Chapter forty five: I have made a terrible mistake

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The song for this chapter is: Ghosts

Well, this was awkward. This man, Gaster, Sans' father, was very much so the imaginary friend you had as a child.

You and Frisk watched awkwardly as Sans helped the old monster up. Gaster seemed just as confused and disoriented as you were. "Sans? Who's he?" Frisk asked as the two of you got off the couch so Gaster could lay down. "This, kiddo, is my dad. He sort of fell into the core like a dingus and got erased from existence. I guess maybe you breaking the barrier did something to make him a bit more...corporeal." Sans shrugged. "And I guess I just...yanked him back into existence? I didn't actually think it would work.."

You giggled and glanced over as your phone's screen lit up. It was a message from Justin.


Not wanting to interrupt the family reunion, you picked up your phone and went into the kitchen.

Justin: I'm outside. I know think I can tell you who one of the killers is.

Well, maybe he wasn't totally useless. Figuring it was no big deal you went to the front door and peeked outside. Justin was sitting on the front porch, waiting. You opened the door and stepped outside, shivering as the cold air touched you. "Okay, I guess this is your chance for redemption. Who is it?" No answer. "....Justin?" You slowly walked closer. He was leaning back on his elbows, legs crossed. "Dude.." You touched his shoulder.

His head lulled to the side.

His throat had been slit.

You gasped, backing away and turned to scream.

There was a sudden sharp pain in the back of your head.

You felt yourself pitching forward and winced as you hit the ground, struggling to stay awake as the world went black.

"Well, well, well. Look who the cat dragged in." You stirred at the voice, slowly coming to. You wear laying in something wet, at least your head was. You slowly opened your eyes and sat up. Blood. You were laying in blood. Giggling caught your attention and you looked around. Pure darkness, and Chara, standing over you. "Is this the void?" "No." Chara rocked on their heels, their smile growing wide. You had a sinking feeling in your chest. "Am I dead?"

"Not yet."



Justin is dead.

What do you guys think? Did he deserve it?

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