Chapter thirty seven: A SANSational start to the day

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The song for this chapter is: The lazy song

Sans didn't get any sleep that night.

That was a normal thing for him, since insomnia wasn't something monsters were immune to, but it was even worse now. Every time he closed his eyes he saw (Y/N) laying tangled in that sheet, bloody. Sure, it had been fake, but that was originally what that little freak had been sent to do to her. It made his blood, or magic, boil. Had (Y/N) not been there to stop him, Sans would have given that punk a real b a d t i m e. Sighing he sat up on bed, his spine popping as he did. It was still another three hours before he needed to be up for school, but trying to sleep was pointless. He picked his phone up off the bedside table and began typing.

Sans: Pssssst, are you awake?

(Y/N): You're supposed to ask 'Are you dead, or are you sleeping'. And yes, I'm awake. How could I sleep after that?

Yeah, it may have been a human joke or something but that did not make him feel better. Still, he would keep that to himself.

Sans: Yeah, I can't sleep either. Not that I ever can, but still. This hasn't help.

Sans: Can't I stay there with you? I don't like to think you're alone in that place.

(Y/N): I really would feel better with you here, but I want you at school with Nat, Nate and Emilie. Nathan has been attacked too, at least in another timeline...oh my god I'm a damn idiot.

Seems she noticed something. Sans took his phone with him as he got out of bed and began to walk across the room, making sure to go around the self sustaining tornado he had in there. He read over his girlfriends' messages as he pulled the door open, planning to head downstairs.

Heh, girlfriend.....part of him still felt weird about it, like after what happened when she was a kid, just the thought of it should have been taboo. But Sans knew the truth about the whole ordeal, and he was going to force that part o him to get over. He loved (Y/N) and that was all there is to it. She was part of his family now.

(Y/N): It was Justin. He attacked Nathan.

(Y/N): He's just the right size, could have gotten into the locker room unnoticed, and he was going to use a knife on me today..

(Y/N): FUCK THAT GUY. Ugh, I'm so angry right now!

Okay, yeah no. Sans may not be allowed to kill this guy, but he was going to make sure he got a hint. Justin was NEVER getting near (Y/N) or her friends after this was all over. Ever. When Sans got down stairs he saw Papyrus up No surprise, at least not for Sans. Papyrus was surprised, however, to see his older brother up already. "Sans! Wowie, good morning! You're just in time to eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day!" "Heh, yup. Sorry to surprise you, I didn't mean to...rattle your bones." Papyrus groaned as Sans laughed, taking a seat at the table. Their annoying dog Toby was at his feet, waiting to take whatever food Sans didn't want to eat. This pup had a stomach of steel.

Sans: I understand sweetheart. Just try to get some sleep, okay?

Sans: Love you.

(Y/N): Kinda hard, but I'll try.

(Y/N): Olive you too.

(Y/N): OH! I ended up telling my grandparents what's going on. Sort of? They told principal Andrews it's for a sort of weird cultural project for college application.

(Y/N): So he's telling the school I'm dead. Play along.

Huh that was easy. Sans agreed and then set his phone down when Papyrus got to the table with spaghetti pancakes. Well, it certainly smelled good, at least. Papyrus noticed Sans' phone, which the shorter skeleton rarely used, and smiled. "Oh, are you talking to (Y/N)? I'm so glad! You two make a very cute couple! And...I'm glad to know it really wasn't her fault." He took his own seat. "But, why would the child of king Asgore and his clone do such a thing? Do they hate us?" "Maybe." Sans gave a lazy shrug, though he was thinking the same thing. From (Y/N)'s story Chara went out of their way to lie. Whatever, that didn't matter right now. "I told you about the stuff going on with her friends, right? The ghosts and all that?" Papyrus nodded, putting a pancake on Sans' plate. "Well...the principal is telling everyone (Y/N) has passed away. She hasn't, but she needs us to play along..."


Toby ate all of Sans' pancakes.

A second chance (A Human!SansxReader fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें