Chapter thirty nine: You can't spell Frisk without risk

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The song for this chapter is: Stronger than you

"(Y/N)...(Y/N) wake up please?"

Your eyes fluttered open slowly and you grumbled, rubbing the sleep from them. Lifting your head you looked up to find yourself in the void, Frisk stuck in a little bone cage. You sat up quickly and grabbed the bones, trying to pull them out and free the child, but the damn things just wouldn't budge. 'It's okay." Frisk whispered, looking up at you with a smile. "Really. Are you okay? You're still in a hospital gown...and Sans' jacket?" Looking down you saw just that, the large blue jacket zipped up on you, keeping you warm. "Uh..yeah? I was just at his house in Snowden..but why am I back here?" "Because we need to talk about what's going on." With what little room they had in the cage, Frisk sat cross legged.

"Geno wants to destroy every timeline, or something like that." They kept their voice down as they talked, and you had to lean in to hear them. 'They don't trust probably gathered that from your last visit here. Um..I know you can't remember much outside of falling back UNDERGROUND, but you remember being here, right?" After raking your brain you vaguely recalled coming to the void and meeting them and Geno, so you nodded. The child looked relieved. "Oh good. Listen...if Geno gets what he wants, then you, me, Papyrus? Everyone will die. He doesn't believe that this can be fixed, that I won't do genocide again. So he's going to destroy it all. That's why I've been having you help me." The child leaned forward a little, peering over your shoulder. You decided to look around too. Nothing else there but pitch black. "....Where's Geno?" "Talking to the other Sans, maybe? UI don't know...I got in trouble for talking to him, and now Geno has been really weird about him." They shrugged and relaxed yet again. You nodded, their words swimming in your head. Geno wanted to destroy everything, because...he didn't trust Frisk? Did he think it was the only thing that would stop all the murders? " I helping you?" You asked finally. "And what am I helping you with?" "You're helping me just by being yourself, (Y/N)." Frisk replied. "I knew that if anyone would stop me from committing genocide, it was you. I'm sorry for not asking your permission first. I summoned your SOUL back to the UNDERGROUND, during my first genocide run. That's where Geno is from, and if you can stop me, I mean really stop me-" "Then Geno wouldn't be like he is." You finished their sentence and Frisk nodded. You bit your lip, looking around for Geno once again. "...He's going to be real mad if he finds out, Frisk." "You can't spell Frisk without risk." The kid chuckled, and so did you. Despite the threat of Geno, you needed to do this. Both of you. Everyone deserved a happy ending. " problem kid, I'm in." You smiled down at them and then jumped when there was a flash. Geno had appeared a few feet away, and with Sans. Not the one thta had just helped you in Snowden. This Sans was different, but only a little. This new Sans looked over at you and Frisk and was there in a flash, most likely haven taken a short cut without really needing to. Geno wasn't even really looking, so..he probably hadn't noticed you yet.

"See?" Geno said, a bit of annoyance in his voice. 'Frisk is FINE. I didn't hurt 'em. Though they are in a serious time out. Weird, you're showing A LOT of concern for the kid who started this mess." The new Sans was silent, staring at Frisk, then he glanced at you. hesitant, you put your hands up to your lips. He seemed to care about Frisk, so maybe he could help too? The skeleton sighed and turned to Geno. "Geno, how do you know if that would work? If I brought Chara here, you can't restrain them if you leave--if you DIE." He shook his head, slowly walking over to his bloody doppelganger. Geno chuckled, still not looking in your direction. "Well, you can't die here, and to my general knowledge you can't heal either. I just have to hurt Chara so much they fall into a coma. No biggie." NO BIGGIE?! "NO BIGGIE?!" Sans said what you were thinking. "G-Geno!" "Don't try to take the moral high grown." Geno finally tuend around, and you tried to find any sort of shield to hide behind. You decided on Frisk's cage, which wouldn't work much since you were bigger than it. "I'm not a sadist. I'm trying to be as honest with you as possible. As direct as I can be. This is the ONLY way." Sans clearly did not agree, and he shook his head. "No it's NOT. We have Frisk. If we can figure out a way to get Chara out of the body-" "Why are you so defensive about Frisk." Geno interrupted him, bitter amusement in his tone. "They started it, they killed Papyrus first. Like I'd trust Frisk with that kind of power again!" Well, you couldn't exactly blame him for that. "They killed everyone! They let Chara have their body!" Geno was getting mad. Maybe it was best if you left. Still, Sans tried to plead with him. "But I can tell they regret it!"

"Are you insane?!" Geno finally snapped at his other self. "Who cares if they regret it, they still did it! ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO SWEEP THE HELL I'VE BEEN THROUGH UNDER THE RUG?!" By that logic, how could he have claimed to trust you the last time you were in the void with him and Frisk. You had regretted your actions but, just like Frisk you had still done it. You had still let Chara have your body. "That's not what I mean at all!" Sans frowned, getting concerned. "It's not perfect but it's better than ending our experience! There are too many holes! You don't know if this will work!" "You're trusting our murderer with the power to RESET! You have no idea if your plan will work!!" You looked at Frisk, hoping they would send your back, however they looked to distracted and scared. "Ending our time line is everyone's only hope!" "No it's not! Papyrus would never be okay with what you're doing!" That was a mistake to say, even you knew that. Geno grew silent for a moment, and the air in the void became thick and tense, you felt it bogging you down like this power of dread. "How...dare you." There was a second flash of light and a row of bones and gaster blasters had appeared behind Geno. How dare you use Papyrus against me!" "SANS STOP!" You had had enough. You got to your feet and ran over, joining Sans at his side. Geno's eyes widened and he stared at you. Without even knowing who you were, or at least you guessed he didn't, Sans held an arm out in front of you. "W-Woah, alright..okay. I didn't mean it Geno." he began to try to calm Geno down. "We...we both lost Papyrus today. Emotions are high...We're on edge. Please. I don't want to be your enemy." Geno's stare flickered between you and Sans. He lowered his hand and the bones and blasters disappeared. "...Me neither. I...I'm sorry." He grinned, shrugging that typical lazy shrug. "I guess I just don't have very thick skin." Oh god dammit. Even behind you you could hear Frisk give a mildly annoyed snort. Sans laughed. "Hey, that's what I'm talking about, classic Geno right here! But Geno, you have to understand why I can't do this." Geno sighed and nodded. "I do understand, Sans. And you also have to see why I can't stop here. Why I have to move forward."

"I do." Sans chuckled and then thumbed at you. "And uh, real quick...who's this?" "I'm a...friend." You replied. Sans eyed the jacket you had on. it was the same as his. "From another timeline." "Frisk probably wanted to check on's your SOUL?" Geno asked, now feeling incredibly awkward. You shrugged. "It's, um, better? No more fractures or anything." Geno nodded, seeming content with your reply. Sans obviously wanted to be clued in more, but you didn't plan to tell him who you were, not in this tense atmosphere, and neither was Geno. Sans sighed, shrugging. "Alrighty then...I guess people would think I should try to stop you. But...there is no point, is there?" "...No. There's not.." You were going to stop him. You and Frisk. Sans shoved his hands in his pockets. "Okay. Do what you have to do. Send me back in. let me forget, and try again..." As Sans spoke, he pulled a tattered red scarf from the pocket of his hood. Papyrus' scarf. What was he talking about? I hope...maybe the next Sans will give you what you're looking for...So, good luck Geno." God, you were so fucking lost. Geno sighed and lifted his arm, fingers positioned to snap. However....his arm began to shake, her grin growing slack. Something was wrong. Finally he let his arm fall limp to his side. "I can't do this."

"I can't do this...Not again. God, not again."


Pieces are coming together. But Geno doesn't look like he's going to give up his plan easily.

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