Chapter eight: Idiots in masks

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The song for this chapter is: Someone walking behind you

Getting your grandmother to let you out of the house had been a challenge. After what happened yesterday, she had grown really over protective, hell, she had even made a scene when she arrived to pick you up after school, yelling at the teacher and making legal treats. It was embarrassing, to say the least. Though one thing she had said stuck with you. "We should not be having anymore fires at this school, especially not TODAY!" Looks like even she had realized how strange it was that a fire had broken out yesterday of all days. However, just like the rest of the school, she had accepted that it was an accident. Andrews would have techs out all weekend checking the entire school. But you knew better. That fire had been no accident. Pulling a dark blue beanie over your head and making sure your butterfly clips were still holding your bands in place, you climbed off the bus and looked around. Old town Deep Elem. Deep Elem itself was the 'cool' side of town as far as you were concerned. Bars, though you didn't care for them, clubs like The Church, your go to goth club, and a ton of art shops, thrift shops, and antique stores. Old town wasn't super different, but was a lot quieter, mostly book stores and cafes. Still, while other teens went to the mall, this is where you went to spend time. You glanced at your phone, half an hour early. You could probably run by Lefty's seafood bar and grill, grab something to eat. You'd been going there since you were a child, your aunt taking you there right after your grandparents got custody of you. The workers watched you grow, they were like extended family. You put your earbuds in and shuffled the music on your phone, making your way down the road. Today was a lazy day, you hadn't felt like dressing up, so you dropped the goth look for a more simple punkish outfit. A 'Misfit skull' Tank top, copied straight from Life is strange, black leggings covered in white butterfly outlines, black ankle boots. You accessorized with a bunch of bracelets, butterfly wing earrings and a black choker with a butterfly hanging off it. at least you gave off the illusion you put effort into your appearance. Humming along you passed past a clothing shop and happened to catch your reflection. And the reflection of someone peering at you around the corner of a building across the street. Shit. Taking a deep breath you continued on like you hadn't seen anything, continuing on, but you kept your eye on every window reflection you passed. Just what you were afraid of. Someone was following you. Looks like Left'y would have to wait, the book store was closer. Your grip tightened around the handle of your shoulder bag and you picked up the pace. The sooner you were in a populated area the better.

You quickly made your way down the street and turned the corner onto Han street, taking this chance to slip into a thrift store, peering through the window to take a look at your tag along. Sure enough, when they lost you the person came out of hiding to look around, and you groaned, shaking your head. This guy was a fucking idiot. Did they honestly believe nobody would notice someone so tall running around in all black with a skull mask, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT? You couldn't even feel threatened anymore, this person was an moron. You watched them walk away and your blood suddenly ran cold. Something was sticking out of their black jeans,

A gun.

Okay, you were scared again. You had half a mind to run back to the bus stop and head home, and actually that was probably the smarter choice. But whoever this asshole was, you knew why they were tailing you. They were involved with the deaths of your friends. They were trying to stop you from finding the truth. Well fuck them. You were done standing by and letting people hurt your loved ones. First Chara, and now this. You reached into your bag, pulling out your Tessen Muji, a Japanese war fan. Honestly you had no idea how to use it, it had been a gift from Nathan a few months back and you just hadn't gotten around to learning how to use it. But you sure as hell weren't going back out there empty handed, even if you were sure it was useless against a gun. Cautiously you pushed the door open and went back outside, looking around. The cost was clear, but with a gun you couldn't be sure. Those things could kill from a distance. You decided it was best to hope from building to building, waiting inside a few minutes each time before going back out. This ended up taking the whole extra thirty minutes you had saved up to eat, but who cared. You reached the bookstore and ran inside, taking a moment to glance behind you. Just as the door closed, you saw the weirdo standing outside across the street, watching you. Screw this. You went right up to the front desk, where an extremely thin man with a brown handle bar mustache and a beaked nose stood. "Some freak is outside, dressed like a skeleton. I think I saw a gun on him." That did it. The man called a manager who then came and had you repeat what you said. They both thanked you the man behind the counter made an announcement that nobody was to leave the store as there was a situation, while the manager left to call the police. "What the heck is going on?" You turned to see Natasha and her twin brother Nathan sitting in the store's cafe, looking concerned. You sighed and slid into a seat at their table, placing your fan on top of it. "Have you told Nate?" You asked Natasha, who nodded. "Of course I told him." "I am the president of our schools paranormal club." Nathan added, adjusting his wire frame glasses. Nathan was good looking, tall with high cheek bones and muscular, as he was on the schools football team. However, he was also a huge fucking nerd. "I always figured they would stick around, no offense. However spirits tend to after being given such a traumatic death." "None taken." You replied, leaning back in your seat to glance out the window. Looks like the police had arrived, but you couldn't see your tag along. "Somebody followed me here, in a skull mask. They had a gun." "Holy shit.." Natasha gasped, her eyes going wide. Nathan cringed and shook his head. "This is bad. Not only does this provide Dawn and the others were murdered, but now you girls are in danger." God, this was a problem. Natasha leaned forward in her seat, taking your fan to mess with it. "Well, I'm not stopping. Are you?" "Hell no." Hearing you two, Nathan rolled his eyes. "Then I guess I have to join to keep you two from getting yourselves killed, don't I?" "That's the spirit!" His sister laughed, slapping him on the back and then getting up from her seat. "Where's Justin?" You asked, remembering that he was the one who invited you after all. "Music section, where else? Come on CHERRY BOMB, let's go grab some ghost books." Natasha replied, pulling you up from your seat. You couldn't help but laugh as you followed her to the new age section, Nathan right behind. "Don't grab anything by Silver Ravenwolf..Or Raven Silverwolf..whatever her stupid 'Witch' name it!" He warned and you both laughed, nodding. The New Age section was in the far back corner, and the three of you began searching for anything on ghosts and communicating with them. You couldn't help as Nathan went through books, making comments like 'Ridiculous', 'Didn't even research properly', 'Money grabber'. Nathan took his interest in the paranormal seriously, much to the annoyance of his rich and 'sensible' parents. "None of these seem to be very useful.." Natasha sighed, sliding a book back onto the shelf. "Of course not." Her brother snorted. " Most of these people don't even believe in what they write about. They just think those of us who believe are easy cash grabs. Sadly, they're right." Yo groaned and pinched your nose. "great. No leads..."

That's when your phone went off.

You pulled the pastel purple device out of your pocket and tapped the screen.

Your hair stood on end.

It was a text. From Brittany.

Brit: Hey girl~~~

Brit: This should help.

Bit: ;3

Who needs a ouija board when you can just chat on the phone?
Also, who was that following you? Clearly not a friend, they intended to do you harm. It looks like you can't get a day of rest!

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