Chapter twenty seven: Let's get down to business

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You were surrounded by doctors buzzing around you and checking everything. They took your heart rate, took your blood, flashed lights in your eyes and poked and prodded your newly determined SOUL. There was no way you were going to be sneaking out with all these people around you, but still, PATIENCE was still one of your stronger traits, and you sat quiet and complied with the doctors requests. Once they finished, you asked in a sugar sweet voice if you could use one of the hospital phones to call your friend Natasha, as she was most likely ever so worried about you. And how could they say no to that? You thanked them all for their hard work and waited until they left the room before sliding off the bed. You ran a hand through your hair and began to slip into your shoes, stopping when you felt a slip of paper inside one of them. You crouched down and pulled it out, squinting to read the chicken scratch writing.

'*Y o u c a n b e a k i n g, o r a s t r e e t s w e e p e r, b u t s o o n e r o r l a t e r y o u l l d a n c e w i t h t h e r e a p e r.'

Before, you would have taken this as some sort of threat, but for some reason you thought back to the voice you had heard when you woke up. This was no threat, or even a warning. It was just a simple reminder. You had danced with death tonight and managed to get away, but you will die one day, just like everyone else. Somehow, you found a sense of comfort in that. You set the paper on the nightstand beside the bed and finished putting your shoes on. It was quiet in the hospital as you left your room, and you were a little relieved though creeped out. Nobody would be around to bother you. You found a bunch of phones lined against the wall in a hallway and you glanced into a nearby room. The digital clock told you it was five in the morning. Good, Natasha wasn't at school yet. You lifted the phone to your ear and dialed in her cell number. The phone didn't even ring twice before Natasha answered, screaming into your ear. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! I WAITED OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE, LIKE, A FUCKING HOUR!" "I'm fine, Natasha. I'm just in the hospital, but I'm fine." You held the phone a little bit away from your ear. If Natasha were a monster, you were pretty sure she could be a banshee. "In the hospital?! Why the hell are you in a hospital if you're fine?!" Natasha demanded, and you sighed, running a hand down your face. "Look Nat. Shit..shit went down. You don't remember because it technically hasn't happened yet, but shit went down." Natasha was silent, trying to figure out what you meant. You shook your head. "There's a new girl at our school, and she sees ghosts. She saw Dawn and we found out that the accident two years ago wasn't an accident at all. Someone tried to kill us, Nathan got attacked, it was nuts. But now none of it happened because the monsters are here on the surface, and Frisk is really Chara, and that little bastard RESET everything!" You tried your best to explain, and Natasha was silent on the other end for a moment. Then, "...Holy shit. Then what do we do, and why are you in the hospital?" "That doesn't matter, I'm fine now. As for what we do, I'm getting out of here. You find Emilie at school, she's this Asian girl. You'll know her when you see her, trust me. You two basically become a thing." Natasha lost her mind at that part and you rolled your eyes, laughing a little. "We're going to the locker room where Nathan was attacked. I know it's sort of pointless now, since it hasn't happened, but I still want to take a look, and.....bring paint." "Paint?" Natasha repeated. "For what?" "We're sending these fuckers a message."

After hanging up you glanced around, still not seeing a soul in sight. While that was good, it still was going to be difficult for you to sneak out. You went back to your room and looked around. First floor level, now all you needed to know was if the windows unlocked. You pushed aside the curtains and took a look. Wow, they actually did. This all was rather convenient. You unlocked the window and swung it open, the cold morning air hitting you in the face. Your grandparents were going to kill you when hey found out you snuck out. Hopefully they'll understand once you explaining everything later. You crawled out the window and looked around before making a mad dash across the parking lot. This whole thing really was easier than it should have been. These hospitals needed to up security. But for now, you were grateful. You made it across the street and checked for a street sign. Rome ave. Great, it would be about a half hour walk to Natasha's. Maybe you should have thought to ask her for a ride. Grumbling to yourself, you began your long trek, making sure to stick to the shadows. If someone came by and saw a girl in a hospital girl walking around, there would totally be a scene. You wished you at least had your phone to pass the time. You walked in silence the whole time, thoughts spinning in your head. What were you going to do when you see Sans? Would he even give you a chance to explain? And what about that totally weird phrase Geno said to you? I'm a stupid doodoo butt. What the hell. You shook your head and sighed tiredly. This was all too much. You wanted to start crying again. But you wouldn't. You had done enough of that.

By the time you reached Natasha's, you were sweaty and wanted a shower, and something else to wear besides this stupid hospital gown. You knocked on the door weakly, and it was jerked open by Natasha, you dragged you inside. It looked like her parents weren't home. Thank god. They hated you. "Ewww, girl you smell." Natasha pinched her nose and began pulling you upstairs. "Take a shower and then come down to eat. I already told Nate everything, and he is losing his SHIT. And you have got to tell me more about Emilie, and the monsters!" Right to the point, that was Natasha for you. She practically shoved you into her bathroom and closed the door, letting you get undressed. You turned on the shower and waited until the water got near scalding, and then stepped inside. You slowly sat down under the stream of water and held your knees to your chest. You needed to concentrate. Think of a plan. One good thing came out of this RESET. The killers didn't know that you knew now, and all you had to do was find the rest of your friend's ghosts. If you could do that without drawing attention, you might not even get hurt again. But then there was Sans and had the code Geno gave you, but...should you even talk to them, or would it be better to get all this crap out of the way first? You really weren't sure. It wasn't a good idea to take on too much right now, but on the other hand you needed help. Shaking your head you stood, washed yourself, and then stepped out of the shower. Poking your head through the door, you saw that Natasha had laid some clothes out for you. You snatched them off her bed and returned to the bathroom, drying off and then getting dressed. It was a simple black maxi dress and a black shrug. Natasha had even pulled out her favorite pair of black boots for you. God, she was a saint. After running a brush through your hair you made your way back downstairs and found Emilie sitting on the couch beside Natasha, looking frightened and confused. How had Nat found her? Natasha noticed you coming down and waved. "(Y/N), I found her! Emilie has been filled in on everything that's going on. It was a little hard to convince her at first, but she's come around." "I'm seeing ghosts.." Emilie shook her head, rubbing her temples. "Holy shit..." You sat on her other side, gently rubbing her back. "Trust me, I totally understand. Has Nat told you everything?" Emilie nodded and you relaxed. Okay, good, so she knows about the monsters, Chara, and the RESET. Nathan came in and set some breakfast down for everyone. Eggs and bacon, your mouth was already watering. "What's the plan? I would rather not get stabbed by what I could only guess was a midget with a grudge." He sat on the floor at the coffee table, and you snorted a laugh. "Okay, we have four more people we need to find. Brittany, Anna, Jasper and Kent. Morgan said if we can find everyone, we'll find the truth. My grandparents called the school, I'm not expected to be there for a few days. I could easily sneak around and get into a few places no problem. Today I want to check out the boys locker room where you were attacked, and then search the science labs for Anna." "And the paint?" Natasha asked, grabbing a plate and setting it on her lap. You did the same, taking a stick of bacon and biting into it. "We're going to let them know we know...well, let them know that somebody knows. But not us specifically." Nathan nodded, cutting into his scrambled eggs. You preferred sunny side up. "That's...actually that could work. If they think somebody knows, but it isn't us, that would make them nervous. They might slip up." "Exactly." You nodded, pointing your fork at him. "So, we're going to give the old locker room a...makeover. We're going to make them be the one's looking over their shoulders in fear."


The time for pity is over.

The RESET happened. You can't change that. Instead, you're going to take advantage of it all. It's time you stop being scared of these guys. These fuckers need to be scared of YOU. And they will be.


That's right, I'll be doing sort of one off chapters with the different AU's that won't connect exactly to the main story. The first I have planned is our boi Fresh.

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