of course none of you were in trouble, especially not Grillby, who was an adult, and actually was looking to volunteer in the school's kitchen, but the principal wanted statements while the fire department looked at things. Speaking of fire department, that had actually been Grillby's excuse for how he had put the fire out so much. He had been a fire fighter in his younger years. It took all your strength not to snort when he had said that. You all sat silent and you began to twiddle you thumbs awkwardly. God, these were not two eple you every expected to actually talk to today..or ever. God this was awkward. You looked up as the principal door open and out came Hazel. She looked at you and immediately ran over, giving you a tight hug. "I was talking with the principal when I heard! Are you okay?" "Y-Yeah, thanks Hazel." You gave her a pat on the back and smiled, thumbing towards Grillby and Papyrus. "Thank them. They totally saved us back there, especially Grillby with his...rad veteran fire fighter skills." You could have sworn you saw his mouth twitch in a smile, but he still made it rather obvious he didn't trust you. He had made sure t sit a good distance away after all. Hazel let you go, rubbing your arms gently before smiling at Grillby. "Thank you so, so much. I'm going to have to repay you for saving my friend." Hazel really was a sweet heart, you couldn't possibly fathom why she was friends with someone so awful as Tammy. "No need. It was what any...good person would do." Ouch. That was a low blow aimed right at you. You shuffled awkwardly in your seat, not meeting his gaze. Still salty about killing his friends. Okay, that was completely fair. Holly just continued to smile and gave you another hug as Andrews finally approached you all. "I just got done speaking with the firemen. It appears it was just a minor electrical short circuit that sparked against the old wood on the building and started a fire. We're going to be releasing everyone from school early today. Call your parents and go wait outside with the rest of the student body. " That was a relief. You have had more than enough action for today. Now you just wanted to go home and collect your thoughts. You got to your feet and blinked, looking up as Andrews as he placed his hands on your shoulders, giving you what was probably meant to be a reassuring squeeze, but it hurt more than anything. "Despite your panicking, you did very well today, (Y/N). You're friends would be very proud of you, and thankful for spreading such a message about tolerance and kindness." "O-Oh...thhank you, principal Andrews. That means a lot." He patted your shoulder and nodded, heading back into his office. Grillby then turned to you as he stood, arms crossed. "A message about tolerance and kindness..?" Ho boy, here we go. "Oh, yes!" Papyrus got to his own feet, grinning. "(Y/N) gave an absolutely lovely speech about how you should not wish harm upon others simply because they are different, and how everyone has the choice to do good!" Oh god, you felt your heart breaking again. "P-Papyrus, it wasn't that great..really." You tried to get him to chill off on the praise a little, but honestly you should have known better. "Don't be silly! It was very touching, and once again i say how proud of you I am! I knew you could be a good person, I just knew it!" Papyrus smiled wider at you, then at Grillby, who merely have a hum and left the building. You decided to leave with Natasha and Emilie, excusing yourselves as yo went to go outside.

Word had spread fast about the whole ordeal. People who barely spoke to you were walking up and asking if the three of you were alright. It was actually kind of annoying. "Hiya." Oh no. You would know that angrily attractive Bronx accent anywhere. You turned to see Sans standing behind you, looking up at you with one eye closed. That lazy posture didn't fool you for a second. This skeleboy was dangerous, and you knew it. "So, uh, Papyrus told me about what happened.." He trailed off, eyeing your bruised arms and hands. His smile actually slackened. He suddenly reached out and touched your right arm, causing you to flinch slightly, and he seemed surprised by his own actions as well,, but he didn't pull back. He seemed really unsure of what the heck he was doing, but he didn't pull back. "....does it hurt bad?" "...No. I'm okay. Just..shaken is all." More like still scared out of your mind, but you weren't telling Sans that. Sans stared at you for a moment before withdrawing his hand and his smile returned to normal. ", cool. Anyway, that isn't why I'm here." Oh boy. " Look, I know you obviously didn't go looking for my brother, but here's the deal, b r a t." FuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUU- "Keep away from my brother, capiche? Or else you're-" "I'm gonna have a bad time." You cut him off, pulling your book bag from your locker and rolling your eyes. "I know the speech Sans, I still hear it in my nightmares." Oops. More info then you had meant to share. But it certainly caught him off guard and shut him up. You really didn't have the right to snap at him, you knew that, and you would probably apologize come Monday, but right now our arms hurt and your heart was still pounding in your chest and the last thing you needed was this short, angry, attractive guy threatening you. You closed your locker and turned away, planning to not even saying anything else, only to find someone else in your face. Justin Florez. He was a freshmen, which sucked because you would totally be into him if he were older. Justin was short, which made sense, freshmen got shorter every year, and he had long brown dreadlocks. His usual attire consisted of a band tank under a camo jacket, black cargo shorts, red high tops, a beanie, and bracelets. Justin was a real cool, chill guy, practicing paganism and playing drums in a band. He winked at you and snapped his fingers, pointing. "I already know you're sick as hell of being asked if you're okay, so instead~" He tossed you a chocolate bar and his headphones. "I know chocolate isn't your favorite but I figured you could use it. Also it has almonds and sea salt." "You are a gift from above, truly." You gave him a thankful smile, still aware that Sans had not left, and you could just tell he was annoyed at you ditching your 'conversation'. "Anytime babe. Anyway, that is a cover my band did for a Life is Strange song. I know that game is your thing so I figured you would be the best critic."

You smiled and nodded, slipped the headphones on and pressing play. It started softly but you already loved it, closing your eyes and beginning to sway. You could hear Justin laugh as you danced a little, totally lost in the music. This went on for about two minutes and when the instrumental finally ending you opened your eyes to see Justin staring behind you, snickering. You handed him back the headphones. "That was gorgeous, man. You gotta burn me a CD." "I appreciate your approval." Justin grinned, putting the headphones back into his bag. "I'll burn you one tonight, just promise to meet me and Nathan and the old bookstore tomorrow. I mean, I'm sure he's taking Natasha so you would come, but still, extending the invitation." A bookstore? Good. That meant you could find books on ghosts. "I'm in. See you tomorrow." With that you bid him a farewell and glanced behind you. There was Sans still, now just..staring at you funny with Blue tinting his cheeks. You covered your mouth as you laughed and headed out towards the exit. "Bye Sans~"


And after all this insanity, a moment of clam.

Yes, I realized i misspelled that but screw it, it's staying.

So, Sans gave you a threat buuuuut you guys 'kinda' had a moment too. Let's just say Sans did get some confliction after hearing about the fire, but now that he knows you're okay, and we're using that word loosely, it's back to business as usual. But it's a start.

Justin is actually a real dude, whom, yes, I had a crush on in Junior year, but he was a freshmen so nah. But yes, he actually left school to tour with his bands. Sadly I didn't keep contact, I hope he's doing well. And don't worry, there isn't any romance between you two, babe is just something he calls anyone who isn't an adult.

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