Chapter thirty eight: A friendly warning

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The song for this chapter is: Judgement

Sans and Papyrus arrived to school a little early as usual, and he went over to his locker, his hands shoved lazily in his jacket pockets. He wasn't too excited for the day, in fact he just wanted this whole ordeal to be over. To live a decently normal life with his brother, his friends, and his girlfriend. So the sooner they dealt with this shit show, the better. "Hey Sans..." He glanced up to see Nathan walking over. Besides dealing with this ghost and murder stuff, sans hadn't spoken to (Y/N)'s friends much, it felt a but awkward.

"Uh, hey there buddy." Sans gave a lazy smile and leaned against the lockers. Nathan was just a little taller than Papyrus, and if anyone else were in Sans' position, they may have been intimidated. "What's up?" "Not much, feel we haven't properly introduced. So...I'm Nathan." He held his hand out and Sans grin widened. He pulled a hand from his pocket and used it to grasp Nathan's, a loud farting noise escaping from between them. Nathan's eyes widened while Sans laughed. "The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny, heh." "Oh!" Nathan snorted, covering his mouth as he laughed. "You got me good, hah! I can see where (Y/N) got her sense of humor, Comic Sans." Sans felt his face warm up just a little and he shrugged, returning his hand to his pocket. "Guess so. Anyway....thanks. For being there for (Y/N). It's a relief she has such good friends." "It's a relief you were willing to hear her out." Nathan replied, smiling slightly. Sans nodded silently and stared up at him. Nathan continued, "That whole thing...her SOUL shattering? That was because of the RESET. I think she was scared, scared you wouldn't believe her again...ya know?" "Yeah...Yeah I know.." Sans trailed off, thinking. Nathan was...nice. A real nice guy, with a good sense of humor and was good to his friends. Hell, if Sans hadn't come along, he could certainly see Nathan and (Y/N) possibly hooking up one day...and Justin had had the gall to attack him. Justin claimed he couldn't bear to attack (Y/N), but he had no issues doing it to Nathan? So what was it...was it because she woke up? Justin couldn't bear attacking someone who was aware it was happening, so he had to jump Nathan when the older boy wasn't aware? It made Sans' skin crawl, the little bastard. His expression must have showed it because Nathan's brow furrowed. "Hey, are you okay?" "....Sure buddy, sure. Just thinking about that little freak from last night." Speak of the devil, from the corner of his eye he saw Justin enter the hallway, talking with a smile to another boy with a similar fashion sense. Perfect timing. "Speaking of which, I'll catch you later. I got something to take care of." Sans waved goodbye to Nathan before walking towards Justin and his little friend, purposely catching Justin's attention. The kid turned white as a sheet.

Sans walked at a snail's pace and could just imagine Blooky cheering him on as if it were one of the races on his farm. He kept on his lazy demeanor, but there was an edge in his smile, a dangerous one. Justin tried to back away to run, but in a flash Sans was there, gripping his arm. "Hey buddy, I've been waitn' for ya. Let's go have a talk, I..wanna ask about some of your music covers." Before the freshman could argue or ask his friend for help Sans dragged him away, took one of his short cuts, and they were suddenly standing in a decently sized janitor's closet. Sans roughly shoved the kid against the wall and spoke, his eyes closed. "You...really are a dumb kid, huh?" His voice was lower than usual. Sans didn't think he'd spoken like this since the time he'd faced (Y/N) in the judgement hall. Man, his heart really had been broken back then. Now, he was going to break this kid's spirit. "S-Sans, dude, please..I wasn't going to do it, I couldn't-" "Ya sure about that?" Sans cut him off with a dark chuckle, his flesh dissolving, slowly this time to reveal the muscle underneath and then the bone. This was just a show, something to scare the kid, and it was working. " 'Cause got reason to believe that's a lie. In fact, I've been thinking that you might have killed my (Y/N) had she not woken up. And Justin? For your sake, that better not be true." Justin pressed himself against the back wall, trying to get more space between him and the skeleton. A laugh rumbled in Sans' chest as he watched Justin's feeble attempt. "(Y/N) is my girl, kid. She's one of the two reasons I wake up in the morning, why I even CARE about life anymore. I love her, and you? You were tryin' to take that away." The boy looked like he was about to cry, hah! Now that was a joke. "So, here's a friendly warning, pal. Something to think about before you lay another hand on her or any of her friends."

Sans stepped forward until he was right in front of the teenager. Justin stared down at him with wide, teary eyes as he shook like a leaf.

"If you every do that again, you won't have a future to worry about. Y o u r e g o n n a h a v e a b a d t i m e."


Sans isn't playing games.

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