Chapter forty eight: I want him dead, i want his family dead

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The song for this chapter is: Stronger than you

Gaster version :3

You looked around frantically, struggling. You were tied with rope, but the chair wasn't heavy, nor was it held down.

Hazel may think she's so smart, but she wasn't.

Biting your lip you continued to struggle until the chair fell over. you cringed, wrinkling your nose when you landed face first in a puddle of gasoline. It reeked. Taking a deep breath you continued onward. That was the hard part. Now you just began to roll over to the door, stopping once you reached it and began using your feet as best you could to push it open. Once you managed this, you realized you had severely underestimated Hazel.

She stood there, one hand holding Kent's while another held up a single, lit match. She had an insane smile on her face. "You crazy, crazy bitch." Her smile grew and she mimicked the words she had said to you back in the other timeline. "I admired you. How strong you are, I mean. Even after what happened, you never snapped at us or stopped being...I guess I wouldn't say happy, know?'s funny, finally getting to see you snapped."

With that she flicked the match to the ground and turned to walk away with Kent, not even watching as it lit the gasoline trailed, the hot flames heading right for you. You needed to get away from it, but with you still being tied to the chair there was no way you were going to do it in time. You struggled, thousands of thoughts running through your head. If you died they would get away with it. Hazel and Kent would just walk away scott free. Your grandparents would be heart broken. Your whole family would, mom, dad, Frisk. Oh god, Sans and Papyrus... The flames reached you as you managed to roll over just a little. The back of the chair caught fire, but the flames still licked at your hair and flesh, burning you. You let out a pained cry, squeezing your eyes shut-

And then the heat was gone.

"It's okay. You're okay.."


You opened your eyes and there was the monster in all his beautiful fire glory. Behind him was Gaster, who had taken a more solid form, you could see now where the brothers got their looks. Even Undyne, who was cracking her knuckles. "HEY, TRASH!" You glanced back to see Hazel and Kent pause, glancing behind their shoulders. Theirs eyes widened when they say the monsters. "ME AND THIS PUNK MAY NOT BE ON GREAT TERMS, BUT SHE'S OUR PUNK, DAMMIT!" As she spoke, Grillby was rolling up his sleeves, drawing the fire Hazel had started to himself for power. "This is the last life you will ever attempt to take." Hazel let go of Kent's hand, starting to run, but bones shot up through the ground, sending dirt and grass into the air. They boxed the two teenagers in and you felt someone lift the chair and set it down on it's legs, untying you. It was Gaster, his eye glowing a bright, flickering purple. He checked you for wounds and saw the back of your head. The glow from his eye turned into a small flame as the old skeleton growled, physically growled, pushing you behind him protectively. "(Y/N), stay behind me. We will handle these pathetic children." As he spoke Kent was doing his damnest to knock the bones down. You nodded, but..whispering that you could just barely hear caught your attention. It was loud enough for you to notice, but faint enough for you to question whether you had really heard anything at all. Turning your head you saw them leaving the locker room, which was already being engulfed in flames. The shadows.

Your friends.


Short chapter, but I promise the next one will be pretty long.

I'm also pretty sure the next chapter will also be the LAST chapter of this fic, and I'm stupidly excited. I have never finished a story before, so this is a HUGE step for me. Thank you all so much for giving me strength to do this, and I'm so happy.

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