Chapter twenty: How much I like you

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The song for this chapter is: I love you too much

You knew what you wanted already, as you usually got the same thing every time you came to Lefty's. The seafood pasta, tomato sauce with shrimp, clams, mussels, crab legs, and two huge lobster tails. After talking with Sans, you both agreed to try the crab brisk and you got him a big bottle of ketchup. He seemed content with lift. That is, until he saw the front of the menu, and then he nearly died.


It was a drawing of Undyne, suplexing the restaurant.

"Was this your handiwork?" Sans snickered, holding the menu up for you to see. You flushed but laughed, nodding. "Yup! They have kids who come in draw the menu covers, and that was mine. I think I did her justice." "Seriously. Her giant head on her tiny body is almost spot on." Sans continued to laugh, and you did as well. "I may need to ask them to make me a copy of this. I want to hang it in my room." As Sans said that, Susan could be heard squealing behind the bar. She just thought you two were the cutest thing. It made Sans chuckle, and he winked at you as he leaned back in his seat. "They really do know you here, huh (Y/N)?" He asked, and you noticed how he hadn't called you Cherry Bomb once since finding out the truth yesterday. You grinned, nodding. "Like I said, and that picture showed, I've been going here since I was little. These people were at my aunt and uncles wedding, they babysat me and even attended my birthday parties. Erik, Susan, and Zel, who you haven't met yet, are all part of the family. ell, I bet I could get Grillby a job here, if he hasn't opened his own place already." "That would actually be pretty cool. I'll be sure to talk to him about it." Sans took a sip of his ketchup, ignoring the looks some nearby customers gave him. You went to speak but instead found you picked up by none other than Lefty's official bartender, Zel. You giggled as he peppered the top of your head with kisses. "It is the most beautiful girl in the world! We have not seen our little girl in ages!" Zel was a very friendly an excitable man who had immigrated from Africa, however he was extremely pale, with frosted blond hair. You laughed more as he hugged you tightly before setting you back down in your seat. "Now, what is Susan going on, about you having a boyfriend?" He then noticed Sans and gasped, grinning. "Ah! Ah, boyfriend! I am so happy for you, young man! You are very lucky boy indeed." Your face went red and you hid it behind your menu. Sans merely nodded. "Yup, ain't that the truth. She's already pretty popular at school. But like I told the other guy, (Y/N) has been mine for a while." Zel looked flabbergasted. "(Y/N)! Why did you not tell us you have had a boyfriend?" Hoo boy, how were you going to explain this one? "It's...a long story. Sorry Z." "Well, you better get ready to tell everything to miss Polly when she gets here." Zel ruffled your head and went to get your appetizer. Sans tilted a brow. "Miss Polly?" "Little old lady who was friends with my uncle's mom, Miss Lolli. Yet another regular here who watched me grow. She's a total sweetie." You explained, and then noticed that Sans was sort of just...staring at you now. You blinked, suddenly feeling awkward. Sans scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, it's just...." He sighed, shaking his head. "Of course I know you've had a life after leaving us. You've grown, you have friends...some who were murdered. You have your own human family. It's only feels like it's sinking in now. You really aren't that snot nosed kid I used to know. You're a determined, funny, pretty girl. Heh." He took another drink from his ketchup. "No clue what you see in some old bones like me." "Sans, don't even get me started." You sighed, but with a smile. "There are a ton of reasons I like you. There's no way possible I could sit here and list them all. We'd be here till the apocalypse, comic Sans." The name sort of slipped out, but Sans just starred at you with those starry eyes again. You giggled ad let him reach out, taking your hand, and pressed it to his lips.






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