Chapter fourteen: A little..heart to heart

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Song for this chapter is: Megalovania with lyrics

The school felt like it was in the middle of the zombie apocalypse, students shuffling around with tired, blank expressions, and the few who did talk spoke in quiet, frantic whispers. This was finals week, and you had completely forgotten. "I am going to bomb so bad." You said to Emilie as you both stood at your locker,putting your bag inside. "With everything going on, finals totally slipped my mind. I'm not even going to be able to concentrate at all." "I totally feel you." Emilie sighed, adjusting her glasses. "Though for me, it's more because I literally JUST transferred here, I have no idea what your finals will be covering! It's crap that I still have to take these tests or risk failing the year." Emilie was right. You had so many issues with standardized testing, it wasn't even funny. You cursed under your breath as you closed your locker and bent down, attempting to zip up your left, knee high converse. Emilie blinked and tilted her head. "Why didn't you do that before you got to school today? Or is it stuck?" "Stuck." You replied, wincing as the zipper hurt your fingers. Great, just what you needed more, pain. Your back still hurt like a bitch and the bruises on your arms hadn't even started fading yet. Emilie snickered and knelt down, taking the zipper from you and beginning to try. "Why didn't you just change shoes before you left?" "Because I panicked about finals and was too lazy to." This made Emilie laugh more, but she struggled, unable to zip the shoe. "What the hell Cherry bomb? Did you super glue this or..oh. Crap. Sorry." Her face turned a little red as she realized what she called you, however you just laughed it off. "go ahead. Emilie. It IS my nickname, after all. I don't think you're going to be able to do it." Emilie pouted and stepped back, and that's when Justin, the dork, slid over to you on his knees and went straight to work on your shoe. It was hysterical, and suddenly all three of you were laughing. This was contagious, as soon the hallway was full of laughter as people crowded around to watch and try their hand at the zipper, even Tammy of all people! It was so weird to have her actually having some form of interaction with you and laughing in a non-snide way. You covered you mouth, laughing so hard you were snorting, and spotted Sans and Papyrus staring at this totally weird scene before them. Papyrus himself was laughing, but Sans was staring at you with that same weird expression he had when you were dancing a few days ago. Blue was tinting his cheeks and you thought his eyes looked different, but he was still too far away for you to tell was the difference was. Finally laughing too hard, Tammy got to her feet, shaking her head. "God, (Y/N), get some better shoes! Those things are totally lost." With that she walked away, laughing still. This seemed to be the end of this strange, funny moment in life as the rest of the students began to splinter back into their own groups. At least you were able to offer a small distraction from the horror that is finals.

"Welp, that was a sight I was not prepared for." You jumped slightly at the voice and looked down to see Sans leaning against the lockers between you and Emilie. Papyrus was starting to head over, but his brother waved him to go in the other direction, towards class. Pouting, the tall blond did was he was told, waving to you before going on his way. You silently thanked Sans. You couldn't be around Papyrus right now. Not until you were sure. "Yeah...welcome to the surface, and welcome to Addison high school. Silly antics are pretty normal, it's only low key because of finals." "Finals, yeah. Our teachers told us about those. A big deal, huh?" Oh boy. You took a deep breath, nodding. "Every state has their own form of finals. A one size fits all test that doesn't take into account learning types or disabilities of students. Not to mention it ignores the fact that studies show students don't remember things they learn just for a test. We start getting ready for this test early on in the school year, teachers being forced to put aside what they SHOULD be teaching us in favor of what the test is going to be on, and the schools entire financial standing is set up on this test, because...I don't know? If you can't pass the test you don't need the money? Or if you don't pass the test then we need to make the test harder, making it more difficult for the same kids to pass the test?" You paused, realizing you were ranting and looked down at Sans, who was staring up at you with a confused expression. "Sorry, I must be getting you confused. I just...I REALLY hate these tests. They've been the bane of my educational existence. It doesn't matter how good your grades are, if you fail these tests, you fail the entire grade. They cause stress, get students to the point they dread going to school, make...sorry. Sorry, I'm rambling again."

You watched as Sans knelt down, zipping your shoe up with ease. Oooh, you were almost bitter. He looked up at you and gave a wink and a shrug. "Mmmmmagic. Anyway," He got to his feet and dusted off his gym shorts. "Tori told me what you said to her, at that book store." FuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUU- "So, it was against your will, huh? I hope you aren't lying to us, (Y/N). You've already broken Toriel's...our hearts, once." HOLD UP. WAIT A MINUTE. LET ME PUT SOME BOOM IN IT. "Wait, whaaaaat?" You blinked. "Look, kid, just tell me the t r u t h." His tone sounded like the one he had when he was warning you about fighting Papyrus. You looked at Emilie for help but she held her hands up, slowly backing away. Honestly it was probably for the best, Sans might snap on her if she tried to intervene. "I'm done playing around." Okay, okay, you needed to deflate the situation. Maybe a joke..? "Hi, Done Playing around, I'm Cherry Bomb!" Sans stared at you, and you could hear laughter rumbling in his chest. He slumped against the lockers, running a hand down his face. He looked up at you between his fingers. "See? THAT is what I'm talking about." He chuckled a little and lowered his hand, putting it in his pocket. "(Y/N), I need to know, for everyone's sake. Which you is the real you?"

The real you? What the heck was that supposed to mean? The only you was you. Sans seemed to see the confusion on your face, as he continued on. "About eight years ago all I saw was some snot nosed brat who killed everyone I cared about. It didn't matter how we treated you, you just didn't care. One by one you murdered us. I always believed that was just how you were, how you would always be. Now? I'm not so sure, and it's pissing me off." Okay, you might need to make a break for it. You glanced past him. Natasha and Emilie were peering at you around the corner. "....Okay, I'll bite funny bones. What do you see now?" "Now? Now I see this teen aged dork who can't dance or zip her own shoes, and has an infuriatingly cute laugh. And every time I see her I get more and more pissed because she's NOTHING like the little brat who killed my brother." he spoke through a clenched grin. You took a step back. Staying was not a good option right now, you were sure. "Sans, I-" "So tell me, 'Cherry Bomb', for everyone's sake. Which is it?" Oh crap. You kinda side stepped away from him. Your heart was racing and you had so many conflicting emotions right now. "Sans, I just...I can't right now." Your foot pivoted against the floor as you prepared to run for it, however you found that you suddenly couldn't move. Your eyes trailed down and you saw that a blue light had engulfed you. Oh no. Slowly you were turned to face the short boy, and he did not look happy at all. Looks like he took your avoiding the question as the wrong answer. "You think it's fun messin' with other people's hearts? Well, sorry kiddo." He snapped his fingers and you felt your SOUL forcibly pulled from your chest, the fight screen appearing before you. It had been years since you had seen this thing, you felt a panic attack coming. Just like when he was a monster, Sans' eyes had turned bitch black, empty, except for a single flashing light in his right eye. "Two can play at that game." He then raised his hand, and then paused, staring at your SOUL.

It was the size of any other SOUL, but it was obvious he had never seen one like this before. Neither had you, until yesterday. The blue and red were still mashed together and you saw two large cracks. Sans lowered his hand a little, brow furrowed, and while he was distracted, his power keeping you in place dissolved. "...Sans? I am NOT going to fight you." *Your resolve to spare your crush fills you with DETERMINATION* Wait, crush? To hell, whatever! You both gawked as your SOUL began to pulse and the red slowly creeped over the blue, claiming more territory. With this new surge of power you slammed your hand down on that MERCY button and the menu shattered. Sans gawked as Natasha then ran around the corner, blowing Sans a kiss as you both fled. You couldn't help but laugh as you did the same, and flipped him the bird.


Here's a gif for the last paragraph.

Well, it wasn't exactly fluff, but Sans has made his..complicated, feelings known. This certainly didn't help, but now you have more of a reason to tell him the truth! However, this isn't the most important thing on your mind at the moment. You gotta find your friends, and pass your exams! But you're going to have to tell everyone the truth a lot sooner than you think.

A second chance (A Human!SansxReader fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon