Chapter thirty one: Short cut

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The song for this chapter is: Into the core

"(Y/N). Come on, wake up."

You groaned as someone shook you gently and rolled over, curling up to try and get some more sleep. There were some snickers and then someone began to poke at your cheeks. "She probably shouldn't have left the hospital" Said a voice, Natasha's it sounded like. "Hospital?" Asked a second voice. You could tell by the accent that it was Sans. You were beginning to come to, but not completely. "What was she in the hospital for?" "My SOUL shattered." Yup. You were still asleep enough to do something as stupid as that. There was stunned silence and then hot breath tickled your ear. "S w e e t h e a r t. G e t u p, N O W." Welp, that was all you needed. You sat up, accidentally slamming your head against Sans'. You moaned and held your head, and Sans did the same, scowling as he spoke. "You died?!" "It didn't stick!" Was the wonderful response you came up with. Sans ran a hand down his face and gave you a glare. "(Y/N), I'm taking you back to the hospital." Something in his voice told you arguing wasn't a good idea. Then you noticed where you were. The back of Nathan's car. "What happened?" "You fainted." Sans replied, an edge in his voice. "Probably because you were stupid enough to leave the hospital after you DIED. (Y/N), What if something is seriously wrong with your SOUL?! What if-" You cut him off by holding up a hand. "My SOUL is fine. If you want to see for yourself, go ahead." Sans stared at you and then got out of the car, holding out his hand to help you. You took it without hesitation and then the others climbed out as well. Sans stared at you for a moment and then reached his hand out, placing it on your chest. This was...a little awkward, especially with your friends watching. Your face heated up and you saw that his was doing the same. When he pulled his hand back, he pulled your SOUL with it, a brilliant, beautiful red heart with a tinge of light blue outlining it, and not a crack in sight. Sans stared down at it in his hands.

"(Y/N)'re...pretty DETERMINED, huh? Heh.."

There was relief in his voice, and he returned your SOUL, but kept his hand on your chest, feeling your heart beat, and gave you a stern look. "We're still going back to the hospital, (Y/N). You fainted. Like it or not, you seem to be telling the truth, and that means you and I are...." He trailed off for and then shook his head, frowning. "It means that I love you, even if admitting it still gives me a bit of a sour taste in my mouth." You weren't sure if you should be ecstatic that he just said he LOVED you, or offended that admitting it left a sour taste. Sans continued before you could decide. "I mean.....I'm aware of the RESET's, and I can remember them, to an extent. Not totally, and not all of them. I don't remember what happened before. But I remember this feeling I have. And seeing Seeing you arguing against hurting people, even people who hurt you, and seeing you now, risking your life to bring justice to those who turned their backs on you.." He took a deep breath and exhaled, taking his hand back and looking away. ".....I love you, (Y/N). I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, and that includes yourself. So if I have to drag your ass kicking and screaming back to the hospital, I will." Wow...your face had gone red and you were struggling to keep the smile from your face. There was only one thing on your mind. "Hey Sans? Knock knock." Sans raised his brows.

"Who's there...?"


"Olive who?"

"Olive you too."

Sans stared up at you, his mouth hanging open and stars in his eyes. You smiled and leaned down, kissing he top of his head. "I'll go back to the hospital with you. But I'll need an excuse for why I left. And...I want to see the initial reaction to our message. Is that okay?" Sans blinked a little, as if just being brought back to reality, and nodded. "Alright, that's fine by me. As for an excuse-" "You were confused?" Emilie suggested suddenly. "Say, like...after you called Natasha you sort of..blipped? Forgot where you were, freaked out, and left trying to go home. Then Sans can say Natasha called him, and he was on his way to see you at the hospital when he found you walking. He had Natasha bring you some clothes and now he took you back to the hospital. You did just die, so it would be reasonable for your mind to be kinda.....derp, yeah?" Oh hey, that was actually a good idea. You and Sans agreed to it, and then you said goodbye to your friends. Nathan tossed you his spare car key, telling you to hide out there until you were ready to go. Sitting low in the back seat with Sans, you had about 15 more minutes until buses and others would start to arrive. You and Sans were silent at first. It wasn't uncomfortable, but you could feel him staring. You finally turned your head, planning to ask him what was up, but his lips crashed onto yours before you could. It wasn't a long kiss by any means. It was actually sort of awkward, but there was love in it, and fire works were going off in your head when Sans pulled away. His eyes were stars again and he had one hand holding your face. You smiled widely at him and motioned for him to come up onto your lap. His eyes flickered between your lap and your face, clearly unsure. "I-It's fine. You sat there a lot anyway." With that said Sans climbed into your lap and looked up at you, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry, I just..." "It's okay, Comic Sans." You snickered and ran your fingers through his hair, watching as buses finally began to pull in. It was only minutes before students had gathered around the old locker room, checking out what you had painted. In all her pink, you could easily see Natasha putting on a good show. Her movements were of someone who was clearly upset, and she was getting into the faces of Tammy and Hailey M, most likely accusing them of it. Nathan and Emilie were even pretending to hold her back. "She in drama?" Sans chuckled, and you shook your head. "Well, she should be. This good? I can use a short cut to get us to the hospital." Your eyes danced around the crowd that had formed. A lot of people were freaking out. Hazel looked like she was about to cry, and Justin was rubbing her back. They Hailey's were snickering, probably thinking it was some joke while Tammy and Natasha screamed at each other. Nothing stood out. "Yeah...let's go. Hopefully my grandparents won't kill me." You and Sans got out of the car and you locked it before taking Sans' hand. "Lead the way."

You both walked across the street, towards a cluster of tress with low hanging branches. You crouched down, following Sans through, and your stomach dropped when your foot, instead of touching the ground, touched nothing. Sans felt you squeeze his hand and looked back at you. "It's okay. Just keep hold of my hand, okay?" He continued to walk forward and you followed, keeping close to him. You were surrounded by darkness and what looked like binary code flying through the air. It was chilly and your arms were covered in goosebumps. As you looked around, you noticed something flying around that didn't match the binary.

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