Chapter thirty six: Hey kids wanna see a dead body

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The song for this chapter is: Living dead girl

Sans had not been happy when he picked up the phone at 3 in the morning and you told him what was going on. In fact, you had to spend half an hour calming him down and convincing him not to just kill Justin when he arrived with Emilie and Natasha. Yeah, by the time you had finished, Justin had turned white as a ghost and you could just tell he was dreading Sans' arrival. "D-Does he HAVE to come, (Y/N)? He scares me.." "Well, should have thought of that before you tried to kill his girlfriend, huh?" Yeah, no, you probably weren't going to let that go any time soon...though thinking it over, how different was what he was going to do from what you and Chara had done?

You didn't intend to kill anyone.

You were startled when you heard Frisk in your mind.

He did. He had every intention of killing you. That's the difference. But...maybe some MERCY wouldn't hurt.

They had a point. Still, you were to angry at the moment and still felt you couldn't totally trust him, so MERCY would come later. You leaned back against the pillow, keeping the knife on the table closest to you and away from Justin. Suddenly Sans just...walked out from the other side of the curtain around your hospital bed, and with him were Natasha and Emilie, who had multiple plastic bags with them. The look Sans gave Justin when he noticed him sitting on the other side of the room told you you may have to calm him down again. However, he merely climbed into the bed, sat his butt down in your lap and gave you a kiss. Emilie and Natasha were giggling like school girls. It was a rather hard, angry kiss with a lot of pressure behind it, but hey, you weren't complaining. Once he pulled away he hopped back onto the ground. "We got the bed sheets, and the girls were able to make them look realistically bloody...organically bloody?" He shrugged and you giggled, climbing out of the bed and grabbing the knife. You saw Sans tense. He most likely didn't mean to, it was probably just a reflex. Still, seeing his eyes flicker between you and the knife in your hand, you decided to hand it to Natasha. "Alright, go American psycho on it." Natasha grinned and laid the 'bloody' sheets on the ground, then raised the knife and even made that noise from the movie, "REE, REE, REE!" She began shredding the sheet. As she did that, Emilie took out her makeup kit and got to work on you, making surprisingly good looking stab wounds with just normal makeup. The entire time Sans stayed by your side and glared at Justin. He wouldn't say anything now, but you knew he most likely would at school tomorrow, since you wouldn't be there to stop him. as Emilie applied the make up, Sans raked his fingers through your hair. Natasha had easily torn up the sheets, then she pulled a pillow out of one of the bags and began to shred that too. "Okay, so let me get this right, once this is done, we'll get a picture of you looking dead, and have Justin send it to the other two?" Natasha asked. "Yeah, that sounds about-" "I wasn't asking YOU." She cut the dread lock wearing boy off. "Once Nathan hears about this, you can kiss your friendship goodbye. Now, Cherry Bomb, is this the plan?" You nodded. "Yup, that's it. I don't think it'll be too hard. Crappy phone camera, fake blood, should work."

Once they were finished, Natasha wrapped you up in the sheet and had you sprawl onto the ground in your best death pose. Sans actually growled a little when he breathed. "Fake or not, I really don't like seeing ya like this.." "Don't worry, it's only for, like, another minute. Go turn off the lights for me, kay?" Still a little apprehensive, Sans did as you asked. Once they were off, Emilie took Justin's phone and took the picture. "Where do I send it?" "The 000 number." Justin said weakly from his seat. Nobody had let him participate, nobody had even let him near you. You sat up, untangling the sheet and peered over Emilie's shoulder as she sent the photo.

Justin: Here. It's done

H: Good.


And with that, you are dead, as far as the other two culprits know. But what now? And why did they think you were involved in the message on the locker room? I mean, you WERE but how could they know that?

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