Chapter six: I hope you die in a fire

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The song for this chapter is: I hope you die in a fire

You froze, sobs catching in your throat. Dawn..was hugging you? You looked up at Emilie with wide eyes and she nodded, biting her nails. Was that the cold feeling you had just felt? Dawn? "Why is she still here?" You asked Emilie. Her eyes flickered to your side and after hesitating she held both her hands out to you and Natasha. You both glanced at each other before getting up, you wiping your face before taking the Asian girls hand. The minute you did you felt the sharp sting of electricity and even her the crackling. The room felt like it was spinning and you were 99% sure you were going to blow chunks. Natasha didn't look much better, but you both held tightly to Emilie's hands and held your ground. When the world finally decided it was trendy to stand still, there was Dawn, sitting right next to where you had been. She too looked like she had been crying, her mascara runny, though you feared that may be a permanent thing. "D-Dawn?" You muttered and almost let go of Emilie's hand however she intertwined her fingers with your own so you couldn't. Dawn stared at you before pushing herself off the ground and taking a step towards you. You were seriously beginning to second guess this whole thing. The concept of seeing your dead friend was one thing, actually doing it was another thing. However all these thoughts flew out the window the minute Dawn began to sob. "(Y-Y-Y?N)! I'm so sorry for everything!" Dawn sobbed, her face in her gloved hands. "I should have stood up for you when the fight happened! H-How could you say all those nice things about me when I practically abandoned you!" "Oh, Dawn..." You wanted to reach out and hug her, but recalled your interactions with Napstablook. Even if she was technically another species of ghost...? You were sure you couldn't touch her. "Dawn, sweetie...everyone has moments where they're too scared to do the right thing. It's okay, I'm not mad at you or anything." You tried to reassure her. "I could never, ever be mad at you. I want to help you! Please Dawn, tell us why you're here?"

Dawn tried to catch her breath, rubbing tears from her eyes and running a hand through her bubble gum pink hair. She gasped when she realized something was missing, then sighed, slouching slightly. "The skull clip you gave me...I keep forgetting that jerk Kent took it." "That's why you're still here?" Yo frowned slightly. "You can't find the clip?" Honestly, that....yeah, that sounded like Dawn, if you were honest. This actually made Dawn giggle a little and she shook her head. "No, that would be silly..I mean, I would LIKE to know where it is, you got it for" she trailed off, clasping her hands together and taking deep breaths, like she was trying to gather the courage to tell you what was really wrong. "Dawn..? You can tell me.." "You aren't going to like it, Cherry bomb." Cherry bomb. god, nobody had called you that since the accident, not even your grandparents. It was a nickname Dawn had given you based on your favorite song. After her death your grandparents probably thought it would hurt you, but honestly it felt good. "I don't have to like it, Dawn. But I need to know, and I need to help you if you need it." "...It wasn't an accident, Cherry bomb." Your stomach dropped. This was the last thing you had been expecting to hear from her. "Wh-what?" "Come on, (Y/N)! I know it was probably too hard for you to even imagine, but I know you're smart! it's had to have crossed your mind, why not even one of us made it out of the locker room!" "..It has, yeah." You admitted, your voice cracking. Your mouth felt dry, you felt light headed. "Someone locked us in. We couldn't get out." That was it. You wrenched your hand free from Emilie's, backing away and shaking your head. Your legs had become like jelly, you were scared they might give out beneath you. "No fucking way. But why would anyone do that?!" Natasha reached out to comfort you but paused, sniffing the air. "Does..does anyone else smell that?" She wrinkled her nose, covering her nose with her free hand. "Has someone been smoking in here?" Emilie paled, looking back to where Emilie had been before letting go of Natasha's hand. "FIRE!"

You gasped and ran towards the door, grabbing the doorknob only to have a searing pain shoot up your arm from your hand. You cried out and staggered back, clutching your injured hand. "I-It's right outside the door!" Stupid, stupid, stupid! You could now hear the crackling of the flames outside the door and see the smoke filtering in through its cracks. How had you not noticed it sooner! "Turn on all the sinks!" Natasha ordered. Oh, thank god she was so smart. You and Emilie hurried to turn all 6 sinks on as Natasha put herself to the gross work of getting all the toilets clogged. "Andrews is going to lose his shit but it's better than ending up like offense." "She says none taken, now come on!" Emilie ran to the door and began pounding her fists on it. "We need to get attention!" She was right. All three of you began to pound on the doors and scream for help as hard and loud as you could. However, you feared the worst. "(Y?N)!?" Papyrus? Oh thank god! "Papyrus?? Please, get help!" You screamed through the door. Your arms and hands were beginning to bruise. "Get a fire extinguisher, or something!" "DO NOT WORRY! I SEE GRILLBY! I SHALL GET HIM!" Grillby? As in the guy who runs the restaurant? What was he doing here..oh. Oh shit. "Turn off the water!" You demanded, turning to Natasha and Emilie. They looked like you were crazy. "Grillby is an elemental monster! He's made of fire! The water is going to hurt him! Just trust me!" This was the one time fighting fire with fire was a good thing. Of course Natasha listened to you right away, going to unclog the toilets, and Emilie, though hesitant at first, turned off the water. You could see the door began to be warped and expand slightly do to the heat on the other side, and you were beginning to have a hard time with the smoke. You grabbed both girls and pulled them down to the ground with you, below it. Please let them get here soon.. "Nobody has asthma, right?" Emilie asked, covering her mouth. Both you and Natasha shook your heads no. "Girls?!" Woah, that wasn't a voice you knew. It was deep and gruff, with a hint of Scottish. "Stay away from the door until I say!" Was that Grillby? It had to be, because the sound of crackling fire grew louder, however the smoke was being sucked out of the room, as if by magic. The room gradually began to cool off and after about 3 minutes the door was opened slightly before it completely fell off it's hinges. On the other side stood Papyrus and yes, a man who was clearly Grillby. he wore the same snazzy outfit, wore glasses that hid his eyes, and had sort of frizzy, fire red hair, a beard, and a handle bar mustache. Both looked extremely panicked and you found yourself being lifted off the ground by Papyrus. "(Y/N)! Oh..look at your arms, they're all black and blue..all of your arms! What happened? I may not be well accustomed to the surface yet, but I do not believe fires just start randomly!" "They do not." Grillby said, entering room. Though you felt the look he gave you was a cautious one, and you couldn't blame him, he still took your arms and lifted them with the utmost care. After deciding there wasn't any true damage to you, he checked Natasha and Emilie as well. "Papyrus, we need to get them to the principal and inform him there was a fire." "yes, it is only the responsible thing to do!" Papyrus agreed, setting you down and beginning to follow the older man out. You and the girls lingered.

"...Am I the only one who thinks this wasn't some sort of freak accident, or is it just me?"

"no, Emilie. I can assure you it's not just you."

"And I don't think. I'm sure."

Somebody knew that you had been told the truth.

As the three of you muttered to one another, you didn't notice Papyrus glance back at you and clench his fists.



Oh my god this chapter was intense! shit has gone down, and thank god Papyrus was there, but it looks like not only did he hear you and your friends, he agrees! Good luck getting him to leave you alone now! Everything is already starting to heat up, pun intended, and I for one and excited to bring what happens next!

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