Chapter nine: A mothers love

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The song for this chapter is: You are never all alone

Natasha furrowed her brows when she saw you grow usual. "What is it? Did someone threaten you?" "'s Brittany. It's a text from...are they all still here?" Your voice was tight. You hadn't even thought of the possibility that the others were stuck here too. Nathan pushed his glasses up, thinking for a moment. "Most likely they all are. If it was traumatic enough for Dawn to be tethered to the earth, then it most likely affected the others as well. What did Brittany send you?" You held the screen up for him to see, and Nathan tapped it lightly, opening the link. "Oh, yeah. I've heard of this. Somebody in, like, Korea or something made an app where you can 'talk' to the dead. But, not really." "What do you mean?" Nathan waved for you to follow him and started off towards the music section, probably to meet up with Justin. You sure as heck weren't going to find anything useful in the books here. "It's being made to be a tool for grieving. To help people come to terms with the fact the other person is dead, and move on. It's not actually made to contact the dead." Weird, why would Brittany send you that? As if reading your mind, Nathan continued. "Maybe she wants to contact you through it." "But she's already texted me. Can she just keep using that?" Nathan shrugged and you all entered the bookstore's music section. As guessed, Justin was in the record part, checking out some vinyl. His face lit up when you called out to him. "Yo! You made it, awesome!" You both high fived as you put on a smile, even though you really weren't feeling it. "yeah, but not for long. You heard that announcement? We should fly, my grandmama would LOSE IT if she hears about this." "Yeah, we should bounce. I just wanted to wait and see if you made it." Justin nodded, setting the vinyl down. You felt kinda bad, this really messed up his plans. Or so you thought. Luckily his phone went off and he groaned, saying his mom was spazzing at him to come finish chores. "Thought she wouldn't be home for at least 5 more hours. Sorry to bail on you guys." "No, man, get home before she eats you alive." You smiled and waved at him as he hurried off. That was good. You didn't want to drag anyone else into this, especially not Justin. "...Okay, he's gone. Now what?" "We have you talk to that bot...but not here. It's not safe." Nathan was right. You needed and the three of you started for the door. However, you caught a passing comment as you drew close to the cafe. "Why on earth are the cook books next to the psychology books?" Oh god. You couldn't resist. "Because they're food for thought?" You said, loud enough for the stranger to hear. There was silence and then the stranger burst out laughing. It sounded like an older woman, and it was awfully familiar....

"My dear, that was simply wonderful! Hehehehaha!" Your eyes widened as none other than Toriel walked out of the cook book aisle. It HAD to be her. Human or not, it was obvious. She was extremely tall, and certainly looked to be as old as your grandmother, with long white hair and reddish brown eyes. She was still laughing when she saw you, and it seemed she didn't recognize you as you did her. *Now I see who I was really protecting by keeping you here.* You took a step back. Oh no, she really was the last person you wanted to see. Toriel laughter slowly turned to giggled and she smiled at you brightly. "That really was excellent, thank you for the good laugh, miss..." "Mom.." You instantly realized what you had said and covered your mouth, backing away further. You needed to make a break for the door. Toriel saw you glance at the door and put a gentle but stern hand around your arm. "(Y/N)? Is that you? If it is you need to talk to me." "I...I need to go. I'm sorry, I need to go." You tried to pull away but Toriel wouldn't let go. "My child, please.." My child. Ugh! Why was all this happening at once!? You couldn't handle all of this right now! You sucked in air through your nose and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to force your chest to stop feeling...weird. You were NOT going to have another break down. Not two days in a row. You had been doing so good...Toriel gently cupped your chin in her free hand and your eyes snapped open out of surprise. "Please. Tell me what happened. Why did you hurt us?" "....I can't. It will just hurt you more." And it wouldn't make a difference. Maybe it would to her and Papyrus, but everyone else? It had been 8 YEARS. The truth didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was that they hated you. The truth couldn't change that...right? "Nothing can hurt me more than knowing why my child decided to hurt us all. Can you at least tell me...did you mean to? Did you actively choose to kill us?" Why would she ask you that? There was no way knew she or even had an idea of what had happened. She couldn't. "How did you.." "A mother knows." Toriel sighed and suddenly pulled you to her in a tight embrace. "(Y/N), if you were forced to do it, you can tell me." A shaky sigh escaped your lips and you slowly hugged her back. "I will always listen to my children, even if it is something I don't want to hear. So please tell me, (Y/N), did you really want to kill us?" "...No." The minute your answer left your mouth Toriel hugged you tighter, kissing your head. "I knew it..i knew it. You were hurting, but not enough to.." She pulled away but kept you at arms length, kneeling down so she could better see you. "Please tell me everything." You could see Nathan waving at you from the door. You sighed and took her hands. "Mom, I can't. Not right now. I need to go." "...Alright. But know yu can tell me anything. I will never, ever turn you away. I love you." Your heart broke. You let go of Toriel's hands and backed away slowly. "I..I love you too, mom."

With that you turned quickly and ran to the door, grabbing onto Nathan and Natasha and pulling them outside with you. Nathan then led you to his car and you climbed into the back seat, buckling up. Nathan got into the drivers seat, adjusting his mirror. "So, uh...what was that all about." "That mom. Goat mom, I mean. Not Dee." You saw him relax. You had probably worried him when he had told you it was you mom. No doubt if it was your birth mother he probably would have walked back into that bookstore and beaten the shit out of her, not caring about witnesses. "No way, for real?!" Natasha asked you, looking back at you from the front passengers seat. You nodded and she leaned in more. "Well, what happened? Did she ask why it happened? Did you even tell her??" "...I told her that I didn't want to do it. Now she wants to know everything." Natasha smiled brightly. "And you're going to tell her, RIGHT? I mean, you HAVE to!" Way to put on the pressure Nat. "I dunno..maybe? But not until we deal with the murder." "(Y/N) is right." Nathan pulled the car out of the parking lot and turned onto the highway. "Somebody just followed her here with a gun, and you guys caught in a fire. Somebody is out to get you. Family drama can wait." "Thank you!" You gently shoved Natasha back to her seat and she laughed.



There's actually a reason why Toriel knows, but that will come later. However we're pretty close to a very important chapter, I would say 3-4 more and we're there. I really am glad you guys are liking this, it has been a lot of fun to write. I am a tad worried I'm getting some characters messed up but so far I haven't heard any complaints. I think this chapter will be it for now, see you guys again in a few hours!

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