Chapter twenty three: A reunion you didn't want but it happened anyway

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The song for this chapter is: Wolf in sheep's clothing

Natasha had already left in the ambulance with Nathan. Toriel was on her way and you sat outside with Emilie, Sans and Papyrus, waiting. Thousands of thoughts were going through your mind, swirling and mixing together until you couldn't even think straight. You felt like you were going to be sick, just blow chunks right there in front of everyone. Feeling something touching your hand, you lifted your head to look. It was Sans. He wasn't looking at you, instead opting to look out blankly at the sky overhead. His hand had reached out and taken hold of yours. He was sort of playing with it, running his nails over your knuckles, or turning your palm and tracing over the lines. There was something strangely reassuring about that, and you sighed, pulling him onto your lap. This caught him by surprise, but Sans certainly didn't complain. After sitting their in silence for about five minutes, Toriel pulled up in, no surprise, a mom van. A child sat in the front seat and was near bouncing when they saw you and the others get up, heading towards the van. Papyrus slid open the door, letting everyone else in before he got in last. You sat between Emilie and Sans, and you held Emilie's hand as she continued to shake. The child, whom you recognized from the news as 'Frisk', the ambassador of monsters, was peering at you from the front seat. You gave a weak smile and waved. Toriel was silent, gripping the steering wheel tightly as she drove. It was only a fifteen minute drive or so, but it felt like an hour just to get to the hospital. Once inside you all took seats in the waiting room, Sans reclaiming his spot on your lap. You hated hospitals, especially after spending so much time in them when you were going because of your SOUL. Because of your foster parents. Because they put things in your food that got you sick. The air smelt sterile and like chemicals, and there was so much white. You really did hate it. Toriel sent Frisk to go play in the children's area and then walked over, sitting on the opposite side of you. "When Papyrus called, he said it was your friend who had been hurt. The young man. What happened...?" " was Nathan. Somebody attacked him while he was in the locker room.." You explained to her, holding Sans' hands. She sighed, removing her glasses and rubbing her temples. "And is he-" "The people who came to get him said they should be able to get him stable." Sans said, trying to calm your goat mother down. It seemed to help a little but she still wasn't happy. "It was about what happened to your other friends, wasn't it?"

You sighed, nodding slightly. Toriel had clenched her fists slightly and you could tell she was so upset. Of course she was. Toriel loved children, and not only was one hurt, but it was one who her daughter was friends with. Toriel shook her head, running a hand through her long white hair. "This is getting far too dangerous. We have to tell the others what's going on, (Y/N). I know you may not be looking forward to it, but I cannot stand by and let you children chase after these murderers with little to no help." She was right, not just about you not looking forward to this reunion, but that you couldn't do this by yourselves anymore. Undyne would be a huge help right now, if you were to be honest. "Okay.....We can do it once the doctors stabilize Nathan, okay?" You asked, and Toriel nodded. However, you didn't have to wait long. The doctor came out, explaining that while Nathan had sustained many injuries, his life was not in danger. This was a major relief, but Natasha insisted on staying with her brother. She assured you that there was no way someone would try to attack in a secured hospital, plus their parents were on their way. Once you were convinced Natasha and Nathan were safe, you climbed back into Toriel's van, once more between Sans and Emilie. Sans had taken to playing with your hand again and you relaxed a little, but only a little. This was just..too much. You glanced up as Sans cupped your face in his free hand. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We aren't going to let anything like this happen again. Trust me?" "...I trust you." You sighed, nodding. In their seat up front, Frisk slowly turned and peered over at you.

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