Let's have a heart to heart...for real this time

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The song for this chapter is: It's raining somewhere else

Well, you would call this date a success. You and sans were on the bus heading back to your place, and Sans was once again happily situated on your lap, only this time you were holding him with your chin resting on the top of his head. It was a little weird, just a few days ago he was threatening you, and now you two were....dating. Certainly strange, but you were happy. "Thanks for dinner, (Y/N). It was good, and the place seemed alright. I'll be sure to tell Grillby about it next time I see him." "Alright. Just know that they'll make you pay your tab there." You giggled softly and yawned. You were pooped. The day had been crazy and you still had the rest of the week, plus finals. God, this was going to be hell. The bus ride back was silent, and you both just enjoyed each others company. Once you reached the stop you got off, holding hands, and started walking back towards your house. "Are you going to be okay getting home on your own?" You asked Sans, who shrugged, yawning himself. "Yeah, I'll just use one of my short cuts. No big deal. What about you? Do you think you'll be okay? I mean..that weirdo is still out there, and he ain't alone." He had a point, but it wasn't like you could ask him to stay over...well, technically you COULD, but lord knows your grandmother would never allow it. "If push comes to shove, I'll just have Natasha and Emilie stay the night." "That sounds like a plan. They seem to be good friends. It's just...still weird to think all this is going on with you. I feel like an idiot." You blinked and glanced down at Sans, who sighed but smiled up at you, giving your hand a light squeeze. "I figured something was up after Papy and Grillby saved you and your friends from that fire, but I was still to angry with you to pay that feeling any mind. I'm sorry. Had I gotten involved sooner you might not have even been attacked again." He felt bad, really bad. You could hear it in his voice. You sighed and leaned down, kissing the top of his head. Again it felt weird, but in a good way, and he was your boyfriend now, so you might as well get used to it. "Sans, I kind of murdered your friends and family. You had every right to be mad at me, and that also includes not wanting to be worried because you thought something was going on. Don't beat yourself up over it. It isn't your fault in the least." "But you beat yourself up over what happened UNDERGROUND."

You paused and sighed, knowing he was right. For years, you refused to forgive yourself for what had happened back then, and even now you still really couldn't. And Sans could tell. "it wasn't your fault, either. You were just some kid in a bad place, and a piece of garbage demon took advantage of you. That's all." Again Sans brought your hand to his lips and gave it a light kiss. You blushed and sighed. "I know, but it still just feels....I dunno. I'm awful at describing things. It just feel so stupid about everything. I was a brat, and I shouldn't have treated everyone the way I was, and-" "You were hurting." Sans interrupted you. "More than you knew. It's like your friend Morgan said. You were DYING, (Y/N). You had just run away from bad people, and I'm sure falling down a giant hole and having a bunch of scary monsters everywhere didn't exactly help. I feel stupid that we didn't see that something was seriously wrong sooner. We saw your SOUL, and nobody did anything." You sighed and then shook your head, smiling. "...Past is the past, Sansy. Let's deal with all the insanity we have going on now, yeah?" Sans smiled in return and nodded, walking with you in silence back to your home, kissing your hand the whole way. When you reached the front door you knelt down and pulled him into a tight hug. "Thanks for everything, Sans. And that includes giving me a second chance." "heh, you of all people deserved it, (Y/N). Get some rest okay? I'll see you tomorrow." Sans smiled and then leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours.





A second chance (A Human!SansxReader fic)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu