Chapter thirty three: A giant family reunion. With monsters

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The song for this chapter is: Bring it in guys!

Not surprising to you or Sans, you SOUL was fine. This did startle your grandparents, Toriel, and Doctor Sanchez, though. You had just died. Your SOUL had totally shattered. Not only was it perfectly fine now, but it was filled to the brink with DETERMINATION. Sanchez wanted to run more tests, so you would be there for a few days. After mulling it over, you had no issue with this. figuring this would give you an alibi for the painting, and let your message settle, bite at the conscious of the one who didn't plan for the murder, and the one who didn't want to be involved at all. You sat in your hospital bed, Sans setting beside you, his feet hanging off. Your grandmother had spent the last five minutes trying to get more information out of you and Toriel about what had happened, however you told her it was best to wait until the others arrived. And you knew exactly when they did.



Que Undyne and Papyrus. You burrowed under the covers a little, eyes locked on the door. Sans reached out and held your hand tightly, giving you a reassuring smile. You knew he wouldn't let Undyne do anything to you, and neither would mom. The door slammed open and you jumped slightly. In walked Undyne. She had the appearance of a tan, muscular woman with long, blood red hair and an eyepatch. Behind her was Papyrus, who looked just as you remembered, blond haired and blue eyed. Behind him was Alphys, who was short and chubby, with blonde hair and blue eyes, Mettaton, who looked pretty much the same, but with a nice tan instead of metal, Napstablook, who was ghostly pale and wore all white. The last two was King Fluffybuns himself, much to your grandparent's horror as he kept his giant, fluffy monster body, and then in came a man with olive colored skin, messy brown hair, and he had snuck a cigarette into the hospital. You nearly shrieked. "BURGIE!" "Burgie?" Sans repeated, his brow furrowed. Burgerpants gave you a tired wink and finger guns. Yeah, he looked just as tired as he had UNDERGROUND. "Hey little buddy. I was getting worried, you hadn't messaged me in like, a week." The look on your boyfriend's face was both terrifying and hilarious. "You..kept in contact with HIM?" He jabbed a finger in Burgerpant's direction. You scratched the back of your head. "Well...yeah? He was really the only one I felt comfortable talking to after I got out of the UNDERGROUND, and he was was willing to listen..." "LISTEN TO WHAT?!" Undyne lunged to get into your face, but was blocked by Sans, Toriel, and Burgerpant's. "Undyne, please, listen to what (Y/N) has to say." Toriel begged, and looked hopeful when Asgore placed a furry hand on the royal guard's shoulder. That look faded when he said in a cold, authoritative voice, "Toriel, she killed our people. Why should we listen to anything she has to say?" Oh crap. Oh crap, oh crap. The air in the room was so tense it was almost suffocating. Your grandfather, being the ex military he was, seemed to show no fear as he got between you and your new visitors. Mettaton was recording the whole thing. No shocker. "I have no idea who any of you are or what the hell you're talking about, but if you intend to hurt my little girl, then I suggest you get out before I hurt you." Undyne almost looked impressed. Almost. However she got right in his face. "What happened, is that brat KILLED me and my friends. So step aside or I'll take you out along with her!" "...Those stories.' Your grandmother spoke up finally, looking at you and then Asgore. "The one's you told about falling UNDERGROUND....they were..true? Were they true, (Y/N)." Everything was moving too fast. You felt like you couldn't breath. You threw the covers off and climbed off the bed. Ugh, the floor was so cold. "...yes, Grandmama, they were. All the stories I told you were true."

"Undyne, Asgore...everybody. I know you're angry. You hate me...and I can't blame you. I don't think I can ask for your forgiveness either, despite what some people here might say." You glanced at Sans and Toriel. "But, please, let me tell you what really happened back them. That's all I'm asking." "She wasn't the one who hurt you all." Burgerpants added, ruffling your hair. He could sense how tense you were. "Trust me." "You knew?" Sans was very clearly not happy about this turn of events. "You knew this whole time and you didn't tell us?!" "Would you have believed me?" Burgerpants answered Sans' question with another question, taking a drag from his cigarette. Sans grew silent, giving the taller man a glare. He knew Burgerpant's had a point. Didn't mean he had to like it. Your grandmother looked at everyone and then at you. "So...these are all really-" "Yes, we are monsters." Toriel sighed, and as she did her human form faltered, slwoly fading to reveal the giant fluffy goat woman she really was. Burgerpants did the same, showing himself to be a acne covered, tired looking cat man, then there was Sans, your smol skeleton boyfriend. Your grandmother looked ready to faint, while your grandfather still looked ready to make Undyne catch his hands. "Monsters are real...?" She looked to you again. You nodded, trying to ignore the burning glare Undyne was giving you. Alphys was hiding behind her but Papyrus, having returned to his bony self as well, had taken his spot beside his brother. "They're you were really possessed by a ghost child named Chara and forced to murder an entire..species?" He motioned to Asgore and them. The minute that name left your grandmother's mouth, every monster except Sans, Papyrus, and Burgerpants froze. Papyrus most likely because he didn't know the implications of that name. You yelped as you were suddenly lifted off the ground by Asgore's large hand around your throat. He had fire summoned in his free hand and boy, if looks could kill. "You will not drag my child's name through the mud as an excuse for the pain you caused, human." Shit, shit, shit! Before anything more could be said, Asgore found himself kicked in the stomach by nonother than your grandfather. He was a tall, thin man, extremely forgetful in his old age. Due to this, he didn't look like much, but he once had his foot run over by a gas truck, and a plane door come down on his arm. This awesome old man had no fucks to give, and he would kill for you. Undyne went for him and that's when Toriel got in the middle of it all. "YOU WILL LISTEN TO WHAT MY CHILD HAS TO SAY, AND ANYONE WHO LAYS A HAND ON HER AND HER FAMILY WILL REGRET IT! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

The room grew silent. Burgerpants helped you to your feet and your grandmother pulled you to her, holding you tight. You really couldn't have hoped for things to go better, but you had hopes this wouldn't happen at fucking least!

You pulled away from your grandmother, shaking a little, and returned to the bed, crawling onto it. Keeping his eyes on Asgore, Sans climbed up beside you and let you pull him onto your lap. Undyne made a noise of disgust. "Traitor." "J u s t l i s t e n t o h e r." He replied, his sockets having gone hollow. Undyne stepped back slightly, having never seen him like this before. Papyrus let out a sigh. "Everyone, please! There is no need to fight here. Besides, (Y/N) is not in good health. She needs to rest. Please, just listen to her explanation." "Yes." Toriel said, her voice stern as she glared at Asgore. "There is no way she could know about Chara. So I don't care how you feel about it, but I need to know the truth." She walked over, taking a stand by your grandmother's side. Your grandparents seemed uncertain at first, but allowed it. "(Y/N), tell us everything."




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