Chapter twenty six: Stay DETERMINED

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The song for this chapter is: Hopes and dreams

The hospital was completely silent as you slept, unaware of what was going on around you, which was pretty much nothing anyway. You were hooked up to both a heart monitor and a SOUL monitor, and if you saw all the needles stuck in your arm, you probably would have screamed. Still, you slept peacefully, even as your SOUL continued to crumble and someone silently pushed aside the curtain and stepped up to your bed side, looking down at you. There was a tinge of sadness in the air, despite the smile on their face. They reached out and placed a bony hand just above your chest, not really touching it, but so close. Slowly they lifted their hand, and your SOUL with it. The figure remained silent, their smile growing slack when they saw the state your SOUL was in. "Ah...sweet heart." They spoke finally, in a hushed voice you might have recognized had you been able to hear it. "This really did break you, huh...part of me wishes I claimed ya back when you were little. Might've saved you from all this. Ah well, nothin' I can do now." They lifted the SOUL and held it up. The color was still faint. A good chunk of the bottom had crumbled off, and you were in great pain. "Tick tock, sweet heart. Let's go." They pressed their teeth to the SOUL and watched as the whole thing crumbled in their hand, and your heart machine flat lined. The figure let out a heavy sighed and turned to leave, staring down at the fragments in their hand that was your once vibrant, beautiful SOUL.

*But it refused*

Their eyes widened in amazement as the SOUL fragments in their hand began to shudder and then rise, reforming to a beautiful, pure red SOUL with a light blue tint on the outside. They made a small noise of annoyance, but their grin widened. "Heh, well, if you want to keep playing hard to get, that's fine with me tibia honest. I'll be back for you again before you know it." They turned back to your body, hearing the loud running of doctors as they approached, most likely planning to try and resuscitate you. There would be no need. The stranger set the SOUL back over your chest and watched with a fond smile as it lowered itself down.

You jolted up, gasping for air, and you could have sworn you heard a faint voice speak out to you.

"Stay determined, (Y/N)."


Another short chapter, but a fun one to write. I do wonder who your special visitor was.

Ah well, doesn't matter. It's time to get to work.

A second chance (A Human!SansxReader fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz