Chapter eighteen: DATING START

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The song for this chapter is: It's raining somewhere else

Well, this was mildly awkward. Toriel hadn't been too keen on just leaving you, however Sans, and even Papyrus assured her that you would be fine. In fact, Papyrus insisted that you and Sans needed to spend some time together. "Things have been extremely tense between them after what happened back UNDERGROUND!" He had said. "They need this time to heal and rekindle their friendship!" Not that you two had ever had one. Sure, when you first fell Sans had tried, but quickly saw it as a waste of time. Still, this worked, and now you were leaving the animal science farm with Sans, back in his human form. "So...I was right? You are using some kind of magic for that?" "Yeop." Sans replied, still drinking from his ketchup bottle. It was good to see some things hadn't changed. In fact, besides looks, he hadn't seemed to change at all. "However, looking like this uses a ton of magic. A skele-ton, you might say." He gave you a wink and a shrug, and his cheeks were tinged with blue as you covered your mouth, giggling. "Anyway, since it takes so much magic, we can't do anything else involving our magic and hold these forms at the same time. Hence why Paps regained his monster form when he protected you." "Okay, but why do you guys even look like this?" You asked, and Sans shrugged. "Safety, I guess? Asgore suggested we start small. So the only people actually walking around as monsters are him and the members of the royal guard. He's currently talking to your, eh, president about our rights. The kid who saved us, Frisk, is our little ambassador. Once things get started officially we can start to fully integrate into society. Why do you ask?" Sans grin grew slightly. "What's wrong? Don't like how I look?" "N-No! I mean..yes, I like how you look...either way. You look nice, either way." Sans had clearly said that in an attempt to rile you up, but now you were both looking away awkwardly, blushing. You both still had about 12 minutes until you got back to the school and you prayed this the entire walk wouldn't be like this. You decided to keep asking questions. "Sooo...high school?" "Technically me and Papyrus are way past the high school age..I mean, you would be dead if you were our age. But..we know so little about the world now, Toriel suggested it, and Papyrus really wanted to. Though this really isn't how I expected things to go. It's almost like out of Alphys' animes.." "Heh..yeah." You smiled, understanding. Poor guy, this was probably just about as stressful for him as it was you. "...So, what about you? How was your life before all..this, started?" Sans asked, finishing his bottle and sticking it in his jacket pocket to throw away later. You blinked and shrugged. "I was...okay? I guess I can't say good. I was still picking up the pieces after what had happened with the fire...Dawn, Morgan, the others, they were the first friends I'd ever had. Dawn made me realize I could be good. She drove me to make myself happier. When everyone died, it was like my whole world had fallen apart....I guess now I understand how you felt." Sans tensed at that a little and you saw him avert his eyes. Crap. You went to say something but he cut you off. "fergitaboutit. As much as it mildly gets under my skin, heh, to admit it after all these wasn't your fault. You were a kid. You were hurt and scared, and that little brat is good at tricks. Frisk learned that too." Wait, they did? Sans saw your confusion and sighed. "See, UNDERGROUND, when you have DETERMINATION, you get the ability to save your progression, and restart whatever you were doing. Who knows how many times the kid was down there, how many times they freed us, and..killed us. I know Chara was involved, but I also know they weren't at first. Not during the first genocide. I don't really have memories of the other times, but I'm aware of them...I don't know if we're going to stay up here. And I don't know if I can trust the kid. But..I do know something." "..What?" You asked. God.Sans..poor Sans. "That I'm not just going to stand there and take it. I don't know how but..if the kid tries to restart again, I can't let them. I can't let everyone lose their happy ending...we can't lose you."

Oh god, that really got you in the gut. Your face felt like it was on fire and you began to fidget awkwardly, looking down as you walked. Sans must have noticed because you heard him chuckle. "I'm bein' serious here, (Y/N). Things may be tough right now, but Toriel is proud of you, and so are me and Papyrus. We know the truth know, and...I'm not going to let that just fade away. I can't go back to hating ya. And we can't just leave you with all this going on. You need us." "....I do." You admitted and looked up at Sans, you smiled. You reached the classroom entrance and Sans held the door open for you, then followed you inside. Hazel was still sitting there, going over her college textbook, only now she had Justin with her. You waved and Justin stood. "Hey! Sorry about bailing Saturday. It's just, ya know, my mom.." "It's cool Justin..have you guys met Sans?" You asked, motioning to the short guy. "I've seen him, but I don't think we've properly met." Hazel replied, getting to her feet. For a split second you felt a little intimidated, Hazel really was gorgeous. Then you mentally kicked yourself and felt stupid. "My name is Hazel, it's nice to meet you!" She held out her hand and of course, when Sans shook it, a farting noise filled the air. Hazel pulled her hand back in confusion, and Justin nearly died laughing when Sans revealed the small pink item in his hand. "The ol' whoopie cushion trick. It's ALWAYS funny." "Dude, COMIC Sans!!" Just clutched his stomach he was laughing so hard, and you were laughing too. Hazel just looked uncomfortable and then gave a forced laugh. "Right..haha...ha. Um..oh!" She seemed to noticed how much more dirty your clothes were compared to how they were when you came through before. "What happened?! Are you okay, (Y/N)?" "Maybe they had a 'friendly romp' in the barn?" Justin suggested, still laughing. You gasped and punched him in the arm, but you had to admit it made you laugh. Sans was blushing a little but gave a shrug. "Maybe. Maybe not." "Well, either way, you two look very cute together." Hazel smiled and you just knew you looked like a tomato. You grabbed Sans' arm, pulling him along. "W-we gotta go! You two have fun studying! I know you'll do fine!"

"Your friends are..interesting." Sans chuckled as you guys walked through the halls of the science building, though he had his eyes on your hand, which was still holding his arm. You blushed and let go. "Hazel...has a poor choice in friends, but she's very sweet, and Justin is a real card, I know the two of you will probably get along well." You two continued to walk and you noticed Sans had paused in front of a large period table that had been painted on one of the hallway walls. He seemed to be contemplating something, and then gave a lazy shrug, turning to you. "Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you are CU-TE." Oh no. HE WAS MEETING ALL OF YOUR STANDARDS. You covered your mouth with both your hands, laughing. "Sans, oh my god!" "You are my Iodine, Lithium, Potassium, Einsteinium, and Uranium, because I like u." You had to lean against the wall, you were laughing so hard. Sans' grin grew as he just kept them coming. "Is it hot in here, or is it just the bond we're forming?" And that was the last straw. You laughed so hard you physically snorted. Sans suddenly grew quiet, and you struggled to stop your laughter. He was just..staring at you, his blue eyes literally forming tiny stars. Oh no, it was too cute! You grabbed his hand and began running out of the building, still laughing. "Come on, you dork! I'm starving, and I need to change out of these dirty clothes!" With that you ran all the way to your house, and poor Sans was pooped. You had him sit on the couch, where Teddy immediately went up to inspect the visitor, while you went to the kitchen and grabbed him both some water and ketchup. You giggled seeing that teddy was licking his hand. "He kinda reminds me of Toby, our annoying dog. Only a little bigger. and less annoying." "Well, this is Teddybear Chow Chow, and he can be very annoying. He peed on my bed when I first got him. Huh, didn't you?"You asked the dog in a baby voice as he came over, licking and nibbling your chin. You giggled and got to your feet, patting his head. "I'm gonna go change real quick Be right back!" Sans merely gave a lazy wave as you jogged upstairs to your room. You didn't want to waste anytime, you were starving after all, and it had been ages since you'd been to Lefty's. But you also wanted to look nice for your date...wait. Date? Who said anything about a date? You shook your head and swung your closet doors open, already knowing what you wanted. You grabbed a long sleeved stripped shirt, black and white, with a blong black skirt and flats. After you changed, you brushed your hair, put it into pigtails, and held your bangs back with two bone hair clips. With that, you ran out of your room and headed down the stairs to find your grandmother sitting with Sans, talking.






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